The Mafia's Rose Married The CEO

Chapter 469 - Forest Havens

Feng Xuan left early the following morning. Forest Havens was an hour drive away from the city. She did not think that Qing Chen was really going to let her go alone, but with enough convincing and pleading, he had been able to say yes to her.

But of course, her car was filled with weapons and emergency buŧŧons. She was not supposed to be out alone in this crucial time. But she had to get her answers now. It could no longer wait.

Feng Xuan could almost hear her heartbeat. Why was she feeling so nervous about this? She should be happy as this prospect could lead her to the biggest question of her life. She was mostly certain now that her mother was alive.

If Aunt Chunhua was going to be able to lead her to the right direction, she could already see the clear picture in her head. She was going to be with her mother and they were going to be enjoying a nice drink and they would be catching up for all the years that they were apart.

She was still not sure about how she would react with her mother\'s sudden appearance if that was going to happen.

But here was the other side of the coin: Feng Xuan could be really mad. Her mother had been alive all along and yet, how come she had never seen her? Why did she have to remain in hiding all this time?

The most plausible reason that she hid was because she did not want to be seen in the face of the earth again. But why not?!

The only reason that she could think was that because her mother was carrying something dark within her. She had secrets that she did not want to be unearthed. That would also prove The Zookeeper\'s word. It was really possible that she had been the one who had killed her mother.

Feng Xuan tumbled with the idea as she was driving. It had been so long since The Zookeeper. It had been too long that this idea had been inside of her and she had not been able to do anything about it. None of the people around her wanted for her to know.

What she could not understand was why!!

She parked at the almost barren space at the front of Forest Havens. It was quiet and trees served as the background of the institution. It was a little overcast today that gave the place an even more mystique aura with it.

It did not take that much string pulling for her to get inside the asylum. Feng Xuan was directed to multiple hallways. It was clean—like hospital clean. There was a slight smell of disinfectant lingering in the air. She stopped at the end of the hallways in front of a beige door.

Aunt Chunhua had been a rich woman before all her wealth had been passed to her only daughter. Her husband had been long dead because of lung cancer. Her room was humongous, complete with a TV set, a dining area, and her bed. She found Aunt Chunhua rocking on a chair, holding a plastic plate of biscuits.

"Oh!" she said, "is that you Xuan?"

Feng Xuan was surprised that Aunt Chunhua recognized her almost immediately. She smiled. The nurse had been right, she was lucid today. "Yes, auntie," she said and walked in. "How are you?"

"Sit down, sit down," said the plump woman as she stood up and pulled the chair for her. "You should have told me you were coming! I would have had a feast ready for you!"

"It\'s alright, Auntie," she said. "I\'m only here to visit you. It\'s been a while since I last saw you."

Aunt Chunhua turned to her with beady eyes. "I don\'t remember when I last saw you, child! It has been so long. You\'re married to that handsome boy, aren\'t you? The hotelier?"


"Yes," said Aunt Chunhua as she stared into a far wall. "My daughter told me that I had an episode that day." Then quickly, Aunt Chunhua\'s face was bright again. "I am terribly sorry for that. You know, as I get older it gets worse! It\'s why I prefer to stay here."

"No worries, Aunt Chunhua."

They proceeded talking about business. Aunt Chunhua told stories about her daughter and how it was in their company nowadays. She had asked Feng Xuan what was her family like now and if she was already trying to have children which Feng Xuan replied shyly that she was not in that headspace yet.

"Oh your mother had been so excited when she found out she was having you!" Aunt Chunhua laughed. "I was the first person she told! I remember that day because I just woke up and we were supposed to meet for brunch, but she said she had to cancel because she was so happy! I already knew what it meant. There was only thing that your mother wanted, and it was to have a child. She cried for a whole week when you were born out of happiness. Do you know that?"

Feng Xuan felt tears stinging her eyes. She had not known that. "I miss her so much. I wish I could see her again, you know?"

The teacup that was making its way to Aunt Chunhua\'s lips froze. "I know, child I want to be able to hug your mother again. But she had been taken too early from us. That accident was horrible!"

Aunt Chunhua smiled at her and ċȧrėssed her cheek, she was trying to hide it but Feng Xuan could see the secrets behind her eyes, bright as a green light in traffic, "I am only happy that you\'re here, little darling."

"Me too, Aunt Chunhua," Feng Xuan beamed.. "Me too."