The Military Female Soldier With Unwavering Stubbornness

Chapter 413

Xia Jinyuan looks at the slender figure in a hurry even more than himself with a smile, and slightly raises the corner of his mouth, wondering whether he will come in the evening or wait for her to finish class.

Waiting for her to finish class It's only 5:30 now, and it's only a few hours until 9:00. How can I feel like a stone looking at my wife?

The slim figure quickly converged with a boy, and then they hurried to the campus with their shoulders together.

The eyes of Xia Jinyuan squint dangerously all the time and walk a little closer. Do you want to mention it at night?

The little boy is not mature, but the little fox he likes is not mature, they are all green years Don't fall in love accidentally, he doesn't even have a place to cry!

The little girl who has been raising for more than two years dare not taste the fresh fruit. If other little boys not only taste the fresh fruit, but also pick the immature forbidden fruit He will spit blood.

Looking back on their high school life, the young masters in Beijing are all familiar early. As soon as the "fertility function" can be used, they immediately find a clean and beautiful young lady to play with.

Today's little boys are much braver than before! I haven't grown all my hair. I've got all my problems!

No, we need to remind the little fox to do it. We must put our eyes high and then high again. We must not be confused by the young boy who is still wet.

In the campus, Lu Xin saw a piece of camphor leaves falling from Ye Jian's shoulder hair. He looked up and tried to take them off. The movement of Ye Jian's side was faster than he raised his hand, flashed to one side and said with a smile, "I have leaves in my hair?"

"Camphor leaves, there are many camphor leaves in our school. They often fall into girls' long hair." It's not the best result, but Lu Xin, who can be the monitor and has high EQ, immediately thought of something and explained: "our boys often help girls take out the leaves in their hair, you Don't mind.

Ye Jian smiled and said naturally, "I thought it was a bug. I was scared." This is how to get along with the students. It can't be said that she doesn't like anyone close to her and has some seemingly intimate contacts.

"There are insects, but it's spring, later..." Lu Xin didn't rest assured that everyone was getting to know each other at the moment. Just now, he was a bit rash.

What's more, beautiful girls like Ye Jian, who have good grades, at least have their own principles.

Xia Jinyuan looks at this scene in his eyes, and the sexy thin lips have been smiling and bending for a long time.

His little fox still has principles.

At least I'm still not used to having a little intimate contact with other boys under normal circumstances!

Looking at the school gate where there is no little fox, Xia Jinyuan, who is waiting outside the school, receives Xia Yiwei's phone call and continues to stand under the shade of the tree. Junmei answers with a smile, "there is no command for a strong woman."


In the headmaster's meeting room, President Cao held the copied documents to indicate that the teachers could pass them around by themselves. There were also many teachers' meetings during the opening period, and all the teachers attending the meeting were headteachers of senior two and senior three.

"Social practice activities have been carried out in an all-round way since this year. The first middle school of our province has taken the lead, and the seven first class senior high schools have concentrated on military training. This document is the fax I just received. The Provincial Education Bureau has decided that there should be a social practice activity in senior two and senior three this year, and it should be included in the compulsory course, and its results will be recorded in the student status file as one of the students' Graduation conditions. "

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