The Magus of Genesis

Episode 23 Red Dragon’s Blood / Seething Blood

Darga sets up a rock sword on the top of the stairway and closes me closely.

I breathed while holding up my left arm as a shield.


With a sharp expiration, the sword is swung down.

There was no pain at all.

"Is that okay, Brother !?"

...ah. It's a splendid thing. "

I ripped the scales and the skin clearly, and then I saw the arm where the blood seemed to blur, I was impressed.

Rather, the Dharma rushing over looks more painful.

Since ancient times, blood of the dragon has been regarded as a versatile medicine, regardless of the east and west of the Western world.

In German hero epic "Nibelunggen's song" hero Siegfried got a flesh of the dragon called Farvnir and gained an immortal body, and in China it is truly that a kind of herbal medicine is a dragon and a gill of blood of Kirin It was circulated to be told.

I expected that my blood also has such an effect.

"Well, then, I will receive ..."

Get yourself back to Worcestershire, kid. Nina, rabbit "


Stretch my tongue and hold back the eye trying to lick my wound, I ask Nina. If she nods naked, the forest glared at her, and one rabbit pops out. It's almost like a vending machine.

"It can not be tried suddenly,"

Push your arms against the rabbit's mouth and forcibly drink blood.

The effect was enormous.


Crying out such a cry, smoke blows from everywhere in the rabbit.

At the same time, the rabbits escaped from my hands and burned a few steps, and the white hair was struck. It stays on the ground as it is, and eventually stops moving.

I was stunned by so many things, and in the air where it calms down quietly, Nina lift the rabbit to the fore and got stuck to that foot.

「! ……delicious

That eyes are wide open.

"By being baked at a stroke with high heat from the inside, the gravy is confined perfectly ...! Still, the condition of heat is perfect. The leather is also crisp and finished, I do not need any treatment. "

Didn't work?

With a ninety commentary on the situation excitedly unexpectedly, I slowly dropped my shoulders. Although a delicious recipe for rabbits has been discovered for the whole time, it does not go even to get delicious eye. Is this also useless ......

"Tentatively, I will spell the magic of today."


I invite Ai and put a hand on my head.

"Things that crawl out of the dark, those that walk along the edge of the world, those that exhale, I hide the glows, cliffs of the world, the ending point of life, things that fly down from the high sky. Thy name is old, a flow of time, it is death. Be more distant from him and fade away. "

It is a prolonged magic that seeks everyday and lengthens spell little by little.

Although I have confirmed the safety here, the degree of the effect has not been confirmed in place. Although I tried it with short life insects and small animals, noticeable results were not given. Even if there is an effect, it will be a degree of relaxation.

---- Please extend your life and want me to stay with you forever.

I accepted such my stupidity that is unilateral, Ai did not worry about it.

I panicked and explained the disadvantages and concerns of getting a long lifespan.

I got tired of living, had to see the death of a close person, depending on the way I could not die even if I wanted to die.

However it's all, "is the fact that teachers encountered such eyes? 'Although it was sealed down by one word.

Although his / her intention and cooperation were obtained smoothly, no achievement has been made.

Not only simple life extension but also various means are exhausted, but they all failed. Blood of the Dragon was quite expecting is a State visit.

"It does not work quite well"

Flatter Horari and Rabbit, licking licking on his fingers badly, Nina.

She does not suit the slender figure, she eats big.

Heck what is metabolism?

"How old is Nina, how old are you now?"

Her appearance has hardly changed since I first met her.

I remain in the early teens.

It was too completed beauty, so I did not have much doubt, but maybe it is not that growth is not bad simply.

「Hmm? UmI do not remember the details, but will it be around 130 years? "

If you asked it and asked, it certainly was senior.

My honorable year is 89, it becomes a dragon this year and it is 24 years, so they are 113 years old together.

Nina is older even including the previous life.

"Mr. Nina, were you so older?"

"Long ears are living long enough"

I do not even know Ai and Darga, I will round my eyes.

「……I will listen to it just in case, secret of longevity "

"I do not understand"

- None of your business. I guess not.

