The Mind God

101 Deal - Ticket - Dust - Chapter 101

Brion had his guest on his newly-created garden

30 people were sitting on the chairs made of iron and wood, and in the middle of them, Brion was sitting on his chair with a smiling face.

He shook his hand then 30 robots each of them at the level of Order Five manifested from the house on the back started to walk towards 30 people with each one of them at wine on their hands

The people from the union gulped and looked at the humanoid robots made from some kind of metal they did not know that they were made from the titanium because of the differences between them and Brion.

After the robots served the drinks on the guests each of them started to look at Brion.

At that time, Brion started to speak with a stance that spread confidence.

"I am sure that most of you know who I am and which organization I created and founded. So I will be not speaking too much. I know that the reason you people visiting me is demons on the Deep Mountains."

All of the guests nodded and an old man with wrinkles on his face with a blue long cloak started to speak in a nice tone.

"Lord Brion, how do you keep that demon army in the Deep Mountains. Why they are not escaped and started to attack every human on the Cerberus Continent."

Brion nodded then answered.

"I have to power and ability to destroy them in one thought and keep them where ever I ever want."

At that time, a young man named Lelian from the Blazing Fire Organization yelled.

"Bullshit !"

The man on the side of the young man was a man in his middle ages and he was his father.

He gulped when he heard what his son said.

He did not expect that his son was this kind of idiot until now.

He was going to shut up him but, he was a little bit too late.

After a young man named and cut the words of Brion, Brion just looked at the blonde young man with a smiling face and shake his head.

After Brion shook his head the young man directly turned into the dust and he was banished from the existence just like that with one thought.

The robots then came and swept the remains of the dust of the young man.

The father of a young man named Lelian was did not know what to do but, everybody in the place just felt that they were scared deep in the bones.

The Lelian named young man was a little bit fierce and idiot, but he was still a fire-mage at the level of Order Five and he even created his fire-based new spells and a valuable asset and heir of the Blazing Fire Organization.

If this man named Brion could kill him easily with a thought they did not know what Brion can do to them.

After, Brion killed the Lelian he thought.

Brion then looked at the father of the man he killed then spoke.

"I am sure that you know what he did and he did deserve to die. Do you have a problem with it."

When Brion finished his words his smiling face turned into a blank face and sent shivers the bone of the father of Lelian.

The Father of the Lelian was a man who knows what to do and what not do to. He was feeling bad and sad because his son was killed directly.

But he understands the reason.

This man Brion was a strong man so strong that nobody here right now could even think to attack or look at him with a bad eye.

And his son just offended the man in front of all these guests.

If his son offended him in a one to one conservation he may not kill him.

But because he did need to restore his authority his son just made his move for his death. He could not say anything to the man.

"No, Lord Brion I understand it was his mistake"

Brion nodded then, suddenly he felt something in his brain was make him a little bad. He started thinking.

"Why I have to work with these people. I could just put them controlling nano-robots and they will be my slave after that I just control the planet and do whatever I want"

After this thought, Brion just smiled and shook his head then started to speak.

"So, is there is any question ?"

At that time, the man named Raska spoke.

"How are we going to kill the demons. If the lord has the power of killing demons easily why not kill them and finish these evil creatures"

Brion just smiled and nodded.

"This man is a demon-hater in the bones and he has a grudge with the demons"

Brion thought then answered the Raska.

"I have no interest in killing them or what they have as sources. But this does not mean that I don't want to destroy them, So their area belongs to me and I want to kill them and earn something too. So I just put the ticket on the Global Market and gave you and these people a chance to kill them."

Raska nodded and said no more, at that time the old man who first spoke, speak again.

"Lord Brion, my name is Viandir, I am the level of Order 10 and most powerful human on this planet. I have to ask for something if it is not problem for you."

Brion furrowed his brows then he nodded after that he thought.

"I know what he is going to ask, but I want to give him chance to speak"