The Mind God

117 The New Dimension - Farkors - Baskors - Chapter 117

As Brion started flying he stopped in the mid-air and started looking around, he looked at the trees creatures and the other things, he felt a little bit weird in himself.

"I got carried on"

Brion whispered to himself, He carried so much, he had to look at the things as mission and nothing more, he was angry but not angry because he could not save the Moon Humans from Labis Humans.

He was angry because his power got him nothing in the end.

At that time, the system started to talk to him.

"New Mission – Mission 2"

"Explore The Dimension"

"Dimension Adress – A2023452848037503-38639-49176-7254"


"There is something wrong within this dimension it is classified as Anomaly, find the anomalies and weird things report it to system"


"3 AB Points"

Brion felt good because he had a mission again.

This is the best thing he can do for the time being, because thinking about the Moon Humans and the mission he could not complete, making himself feel bad about himself.

With this new mission, he could escape from the fangs of failure from the before.

After he decided what to do, he did not wait too much, he is in his top condition with newly created powers and abilities, he has no reason to scare of anything anyway.

Brion closed his eyes then thought about the Dimension Adress and teleported directly to said dimension.


After about five seconds later Brion opened his eyes, and the information screen greeted him.

"Dimension Adress – A2023452848037503-38639-49176-7254"

"Dimension Name – Alkabran"


"Mission Limit – None"

"Punishment – None"

"Reward – 3 AB Points"


After Brion read the message he started to look around.

Everything he can see is just a sea of yellow trees, their size was five to ten meters and pretty normal, he was in the air and could see the far away, but the only thing he saw was just trees for the time being.

Brion then started flying, it was daytime and the dimension itself had two twin sun close to each other, as Brion started flying he started hearing some kind of noises, it did not make sense at the first but he started to get close to the sound he was hearing.

As he got close, he pinpointed where the sound was coming from, after that he started to look at the sound source and the beings.

There are three human-like beings in the color of gold, and they gold-colored eyes too, anything other than the color of them was no different than a human.

Two of them were a male and one of them was a young woman, they looked like friends and talked about some kind of animal that Brion at the moment did not know about.


The woman talked with a dissatisfied expression on her face.

One of the male ones whose name is "Arkaro" and who looked like a young man started talking with a happy tone.

"It is not much of a problem, as long as we have Veran, in the end, we still going to find the Baskors"

Veran was the other male one who was silent until his name was said. Then he talked after looking at the gold woman.

"Liles, you making things a little bit difficult, it is no problem, you know Baskors they are always timid creatures with specialized in hiding, the problem is if there are a pack of Baskors, there will be a pack of Farkors, that is the problem"

After, Veran talked, Arkaro and Liles gulped, the Baskors are bunny-like animals with black fur and sneaking capabilities, they form the pack and hunt other creatures with their magical capabilities.

They could shoot suppressed sound which is capable of cutting throughout the steel.

But they still could be blocked or hunted, but the Farkors are not the same, they are nightmarish-like monsters with two legs and two arms that they could use for running and catching up.

Their skin-color was blue and they had a wolf-head, their claws and strong physical capabilities made them a strong force to be reckoned with.

They had no magical capabilities but they did not need to, their power came from their reproduction abilities and immense advantage of physical capabilities.

They have a long-life span with smart intelligence and they will reach the maturity in about one week and every month a female Farkor can be pregnant with about four Farkor,

This means that every impregnated female Farkor will be going to create five to six Adult Farkor in just one month, after they are born they will reach the adult-body in just one week.

With this and their intelligence and physical bodies, their threat is the biggest for all of the dimensions.

They can be killed but it was no use, they will going to come back with many more large numbers.


Brion, took this all knowledge from the mind of the young people, he had no time to think or ask them about knowledge, after about three minutes, he took all information they knew, without needing to ask them or meddle with their business.

The region he is called "Gilnor" it was a small empire, who had thirty cities in total, the capital was naturally the city called Gilnor City,

the three young golden-human called "Hunters", these hunters could use some kind of different special abilities and weapons to fight against the other beings in the equal ground.

Brion did not care about their power because they were weak anyways.

As Brion started thinking he understood what to do against these creatures.

If gold humans cannot fight with them, he could just create a new race in this dimension to fight against the creatures and at the same time against humans too find about the anomalies in this world.

This plan was sounded too good for the Brion and because of that, he started flying to a place where nobody is and then started preparing