The Mind God

139 Ghost Lord Arminos - Ancient King - Levels - Chapter 139

"Of course, please follow me"

After Three-Eyed Ghost Guardian turned it is back to Brion, he felt something weird, his energy pool and life did not belong to himself, and just after this feeling "Three-Eyed Ghost Guardian" turned into the dust, and then the dust he turned vanished without a sign.

Brion smiled as he kissed his point-finger and commented.

"Morsfulgur, always work on beings who are lower than me"

After Three-Eyed Ghost Guardian turned it is back to "Brion", Brion himself just used "Morsfulgur" to completely delete the creature from existence.

After the creature was killed Brion shook his hand and after he shook his hand five spiders in the size of "Lions" from the earth showed themselves.

These spiders were made up of metal and powered by the "Mind Power" energy,  Brion summoned them because he needed some kind of help, in this place.

He could not use his mind power to quickly search the place itself, this means that he has to have fun and create some kind of creatures to help himself.

After, he summoned and created the spiders, ordered two of them

"You will go right and you will go left, okay ?"

The mechanical spiders nodded by using their legs and then started to walk towards to right and left hallway.

Each one of these spiders was at the level of Planet Emperor, if there is no enemy at the level of "Star Master" they should be very well invisible in these places.

Brion thought.

After he sent the two of the spiders from the right and left the way he and the other three spiders entered from the middle.

The spiders were going from the forward and he was at the back,  as they walked, the way come to end a big throne-room showed itself.

The throne room was, pretty basic without any kind of separative quality from the other classic throne rooms, the room was empty at least it looked like that but Brion knew that this was not true.

Brion clapped his hand and sent "Mind Energy" around using his mind power,



After the handshake from the Brion, more than 20 creatures showed up, every one of them was flying in the air and they were woman looking creatures with white-clothes,

"Soul-Harvester – Ghost Banshee"

"Level – Planet Emperor"




"Banshee Lady"


These creatures were a little bit different than the "Three-Eyed Ghost Guardian", and Brion noticed that after these creatures showed up.

This time system itself did not show abilities, instead, it showed "Classes" this means that if "Brion" wants to know specific abilities of these creatures he has to command and order for it.

This is a little bit weird.

At that time Brion started speaking.

"I already killed the Guardian,  so please do not try to create problems for me, just tell me about the "anomaly" in this tower of some sort"

After Brion said these words, he noticed that he did not get a good response from the creatures, at that time he took a deep breath and thought


"Maybe, I have shown to the power of mine to them"

After this thought, Brion looked around and thought again.

"The builder of this tower is must a higher-level being than I or expert on "Barrier" and, "Building" Studies (Laws), Brion thought like this because he believed that this place he was at could block his powers"

With this thought, Brion again looked at the "Ghost Banshees" and took a deep breath, and used all of his energy mind power to show his power.


With the thought of Brion, the building walls started to vibrate and the power of Brion started to destroy weak parts of the building, at that time one creature showed itself, this creature was almost the same as the other "Ghost Banshees" but still different than the others.

"Ghost Madam"

"Level – Planet Emperor"


"Ghost Mage"

"Original Ghost Mage (Bloodline) – The Summoner"

At that time, Brion stopped using his power and looked at the newly arrived creature, after the creature looked at the power of Brion she started speaking.

"I believe that you killed the "Guardian", thank you"

Brion gulped and tilted his head, after just one second he got what this creature was trying to say.

"They are not originated from this place, they been kept at this place by the "Guardian"

Brion knew that level of the "Guardian" was at the "Star Master" just one level below himself, with his power it is not hard to keep these creatures here as a prisoner.

At that time, Brion nodded to the creature and spoke again.

"Could you answer me, I have to find the anomaly in this place,"

Ghost Madam, nodded as she started speaking, Brion had to say compared the creatures flying these woman pretty much looked the same as a beautiful human woman,

"This place belongs to a ghost-human hybrid named Arminos, he created this place for the wandering ghosts and ghost-type creatures at first, but he did not know about the in the depth of places, some kind of material was effecting his mind��

Brion thought and commented.

"A ghost-human hybrid that feels into the effect of something, what level he was at ?"

Ghost Madam walked towards to throne and spoke as she showed sorrow on her face.

"He was at the level of Ancient Lord"

After, Brion heard from the "Ghost Madam", the system started giving him information.

"Order 25 to Order 30 – (Int 250 to Int 300 or STR) – "Star Student Level 1 to 5"

"Order 30 to Order 35 – (Int 300 to Int 350 or STR) – "Star Master Level 1 to 5 "

"Order 35 to Order 40 – (Int 350 to Int 400 or STR) – "Star Emperor Level 1 to 5 " - (Brion) -

"Order 40 to Order 45 – (Int 400 to Int 450 or STR) – "Star Ancestor"

"Order 50 to Order 55 – (Int 450 to Int 500 or STR) – " Galaxy Lord"

"Order 55 to Order 60 – (Int 500 to Int 550 or STR) – " Galaxy Emperor"

"Order 60 to Order 65 – (Int 550 to Int 600 or STR) – " Ancient Lord"