The Magus of Genesis

Episode 3 Inheritance

Purple is an elven warrior who blooms a purple flower as its name, fighting with thorns. I met him as a fighting opponent with her serving as an elderly guard, but now he is meeting me as a good friend.

"Recently, he is free. - Yeah, that was your fault.


As I broke up with Mr. Yellow Green, Umbrella said such a thing.

"I've been silenced by someone like a giant or a giant. Purple 's work was to make people glare at those things, but I do not do it because I've grown quiet for about a hundred years. "

/(adv) (1) very/extremely/(exp) (2) that is/Well it is a good thing to be peaceful "

Both people and giants are extremely militant tribes, and they are attacked without any particular reason. Although Heiro village was also raiding several times, I managed to fight back with me and Nina, and by patherly negotiating it somehow I am in a state of armistice.

"Peace hey ... ....As ever, you do not understand what you do not understand. Oh, it was pure. "

Until I called back as to why I was not sure why, ultramarine waved my hands.

"I am listening to the story. Go Ahead

Purple is saying that with her soft tone, it is her house. It showed me in a gigantic tree cave. Elves find out about the events in their forests with the whispers of the trees. Perhaps he knew what we came and for that purpose. On the table, a number of people were prepared for the cup.

"Should I teach the treatment of the sword?"

"That's what it is"

To purple Mr. Purple who drinks cold water that seeps through the whole body and cuts out at a place where I got a breath, I told the things that I had thought of while listening to the story of Utami a while ago.

"If you do not mind, could you come to our village by purple himself?"

“I do?/(exp) (pol) indicates question/(P)/

It probably was an offer you would not mind. Purple blinked at surprise.

「Yes。 I thought if you could tell me not only the sword but magic with Nina. "

Even if I can cut the meat cleanly, I will not make that pasture in the village. If so, you must study livestock independently on your own, but it was in a state of lack of current status.

Many children have a lot of children. There are at most tens of people taught by themselves. There are only two teachers, me and Nina, for hundreds of children. Although I teach it separately on the date and time, I do not have time to do research very much.

I had consulted with Nina several times before that I had to increase the role of teachers in preparation for the children who will further increase in the future. On that point, I think that if it is Murasaki, it is qualified.

「……Surely I am also interested in teacher's school. "

Murasaki answered after thinking after a while.

"But I am the defender of this forest. We can not come out of the forest alone with a keen interest alone. "

"Even so, have you lost to the monkey?"

Although Umbrella points out that it is sparse, Mr. Purple nods without the wind which damaged her.

Yeah. If you are trying to learn that strength, you will get permission. But it is hundreds of years since then. I know that the life of a human child is not so long. Is not he already alive? "


Clasp the stone ornament of the chest, I nod. Even now I remember that time, I end up crying.

"You, you are free anyway, is not it good?"

"It is not such a problem"

Purple shook his head to the words of Umino.

"Umbrella may come but"

"Do you absolutely disgust?"

While recommending to purple, if you shake the story, the ultramarine buddly replied like normal. Well she is that kind of guy, I can not think that it is suitable for teachers. ... ....If so, I have never seen the use of magic by U.S. Perhaps it is like to grow blue flowers or leaves.

"If you come here and teach the sword anything is fine."

「Thank you very much。 I will let you know if there is a chance. "

I will drink the water and lower my head. But whether there is such a chance. In my case, if you fight you are better off hitting the battlefield back to the dragon figure than using a sword.

"I do not know well"

At that time I was about to return, it was Yuuki who raised a voice.

"If you are stronger than Mr. Murasaki, will you become a teacher?"

「……I am also aware that the teacher is strong. I will not be able to compete if it comes to its original form. ... ..../(conj) but/however/(and) yet/nevertheless/still/still

If purple shivers his arms, thorns will grow in their hands and become swords.

"The strength is the strength I had born. It is the strength of the dragon because it is a dragon. It is different from what I want. A sword is technology. What to polish after birth. I want to pursue it, child of men. "

Darga was also born a strong man. But I won Mr. Purple because I learned magic under me. He would have been defeated at the time he met me.

Yes please. /(conj) if it's the case/(P)/

Yuuki pulls out the sword he lowered. It was a sword made into a blade by putting a stone in a wooden blade, which was contained in a sheath made of wolf lion leather.

It is neither a spear nor an ax but a sword. That family whose family is called the swords department. Besides, I suddenly breathed.

"If I win, is not it?"

In Yuuki 's words, purple' s eyes are narrowed down. A smiling smile disappeared and she overlooked the appearance of Yuki as if to price.

