The Mind God

121 Fire Magic Inn - Three Students - Chapter 121

Brion already found the city in one day and then he started looking around.

There are people around who live their lives, children and young-lovers who was touring the streets.

It is still morning and there are people out there who are opening their shop and starting their lives, some of the men and women are drunk on the street walking with limping.

But it was clear that other people were already familiar with these people, the city ground was made up of stone and most of the people were happy.

As Brion searched around looked around he saw many things.

As there are people who were happy with their lives, there are people in dirty clothes eating from the leftover of inns and other food-places.

Brion did not care about these people, as long as they are adults, but he still felt bad about the homeless kids, as they were looking at the ground without any kind of emotion in their eyes, most likely hungry without any food.

Brion then kept walking and finally found a place to stay, the on the sign it was written "Fire Magic Inn"

Brion smiled and entered the Inn

There are not many people in the Inn only some people who wore guard uniform, they are most likely city guards who are getting ready for the day work.

As he entered a woman at the age of twenty looked at him and smiled with beautiful eyes, the Brion smiled too, this woman had red-hair with red eyes and a nice body, she wore a bartender outfit but still, it made her too beautiful to be missed.

Of course, this was not the only thing Brion noticed about the woman.

The Woman was not only a bartender, she was a Continent Student Level 2 (Order 2 ) fire mage too, something like this could not be hidden from the eyes of Brion.

After the woman looked at the Brion for about three seconds she started talking with a happy expression on her face,

"Please, mister sit where you want, I will be giving you a menu for today"

Brion smiled and nodded, he did not say anything and found himself a table in the corner, after sitting here he noticed that he could see the outside from the window.

Right now he was not using most of his power as he did not want to use his power all the time and sometimes wanted to feel like living a normal life without having any god abilities.

At that time the woman came to himself with a paper with foods and drink written on it. After Woman gave the menu-paper she started talking.

"Please, choose what you want to order and just make a sign to me"

Brion this tame talked.

"Thank you, I will be giving you a sign"

After that, he started looking at the menu, there are chicken-based foods and other meat types that he did not know much about, for the drinks this Inn had wine and beer.

This was an easy thing for him to do,

Brion then looked at the woman and made a sign with his hand, the woman came to his table and asked him.

"So, what are you going to order mister"

Brion then answered.

"I would like to have grilled-chicken and two cups of beer, and a salad"

The woman smiled as she heard that Brion was going to eat a lot and the Inn was going to earn good coins from the start of the day.

As Brion waited he noticed three-person entered the Inn, they all had red-robes on them, two of them was a woman and one of them was male, they did look young, they were only about 15 to 16, it could be said that they are teens.

As they entered the Inn, they sat on the table which is close to Brion, as they sat, the blonde woman started talking. She had blue eyes and it could be said that she was a good-looking teen young woman.

"I don't know how to pass the "Fireball" Exam, this is the first spell they are going to teach us"

The male one looked at the blonde young man and smiled. Then he started talking.

"All you had to do is practice when you are alone, try imagining exercises that teacher taught us"

The blonde young-woman looked at the male and started talking, the male was a handsome young-man with confident eyes.

"For you it is easy, not all of us had the chance to learn from a private-mage when we are young"

The male just smiled and nodded, at that time Brion started speaking.


"I don't think like that"

After Brion talked, the three friends turned their heads and looked into the eyes of Brion, the blonde young-woman inspected the Brion from the head the toe, then she smiled and started speaking.

"I don't understand, Mister"

Brion then showed his right hand then created one fireball at the size of a peanut, then he created three peanut-size fireballs at the same time and started orbiting them, then he looked at the eyes of a blonde young-woman and started talking.

"It is all about your magical power and practice, he may had his chance when he is young, but in the end, the only thing matters are what are you doing for the magic, the magic always good towards to people who pursue it into the fullest"

As the trio listened to the words of Brion their eyes were never fell of from three orbiting peanut-sized fireballs, everyone knows how hard to something like that, even their teacher has no power to do what this man is doing right now, at that time the woman who did not spoke until now started speaking.