The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 415

Temperament is about both internal and external cultivation, like Ye Ying's different opinions , Ye Jian smiled and deliberately folded her eyes back, saying that she forgot to take ye Ying's things. At that time, ye Ying's careful thought was clearly seen through.

I'm afraid that I'll come back from saying bad things about her. I just heard Wang Rui's feeling. No wonder she's so proud.

Ye Ying thinks too much of himself I've always been on guard that ye Zhifan, who personally sent his daughter to be an official in high school, has only a high school degree!

This person is her key guard!

Looking at the next time, a small meeting also took half an hour Xia Jinyuan shouldn't have waited outside.

I'm not sure if he has waited. After a few seconds, Ye Jian finally runs to the school gate.

After the sun took back the last ray of light, the sky was gray and white. Standing at the school iron gate, Ye Jian, holding the railing with both hands, looked at it again and again, and returned to the dormitory after confirming that she had no familiar figure.

She left easily. Before Xia Gongzi left, but after driving, he took a look in the rear-view mirror at the distant campus and saw that the iron door was closing slowly, so he stepped on the gas to leave.

When I got back to the hotel and parked, just about to enter the lobby, there was the sound of the car horn.

After didi twice, I realized that it was Xia Jinyuan who honked his horn and turned to look at the past.

"I thought I was dazzled. It turned out to be major Xia." President Cao stepped down from a black car that was about to leave the hotel. The open door didn't close immediately. In the residual sky and the light and shadow of the hotel street lamp, Xia Jinyuan just saw a figure of Qingzhuo, sitting on the other side of the seat with habitual indifference in elegance.

His memory is also good, especially as a special soldier, anyone who has paid more attention to people and things will write down. Although the people in the car haven't come down, Xia Jinyuan has recognized who he is.

Qin Xiu is the most brilliant son of the Qin family.

Xia Jinyuan knew Qin Xiu as a diplomat of the two countries. He was a soldier who was mixed with the staff in charge of the security of the national leaders, while Qin Xiu was the leader's interpreter.

Plus yesterday, it's two sides.

"Hello, principal Cao." With a casual body, Xia Jinyuan smiled and asked, "what happened last night bothered principal Cao. Unexpectedly, he took Ye Jian to the middle of the night when he was busy. It was inconvenient to go back to school. He could only stay in the hotel for one night."

Qin Xiuwei in the car moved, Ye Jian Qin Xiu's eyes slightly coagulated. It turned out that she helped the criminal police team to get "needles" in the vast sea of people last night.

It seems that not only do people look amazing, but they also have many skills.

Slender as the artist's hand flicked on his knee, Qin Xiu's mind flashed across a piece of glass yesterday morning, and saw the girl's face that seemed full of sunshine and made him amazing Well, the student is very patient.

Thinking that she accompanied him for more than 40 minutes at noon yesterday, there was no difference. Qin Wei's thin lips rose a little, very interesting little girl.

Qin Xiu didn't know Xia Jinyuan. In his impression, he didn't see Xia Jinyuan. He didn't know easily. He spent his time sitting in the car, blowing the air conditioner and waiting for the outside exchange.

"Not tonight. I have something to do here. I'll have dinner with President Cao next time to show my thanks." Xia Jinyuan didn't mean to settle with the son of the Qin family either. After a few polite words, he watched President Cao get on the bus.

…… In the evening, I'll find his little fox, and I won't talk about anything except the task.

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