The Magnificent God of War

Chapter 2494: combustion

The current greedy wolf is too powerful!


The old naughty boy had no time to dodge, was slapped by the greedy wolf, rolled several times on the ground, and failed to stand up.

He opened his mouth, spouting blood, his face turned pale all of a sudden.

"Old naughty boy!"

Regardless of so much, Jiang Ning hurriedly took action, blocking the greedy wolf, fighting frantically!

If he doesn\'t do anything, the old naughty boy and them will all have to die here today!

It seems that it is very difficult to kill the greedy wolf today.

How should the white light in the pubic area be used?


The two were fighting frantically, and the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dull.

The terrible loud noise shook people\'s scalp numb.

The old naughty boy stood up with Yumeng? I want to fall in love with Shan Yiwuwu?.

They knew that if this continued, all three of them would have to die here.

Even if Jiang Ning is very powerful, he is still a bit worse than the current greedy wolf. To kill the greedy wolf, the two of them must bear the burden.

The two looked at each other.

"Here is exactly the same as before, our little family, Greed Wolf wants to continue here with us."

The old naughty boy showed a self-deprecating smile, "It\'s just that the cabin is gone, maybe there are only three graves."

Yumeng smiled: "Isn\'t that good?",

"Everyone is still together, it\'s the broken army... let Jiang Ning move the tomb of the broken army."

The two looked at each other and both nodded.

In an instant, the eyes of the two people became firm, it was a kind of determination!

at the same time.


Jiang Ning and Greedy Wolf were inextricably killed!

It\'s just obvious that Jiang Ning is at a disadvantage.


Suddenly, Greedy Wolf slammed it over. Although Jiang Ning blocked it, he was hit by a black air and hit his chest. The whole person flew out, sliding on the ground for more than ten meters before stopping.


He opened his mouth and spurted blood, his face became paler, and his fists began to tremble.

"You are not my opponent."

Greed Wolf said indifferently, "I haven\'t reached the peak yet, and the three of you are not my opponents together. When I reach the peak, you will be even smaller."

‘I’m the strongest person in the world, do you have any questions? ’

Jiang Ning stood up unsteadily, his eyes fixed on the greedy wolf.

"No matter how strong you are, what good is it?"

He laughed and said, "You are alone, and you don\'t even have a friend. You are just an object everyone hates. Do you think others will respect you?"

"They just hate you, hate you!"

Greedy Wolf laughed, obviously not caring at all: "Whoever hates me, I will kill whoever! I think who dares?"

"I want to kill the world!"

"I want to kill so that no one dares to hate me!"

"What can you do to me?"

He is completely unscrupulous.

Jiang Ning knew that Greed Wolf doesn\'t care about anything now, he must be killed, otherwise, he will be overwhelmed!

Just as he was about to do it again, suddenly, two afterimages flashed across and rushed directly to Greed Wolf.

It\'s the old naughty boy and Yumeng!

How could their speed be so fast?

Jiang Ning was shocked and could see blood burning on them!

What is this secret method?

"What do you want to do!"

Greedy wolf roared.

"Let\'s die together."

The old naughty boy had a calm tone, "I\'m alive, isn\'t it just for this day?"

He turned his head and looked at Jiang Ning: "Take care of Yaoyao, take care of my baby apprentice!"

"Jiang Ning, I beg you."

Yumeng also spoke, "Find Pojun\'s grave and bury it with me."

Greedy wolf is almost crazy.

Yumeng still wants to be buried with Pojun\'s grave?

Without waiting for his reaction, the triangle formation was formed again!

It\'s just much stronger and more stable than the previous time!

"Jiang Ning, kill him!"

The old naughty boy yelled.

Both of them were bleeding, and the blood was burning. They were crazy, and the triangle formation was firmly locked in the wolf.

Greedy wolves roared, constantly impacting, but could never shake the triangle formation at all!