Speaking height, Yuuki's back is only around the purple's chest. It is clear that she is an underdeveloped child even if there is a difference in race, purple sanctified my eyes like asking its intention.

I wonder if Nina predicted this to happen. She was supposed to bring Yuuki to this forest which I intended to come alone by myself.

If so, you have no other choice.

"Take care not to get injured"

I told each other so.

"Yuuki is so strong"

* * *

The two hold each other with a sword.

Yuuki who holds a shield of thorns in a plate shape and holds a small sword of a stalk with a sharp tip and a wooden sword with a stone in between. Body and equipment are totally different, but their appearance was somewhat similar.

"Then I will stop when I think that the game is winning, so at that time I will draw a sword. Especially Yuuki, do you? "

/(int) yes/yeah/uh huh/(P)//

Yuuki nods well, but she is a little worried. However, it is mine that acknowledged this game itself, so we can not stop it now.

So in this regard,BEGIN

Along with my signal, it is Mr. purple who moved first. A thrust of speed like thunder light stretches incredibly by being released from a long arm. The distance that I thought was safe enough was packed in an instant, and that blow aimed at the hands of Yuuki.

"I am fast!"

At that moment, leaving only the voice, Yuuki's figure will scratch. But purple Miss lost sight of her is less than a moment 's enough one. It is impossible for elves to lose sight of their opponent in the forest.

"I am hard!"

Yuuki will play with one of the empty hands the blow that was released turning around. The tip that easily cuts a big tree jumped and jumped as if it were as hard as it would have hit a stone.

"I am strong!"

At the same time, a blow of accelerated sword aims at purple 's throat. Reflectively Purple set up a shield and defeated the slashing. The stone's blade easily slit the shield made of thorns and cut off the upper half.

"Cut ... ...!"

I finally realized that this little girl is a careful opponent. Ironic armor wrapped her whole body as if it were linked with purple Mr. purple who flew away.

But that is bad.

"You are late!"

At the moment when Yuuki screamed so, Murasaki 's movements are invisible.

"Are you soft?! You are weak! "

Mr. purple managed to blow a strike that is swung down like a folding but its legs lose power and she collapses with physical strength.

"Light, that! Thou shalt make me half, cut everything and break it! "

When Yuuki took up a wooden sword in that gap, the light shone like a lightning bolt from the blade.

/(exp) go that far/to that extent/

At the same time I shouted, the shining wooden sword waved by Yuuki cut off the thorny sword that Murasaki held up, stopped at a break from her helmet.

……As usual, Egg. After repeated self-reinforcement, weakening opponents, finally strengthening weapons can not avoid or defend a blow. Even the armor bear gives the power to slaughter under a single sword. It was a simple but sophisticated way of fighting that I can not believe it was a very nine-year-old child.

For this reason she even calls herself "I". "Because I am able to omit one note from me ", it is thorough.

Of the nowWho did you learn how to fight? "

With a stunning look, purple questions Yuuki.

"Father, Mr. Murasaki"

To Yuuki 's answer, Murasaki sees her face at ease.

Even though its tiny lovely facial features do not resemble each other alike, only the color of red hair and red eyes is alike.

"Father is grandpa. Grandpa is from her grandfather. It is a swiss move, I've been taught for a long time "

Sword club. That was the last present I gave to Darga. To the best of my knowledge it is the world's first family name.

「ですが……」Your way of fighting is different from him. "

Purple 's voice was trembling.

As she says, how to fight Darga was even more exciting. The magic that strengthens itself is the same, but how to sword and how to handle your body is completely different.

Yes please. Maho is what the founder made, but how to use Ken is different. "

Not all of the descendants of Darga were as good as him. So Darga crushed the rock sword into a stone blade and thought about a way to fight even small and light objects.

"It was in a morning, I imitated a very strong way of shaking"

It is a story told to the clan of the sword club. A story about adventure between a dragon, an elf and a girl.

"So fight Murasaki-san, I'm sooo happy!"

Shining bright eyes, Yuuki said so with a bouncing voice.

「……The strength of a human child. And my sword's going. I was allowed to see it. "

When purple wipes the corner of the eyes with his fingertips, it returns with a modified attitude.

- So long.

「Yes。 Please do also take care of me at your teacher's school by all means. ... ....If the elders allow it. "

In a word added at the end, I got rid of. Is it no use she is still alive? Will the elders forgive us?

- He'll be fine.

Purse your browsle Make pursuing me, Mr. Purple smiles with a big smile.

"I'm sure I will not say no -"

To purple Mr. Purple showing a meaningful smile, me and Yuki were tilting their heads together.