The Mind God

123 Investigating Tiny Robots - Chapter 123

Of course, this was not his thought he is not somebody who is going to think something like that, he just killed the three women because they were looking for trouble, he thought that if a person who has the power of mage looking for trouble, then they should have the mindset of that their life could be lost.

That was the only reason why he killed them.


Fiery did not understand, the customer just asked her a question if he would be get punished after attacking three water-mage from the Water Soul Organization then after she answered he just killed them with a shock of his hand.

Fiery was not a fool or inexperienced mage and a woman, she knows how powerful is the spell the man in front of him and which is her customer cast.

Killing three water-mage at the level of Continent Student – Level 1 only can be done by the people at the level of Continent Student Level 3, even herself could not kill them this easily.

She was still shocked because of the events unfolded in just ten seconds in her Inn.


The Fire-Mages from the Deep Fire Organization, are just awed, they are not experienced like the Fiery but they still understood some of the things or what happened.

The women from the Water Soul Organization came to this Inn to look for trouble and after they started yelling and creating problems the man they met just right now shook his hand burned them to dust.

They were scared and at the same time surprised, as mages they are trying to improve their power and life qualities, if they have this man as their master and teacher, they will be easily best mages around the Gilnor City

Only if they knew that if they became the students of the Brion, not only that they will be the most powerful mages in that Gilnor City, they will powerful mages in the all dimension.


After Brion ate his food and finished his drinks he made a sign to Bartender and Owner Fiery, after Fiery saw the sign she quickly came to his side, she was much more different than when she first greeted as a customer.

After she came she asked in a little voice, she sounded like she was scared of himself and worried about if she makes himself angry.

Brion just shook his head and smiled. After that, he spoke with a calm tone

"Thank you for the food, do this Inn gives and sells rooms ?"

Fiery quickly nodded and started speaking.

"Yes my lord, we do give rooms but I don't feel that rooms are good for a person like you to stay"

Brion nodded and started speaking.

Fiery nodded as she thanked for the words, for herself, and the students who listen to them the words of the mysterious mage is important and contained wisdom that they could not imagine in their wildest dreams.

After ten minutes later Brion rented a room for himself and paid for the food. The Fiery wanted to give the food for free but Brion is not a person who is going to accept eating for free in the morning the Inn has to earn something too.

Brion then entered his room and looked around, there is a double-bed a wardrobe and bathroom, and other things such as a table and chair for two-person.

After he entered the room he closed his eyes and started creating the investigating robots, he wanted a fast and small-sized, robots to investigate the city for himself.


"Intelligence – Above Human"







"Electrical Zap (Spell) (A tiny zap of electric could kill the humans and beings at the level of Continent Student Level 5 if used in high-amounts)

"Power Source" – Tiny Miniature Electrical Core (25.000 Years Of Life Time)

As Brion created his new investigating robot he smiled as he inspected the tiny robot.

He directly named it Fly-T1, because it was at the size of a fruit fly and it looked like a bug from the outside, if only the mages and other beings know this little robot at the size of a fly could kill the strongest beings in the dimension with it is power.

Brion just laughed after thinking about this and then, he created about 1000 of them and sent them around for the information he gave them pretty basic orders.

"Enter, everywhere secretly and locate every information, paper, suspicious beings, anomalies, and everything"

As he gave the order he understood that the 1000 Fly-T1 would not be enough for a city like this so he created another 10.000 of the Fly-T1 and finally send them to gather information for himself.

Brion then just looked the outside from his window and inspected people and the city


The city of Amberhill was built amidst the windy fields of gentle grasslands and is truly a leading-edge phenomenon. Its grace is matched by the backdrop of grand forests which have helped shape the city to what it is today.

The trade resources these forests brought were of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to architectural designs as the vast majority of buildings have been built with timber from those very same forests.

Brion thought about the city and how it built and looked like, before he was entered he did not think about this subject thoroughly.

After a little bit of thinking later, his mind wandered about the Anomaly in this new dimension. He wanted to know why the system gave him such a vague mission, the system only said find something different in dimension.

He may have to find about the difference in the very fabric of the dimension itself.