That said, it was information that you can not afford to discipline as "as a genius" as usual.

"I would like to listen to Elves other than Nina. Do not you know where you live? "

As soon as I asked, the shadow of Nina's expression.

「……I don't Know. That, after I left the forest, it passed a long time ago ... "

She always speaks straight out, it is strangely crisp.

"I know if there are places where the long ears live, big brother"

There, Darga raised his hand.

By the way, he was able to speak Elven language.

Naturally I should have met with elves.

"Can you guide me?"

Yes. Yes, of course. That's not far. It is a half day even if you walk. "

"If you put it on the back and fly the sky, it seems that you can come home today"

The body of Darga is heavier than it looks, it is quite hard to fly, but you can not change your belly on your back.

- Hang on.

Nina stops us trying to get ready.

「……I'm coming with you.

She looked like she was struggling, that kind of.

It's there. In that forest, I met a long ears. "

It is ahead of the village where Dharga once lived.

I flew slowly and it was about an hour.

「……Is it okay, Brother? "

"Nee, somehow ......"

I will answer Darga while my breath is still breathing on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I guess I was better, have you been waiting?"

NoIt’s okay guys. It's not due to eye. "

Eventually, insisting that Nina will follow along with Darga, I will accompany eye, so I leave it to Ken and other students, we decided to go to the elf village by four people.

It is a fair distance to walk though.

Can somehow fly with magic and everyone else?

It was a mistake that I thought about such a thing.

Hold Darga on your back, hold your eye with both hands, grab Nina at the end of the tail.

Since Ai and Nina can use the magic of flying, the idea of ​​being able to fly even in such a state is in a sense meaningful, in a sense it was wrong.

In terms of weight, there was no problem.

Rather, I felt lighter than usual thanks to Eye cooperation and floating me.

The problem is that position.

I wonder seriously wondering if the body of Ai wrapped in both hands is soft, I wonder if it is really the same living thing as Darga.

It was a feeling that the fear of fear of crushing over too much power rather than evil feelings came first and the feeling never stopped for an hour at all.

"Nina was okay?"

「Hmm? Heiki "

When turning around and asking, Nina nodded in a few words.

I was worried because my eyes did not reach here, but apparently it is safe.

The pale complexion is a little bad, I guess it's not like being drunk by another flight.

"Nina. If you do not feel like going forward, you can wait. "

As I said, she shook her head silently.

"Well, if you are OK, it will be okay. Let's go, brother "

/(adv) like that (used for something or someone distant from both speaker and listener)/so/(P)/

While feeling something to get caught, I approached Darga and headed for the entrance of the forest.

The moment I stepped on the foot one step, I learned a sense of grooming all over the neck.

Even saying that there is no hair, should I say even that scales are frightening?

「……I see it. "

I felt the same thing as myself.

Eye whispered in a loud voice, while dressed towards me.

"Oh, my ear! - Get out of the car.

On the other hand, I heard that Darga is not noticed at all, or does it notice it, he kicks a neighboring tree with Dokadoka and yells at Elf language.

"You are as noisy as ever, the monkey"

What appeared without sound was a real beauty.

Is the height about 170 cm? Long hands and feet that were well-balanced with slender tall body. It is terribly fantastic to ride on that shoulderface(Kanji)It is.

face(Face)not,face(Kanji). I want you to understand the desire to express so.

Nina is also a considerable beautiful girl, but its facial features still have girls' kind love.

But the elves that appeared in front of me were no longer beautiful and I could not even recognize their sex.

"What a strange person. To the bear monkey, to the shrine, the daughter of the monkey. Besides, ah. I guess they have fallen down. "

The elves constrained their brows and said to the crowd.

"Could it be falling down?" "

In spite of myself, I will call back to my back.

The bear monkey is about Darga. To be honest I am too good, I do not feel any sense of incongruity.

蜥蜴 is obviously about me. I do not think so because I have been told many times.

Monkey's daughter, maybe eye. To be honest, I am annoying, but I can bear it.

If so, who knows who is falling down can be known by erasure method.

『……Long time no see, ultramarine "

Our genius threw up and threw up not to be funny.