The Master's Master Can't Be a Mortal

Chatper 1496

in a blizzard.

The mysterious woman\'s body has been covered with ice and snow. As the snowstorm increases, this area is covered up, and no one knows that there is a woman under the snow.

Deep under the snow.

The mysterious woman\'s body doesn\'t seem to have changed, but the internal power is gradually gathering, making the inside of the body quickly become a fossil state.


A ray of light flew out from the mysterious woman\'s Tianling cover, fell into the Tianyuan Sea area tens of billions of miles away, and submerged into the body of a man with a Celestial Emperor cultivation base.

"Strange, what happened just now?"

The man looked around and scratched his head again, but still found nothing, so he had to go to the room, pushed open the door, and saw the newlywed wife on the couch.

"Ma\'am, I\'m coming too!"

This Heavenly Emperor and the woman who is also the Heavenly Emperor double cultivation, successfully completed the seeding of life.

a few days later.

"Oh, my husband, I have it!"

"So soon? Great!"

The newlyweds are very happy.

They didn\'t know what kind of junior they were about to cultivate.


Spring is here and everything is revived.

At this moment, the Thousand-faced Demon Lord, following the induction in his heart, came to the northern icefield of the Shenzhou Continent. According to the guidance of the Thousand-faced Magic Mirror, he stood on a snowdrift.

"I searched for a month, but I still can\'t find it, and I don\'t know when I will find it, alas!"

Thousand-faced Demon Lord complains.

At this time, there were two monks fighting nearby, both of them were practitioners at the level of Heavenly Emperor.

"Do you have a sense of public morality, didn\'t you see me resting here?" Thousand-faced Demon Lord scolded.

"Senior, sorry!"

The two heavenly emperors discovered the Thousand-faced Demon Lord, and although they didn\'t know him, they could feel the holy-level aura coming from the other side, and they were so frightened that they ran away.

The two gods escaped.

However, the aftermath of their battle remains.

All the snow and ice near the Thousand-faced Demon Lord melted, turning into a huge lake in a radius of hundreds of miles, but at first glance it was all water and nothing.


However, the Thousand-faced Demon Lord suddenly discovered that under the ice surface at the bottom of the lake, a strange black shadow appeared, and he quickly escaped into the water and came to the sky above the shadow.

Then, the Thousand-faced Demon Lord was shocked.

He found that there was a frozen corpse less than half a meter below the ice surface. It looked like a graceful and beautiful woman, exactly the same as the one Ye Feng was looking for.

"It\'s here!"

The Thousand-faced Demon Lord said in shock.

If it weren\'t for the melting of the nearly 100-meter-thick ice layer above, he really couldn\'t find the corpse of the woman who didn\'t emit any breath.


The Thousand-faced Demon Lord smashed the nearby ice cubes and dug the woman out of the ice, but did not melt the ice and snow that wrapped the woman\'s surface. First, he checked the surroundings to make sure that nothing was missing, and immediately flew to Misty Peak.

After half an hour.

The top of Misty Peak.

Ye Feng looked at the mysterious woman\'s corpse lying quietly on a stone platform and touched it with her hands, and found that the woman\'s surface was still the same as before her death, but the internal organization had lost all its origin and became a fossil.

"how so?"

Ye Feng was quite surprised.

The future he deduced came true. The Thousand-faced Demon Lord did find the mysterious woman, but the other party had already died so badly that he even turned into a fossil.

"Hey, something\'s wrong!"

Ye Feng suddenly frowned.

This mysterious woman\'s body did die naturally, but before she died, the power in her body was swallowed up by something, and it all disappeared.

This situation is very much like a cicada molting.

"Is this man alive again?"

Ye Feng thought of this.

Assuming that the mysterious man was before the Demon Race (end of this chapter)