The Marquis' Lost Mistress

Chapter 4

As she headed home, Leila pondered about what had happened at that time.

‘If I didn’t have a relationship with Theon back then…’

How could she make such a choice while she was sick, no matter how much she loves him?

‘No. If only I didn’t go to the park that day!’

If she hadn’t gone there, she wouldn’t have made her body ill in a foolish way, and she wouldn’t have forgotten to take her medicine because of the pain.

Even if she had been ill for other reasons, she would have wanted him, longing for love to alleviate her suffering.

But no matter how much she regrets it, it is of no use. The past is irreversible.

The child in her womb would not disappear, and she had to overcome this problem alone.


Leila stopped walking.

Why does she think she’s alone? She wasn’t alone.

Wasn’t there someone closest to her who could help her?

‘Why didn’t I think of telling Theon…?’

If there is a child in a woman’s womb, isn’t it natural for the child’s father to know?

But why couldn’t she remember Theon?

The reason was simple. Because Theon wouldn’t like it.

‘Because Theon is also an illegitimate child.’

A man named Theotron von Karsha was the illegitimate son of the former Marquis Karsha. He was born an illegitimate child and became a marquis.

It was evident that his life was not easy. Leila knew a side of his difficult past.

So, of course, she thought that he would not want an illegitimate child like himself.

‘No. Everything is just my guess.’

Theon married his current wife in order to become marquis.

“It’s a common contract marriage. Do not worry about it.”

Didn’t Theon tell Leila this directly? However, nobody knows if it’s true or false.

But to be precise, they have been married and have not had children in over five years.

Maybe, yes, maybe he’d be happy. He might be hoping that Leila will have his child.

Theon never told me he wanted to have children. But, he never said not to have it either.

There are not many precedents for a nobleman who could not have an heir to have an illegitimate child through a mistress, adopt the child and raise him or her as an heir, but there are still quite a few.

Even after thinking that way, her heart did not lighten up. The lump of stone that was pressing on her heart did not disappear.

Why? Why is she so afraid of being pregnant?

No, why did she drink the drug in the first place saying she would not have children?

“Leila the marquis’ mistress is here!”

Like lightning, the words she had heard at that time rang in her head and ears.

Leila covered her mouth with her hand, feeling nauseated.

“What’s this…”

Unclear words came out of Leila’s mouth, which was blocked by her hand, along with a smirk.

“I’m actually… aware.”

That I am just a mistress.

Otherwise, if she really thought that she was not just a mistress and believed in Theon, she wouldn’t have taken the drug in the first place.

Like any other woman, she would have been delighted to hear that she had a child and went straight to the child’s father.

‘I’m so stupid.’

Both male and female nobility openly had misters and mistresses, however, they were usually reluctant to have children with their mister or mistresses.

A mistress was nothing more than a nightmare for the nobility, and it was natural because they valued their lineage very much.

Leila’s child is nothing more than a mistress’ child. It was an illegitimate child.

An illegitimate child who will cause a lot of controversies just like Theon did in the past.

Although she had denied and had turned away, her subconscious had been aware of the reality which was why she had taken drugs to avoid having an illegitimate child.

Tears streamed down Leila’s eyes.

“You are the one and only precious person to me.”

“Just wait for me. The day will come when we will be together forever.”

“Sorry for always being busy. Sorry for leaving you alone. But, will you understand? I want to build up my strength as soon as possible. That way, I can confidently put you by my side.”

She wanted to believe the words Theon had told her.

She had thought no. No matter how much the world calls her a mistress, she was not one.

She had thought that he was the one she truly loved and that he and she had come a long way and met late.

In the distant future, when Theon had fully established himself and no longer needed his wife’s help, she had no doubt that he and herself would truly be united.

You’re not like a mistress. She had believed so. She had believed his words.

‘Theon, what should I believe?’

People call me a mistress, and you tell me to trust and wait, but what the hell is the truth?

Leila, who was bursting out laughing like a crazy person, slowly moved her feet.

What is clear is that Leila is the mistress of the marquis.

