The Magus of Genesis

Episode 7 Original Magic / True Names

"How did he do it !?"

"Wow, I do not understand."

When I stabbed my head like I embarked on my own, I shrugged my shoulders like I was frightened and stared at me.

Sorry. Did you surprise him? "


Have you been surprised quite a bit, Ai hit his chest so as to hold down the heart.

Even though I got used to it a lot, it is a terrible dragon figure.

It will be so if you approach us suddenly.

I forget to forget about myself because I can not see my figure, but I have to be careful.

"Calm down, let's check in turn. First of all, can we stop it? "


Along with the nodding of Ai, this leaf moving with Picopico stopped moving.

"How about moving it again?"

"Er ... ....Here it is, is it OK? "


Looking at the leaves of trees moving again, I unexpectedly let out the breath of admiration.

"So! Tuesday I said I'm leaking! "

"Oops, sorry"

- Crap! I will burn the house I made! What? "

"No, I am sorry"

I apologized to Nina who was angry with Preprize with his hand on his back.

"But Nina, this is a great advance in magical history. It is unreasonable to get excited. "

"What, you can do it even for me that much"

When Nina clasped his hand, branches of trees came in through the window while making a sound with a bushi. Tear off the fruit of the water apple that is attached to that branch, and Nina bite it as if he had been defeated.

"Eye, can you do the same?"

"I will finally see it."

Put your strength in the vicinity of the eyebrows and show the gesture as if the eye reminds me something. Then the branch that Nina had drawn into the room was awkward but slowly began to move. Even with the same magic, accuracy seems to be wrong with NANA, which is accustomed, and Eye which I first moved.

"Can you explain how I am doing now?"

When I asked, Ai had a troubled face again.

"Er ... ....It's like... Like that.

As if to show something, she moves his hands and slowly shoulder drops.

"Sorry, I can not say ..."

"No, do not be sick. I am the same thing that I can not explain well. "

The sense of magic is like being told to teach how to move the arm, it is something I often mind knowing in words that it is extremely difficult to explain.

However, there is a point that the magic that Ai used is definitely different from that of me and Nina. That is, it is not inherent.

Even if you do not know how to use it now, it can be said that it is a very great step by the fact that you can use it.

"Well then, eye. How is this one? "

I pinched my fingertips and put out a flame with great care.

It is not from the mouth, but from the fingertips.

"What, did you do that !?"

"It is only recently"

If it is my magic to create flames, is not there any need to be from the back of my throat? Suddenly I thought of such a thing.

Of course this is not a magic etc. It is also equipped with a bag filled with gas in the body and if you only ignite and blow as necessary, you can not do such a thing.

But the magic of this world is truly magical itself. It is similar to the combustion reaction of the world I was in. If it is, will not you be able to fire even from other than the mouth?

Thinking that way, it was much smaller than spitting from the mouth, but it was able to fire even from the fingertips.


Eye gazes again at the eyebrow and gazes at the pin and the standing fingertip.

Me and Nina take a breath and watch over it, but one minute stands by the bodily sensation, even if five minutes passed, even enough, even flames or even sparks did not appear.

“I’m sorry”

"No, no, I do not care. It is totally different in fire and wood and it probably will not be convenient for you. "

Comfort it with a gentle tone as possible to the eye which drops your shoulders sharply.

If it is true I would like to hit one shoulder, but with the clawed hands I might scare her again. The body of a dragon is also a daunting thing.

"Hey, which one, then?"

Ninna listened to such a thing.

"Which one, what is it?"

Her eyes are still watching my hand.

/(int) there! (used to call someone's attention to something)/ Fire. As it is part of you, is it a creature? Or matter? "

...ah. This is...It's energy, "

Well, how did you explain?

While trying to draw my thoughts, I tried telling me without twisting too much.

"Enjoyable ... ..."

"Eee, Rui ..."

Because they are loanwords again, they seem strange and they repeat the words.

I also thought whether it would be power, work, or reason, or to unite in Japanese, but I think that it will sooner or later be lost. Rich vocabulary in Japanese is because we took in love languages ​​positively. If you become a stage to teach characters you may be bothered again, but there is no other choice but to accept it.

"Energy is neither a creature nor a substance ... ....It is a force that works on things without shape. [たとえば] /for example/for instance/e.g./

I put both hands side by side of Nina and pick up with the latest attention so as not to catch the nail.

