The Mind God

133 Late Answer - Finalhound Dynasty ? - Chapter 133

"In a second thought, I changed my mind"

As Brion said these words he turned his back to Leyna and all the ship itself turned into the dust without any kind of existence, in the ship itself Leyna too vanished.

Brion decided that he did not need anybody for the time being and the fact that the woman was not answered himself made him angry, actually angry was not the right word, it is more likely an impatience,

Why would he have to wait for an answer from the woman who he can just destroy and gave a new life with his thought?

In the normal sense, a Woman had to answer him without any kind of waiting.

Brion then looked his around and then went back to his "Dimensional Room", this room was the room that he had been staying in when he has nothing to do in his free time, "Reincarnation-Room" was a little bit different room than this room.


In the Gilnor City – Black Castle Organization -


Lady Arisa was waiting for an answer from the Black Caste Headquarters, she was only a Branch Leader in the city of Gilnor.

She has no command on this particular subject, but before she had enough time to think about most of the things.

The answer came, when she was sitting on the inside of the room, three young-looking males entered the room, each one of them had black-clothes with different linings on them.

The Black Castle Hierarchy was pretty basic and it can be seen by the clothes of the member.

"Student" – One White Line"

"Official Member" – Two White Line"

"Captain" – Three White Line"

"Branch Leader" – One Gold Line"

"Secret Lords" – Two Gold Line"

"Guardians Of Black Castle" – Three Gold Line"

"Patriarch" – One Diamond Line with "L" word engraved into the clothes itself"

Arisa was a "Branch Leader" so she had one "Gold Lining" on her shoulders, but after she saw the people who came to her room she gulped a little bit, two of the younger men was at the level of "Secret Lord" and another one in the middle was at the level of "Guardians Of Black Castle"

At that Arisa came to her senses and got up from her chair and bowed her head.

The man in the middle just signaled nothing wrong and started talking.

"I am here to investigate the matter of the "Finalhounds" creatures, as I can see in your report, they are creatures that can work in packs and can use fireball-speel and fire-ring spell without making any effort to use it."

Arisa nodded her head and with a serious expression on her face started speaking.

but after I sent my spies around the Gilber City Outskirts, there are people and our spies who saw these creatures, this means that every knowledge given by the Purple Hat Wizard is true, I sent the report the "Headquarters" because I thought that if the Beast-Hut People know about these creatures they can try to tame them and use them against the Black Castle."

Avrian listened without interrupting the Arisa, and then he looked at the eye of the man on the right side of him and signaled him.

The man who was on the right side of the Avrian has understood the meaning of the sign and took a gold-lining from his bag and then went towards Arisa and spoke.

"From now on then with the words of the "Lord Avrian – Black Castle Guardian", you are a "Secret Lord"

As the man said these words he put the golden lining on the left shoulder of the "Arisa"

Arisa was happy, she was so happy that she was wanted to scream but she had no chance to do so, at that time Avrian looked from the outside and started talking.

"Frım now on then you are Secret Lord, so this means that you can know more things about the "Black Castle Organization" itself"

Arisa did not use any unnecessary words and just answered.

"Yes, my lord !"

Avrian nodded, he may look like a man in his 20s from the outside but in the reality he was much older than he was looking most of the mages at the higher level had different kind of different techniques to hide and slow their age,

After that Avrian turned her head to three Secret Lord, Arisa included, and started talking.

"I give three of you to the mission of finding more about the creatures named "Finalhounds", this is the first mission, the second mission is to use every power in yourselves and does not give any chance to beastmasters to tame these creatures, is there anything that can not be understood ?"

After Avrian asked a black aura, manifested itself, all of the Secret Lords including the Arisa shook their head and nodded showing that they accepted the mission.


Brion was in the clouds of Alkabran Dimension, he was at the top of "Gilnor City" eating a different kind of things in the clouds looking the humans from above, as his "Spy-Flies" are working in the city, the hearing different kind of things and blocking the unimportant things such as daily lives of the humans.

With this kind of power, of course, he heard what the Black Castle Organization thinking to do about his creatures "Finalhounds",

As time goes on these creatures will produce more and more, they will be a plague to people of the "Alkabran Dimension", At that time Brion thought about a different thing.

"I may watch and meddle with the dimension itself after the humans got destroyed by the "Finalhounds", I will be going to give a little bit of human-mind to Finalhounds and watch them improve and become sentient and strong beings like humans"

Brion nodded as he thought about this idea.