As long as the marquis was married, even if he truly loved Leila, that fact remained the same.

Why is Leila the only one who cannot acknowledge this simple fact?


There is no excuse for the foolishness of a woman named Leila.

Although she is from commoners, she received a high-quality education with her father’s wealth, and inherited excellent culture from her mother, a noble aristocrat.

But there were a few things that could have contributed to her being so stupid, though not an excuse.

Growing up between an absolute and patriarchal father and an obedient mother was the primary cause.

Instead of learning to navigate and overcome crisis, she learned to obey, to obey, and to rely on those in power.

In addition, since her parents died and everything she had was taken away in vain, her remaining willpower could have been lost.

The circumstances that followed also played a part in making Leila foolish.

“Be my mistress. I promise you that I will give you a life as luxurious as when your parents were still alive.”

“I was sent by Count Tesla. Let me tell you bluntly. Be the count’s second wife.”

“Are you Leila? What a waste of the title of the most beautiful woman in the capital. Even though I am a commoner, aren’t you just a commoner as well now? How about it? If you attend my night, I will pay for it so you won’t regret it.”

The title of Elantre was taken from her as ordered by the Imperial court when the property was in the process of being inherited, and the funeral had not yet been completed.

Meanwhile, countless men came to Leila and terrified her.

Old, ugly, fat, ugly-eyed men were raising their voices to buy her.

With the beautiful appearance she inherited from her mother, shiny platinum blonde hair, and blue eyes reminiscent of a lake, Leila was too beautiful.

Unfortunately, there was no more fence to protect the overly beautiful Leila.

Leila was confronted with the ugliness of the world her parents had covered her from.

“Do you want to be a countess? What does he want? You don’t have to do anything.  All you have to do is talk to His Majesty.”

Even the emperor, who was over 60 years old, sent someone to her.

If only there had been more passionate courtship, Leila might have accepted.

At this point in time when her parents had just died, Leila was mentally precarious and needed someone to lean on.

However, the young, handsome and courageous men could not find Leila.

This is probably because those with authority who have accumulated wealth and power over a long period of time blocked their way.

Trespassing attempts were frequent in the house where she was staying alone. There was even a time when she almost got kidnapped by the side of the road in broad daylight.

It must have been the men who were blinded by lust who thought that if they had Leila’s body somehow, they would be able to get her.

There was nothing that could protect Leila. The situation was no different from that of a thornless rose in the middle of a field.

“Oh, Leila. You poor thing.”

When Leila finally lost her home and was left alone, her godfather came.

A longtime business associate of his father, he, like his father, was from a commoner and a nobleman.

“Even though I have little and my strength is weak, I can become a home to protect you.”

For a long time, Leila had been deprived and insulted without even having the time to mourn the death of her parents. She was so tired.

She was only 16, and had just become an adult. She grabbed his hand at once, didn’t even have time to think deeply.

“Thank you. Thank you, Mister.”

It was said that whoever is protecting her would likely suffer from those in power who want Leila.

They’d surely annoy her godfather to convince Leila to be theirs. She didn’t know if he could be maliciously harassed.

Still, Leila was grateful and thankful to him for having her back.

Not only that, but Leila was grateful to her godfather for helping her think about how to inherit the property and title that was left by her parents.

It was very natural for Leila to trust her godfather.

“M, Mister?”

Thus, when something unimaginable happened, because she had truly believed him, Leila couldn’t do anything but call him.

Not surprisingly, the one who stood by her side after her parents died, and who was willing to reach out, came into her room late at night to untie her robe.

“Oh, Leila. Don’t be surprised.”

Said the godfather with a smile. That smile was so creepy that it was truly astonishing.

“Isn’t there a saying in the world about equivalent exchange? If I protect you, feed you, put you to sleep, and clothe you, you will pay the same price.”

“W, What are you talking about!”

“I think you know it well because you inherited the blood of a merchant. What…”

The godfather, a stumbling abomination, strode over to Leila’s bed.

“If you don’t know, why not learn from now on?”

Leila, who had been covering her body with both hands clutching the blanket tightly, got up from her seat.

And ran away.