"In this way, it is my strength to lift Nina ... ....This is why the ground will always pull us down because the power is working.

"Do not use me for explanation without permission ... ...Something good, though. "

Like a cat landing on the floor without sound, Nina inflated his cheeks. Is it because the elves live on the trees, or is this a kind of magic, even from surprisingly high places I can fly off. He seemed to like the high place itself, and there was no appearance that he did not get angry as he talked to the teacher without permission.

Help?Enthusiastic "

"In the case of flames, it's light and heat. Is it dazzling and warm? Both of them are kinds of energy, together they say flames. "

While describing, I feel uncomfortable. It is because Ai listens very hard with my lecture which does not seem to be explained. My specialty is the occult in the original world, and science only knows about basic education. I was confident that I could not explain when I was thrusting any further.

"Enjoy ..."

Fortunately, Ai gently closes his eyes without pursuing any more, and muttering something in his mouth.

ai Oh, never mind.

I held suspicion in the state of Eye and tried to look into my face, that moment.

/(int) Wow!/Holy smokes!/Aaargh!/O my God!/oops/oops


Me and Nina screamed at the same time into the flame that stood up from her palm.

Is there about four meters? It is a house made to size that I can relax relaxed than I have two people. It was an elongated huge flame that could reach the ceiling.

"A little, eye! Turn it off! - [ Both Laughing]

"Eh, oh, how, how, what?"

"Well, how about with this!"


Both of us had been swallowing the flames that Ai brought up impulsively in the midst of confusion.

My body did not feel the heat of the flame, and it was based on the judgment that it would never fire if it was put in the mouth at least.

"...- Yeah, yeah.

As a terrible feeling, Nina asks.

Fortunately, it seems that the flame that Ai had released went through safely by swallowing.

- I'm good.- It has to be an act of...

What's going on Duke?

Where does it hurt? Or is it painful? "

I wonder why he had a very weird face. Nina looked at her face, looking at her face. As you can see, Eye trembling with its face turned pale.

- No, no, no, no. Because there is no problem, they both feel secure. "

I instinctively put my fingertips on the shoulder of the two people, I feel relieved as they relieved.

"Aye, could you try out another flame again?


"It's okay. Because I only have to eat again if there is a problem "

Especially in a light tone of voice, Ai nods for consent.

And when I closed my eyes the same way as before, I showed a flame on the palm of my hand.

I wonder if she was careful about her this time, it is a fireball with a size that is much cute compared to the previous one.

「……After all, is that so? "

I am convinced by seeing that flame.

"Nina, please touch this"

- I don't know what you're sayin'.

"It's okay. It is not very hot. "

I hold the palm of my hand in the flame of Ai.

"That's because you are a dragon!"

Which would put us...Really, it is not hot. "

Eye that goes on and on. She should have noticed it when she does not have fever as she is carrying a flame on the palm of her hand.

Look at me, Hen!You can not even burn a tree leaf. "

If you break the branches of the tree and show them in the flame, the flames will only flicker without burning to the leaves of trees.

「……You're right! You're not hot.I do not mean, but it's lukewarm. "

Fearfully holding her hand in the flame, Nina is like that.

The body of the dragon will not burn with flames, but it does not mean it will not feel fever. Rather if you get used to it you can know the temperature much more accurately than a human being.

The flame that Ai made was quite cold as I said. It is the temperature of lukewarm water.

"Indeed, I gradually understand ..."

When the flame explained to something earlier, I did not tell you important things.

It is a scientific oxidation ... ...That is, it is a combustion reaction.

The reason why I did not explain was that there was not enough scientific knowledge that I could explain simply, but as a result the flame created by Ai was just a mass of heat and light that did not have oxidation ... ...In short, it was "just what looks like a flame".

In other words, things that are created by magic are greatly influenced by how magical things perceive them.

And what does it mean to recognize?

"Can both of us move that tree?"

I ask two people to point to another tree different from the one entering the window.

Eye and Nina tilt his head but turn his hands toward the tree ----

And I saw that only the tree branches that Nina aimed at moved, I got confidence.

"Ai, let me tell you"

As I say it, I will tell you what I will say. This is because I can not say it in Japanese. Fortunately I become an elf language, is that okay?

"The name of this tree is called a fuji."


As Ai repeats the words, the branches of the tree that she turned hand trembly.

It is evidence that her world is now spreading a little.


The magic of this world was made of a name.