The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 600

"Ninja is completely indistinguishable? Is there any other way to distinguish? Or is it that the investigative ninja of the fire country doesn\'t have enough investigative Ninja to distinguish? " Tu Ying raised a question. Men of this age almost throughout this century are full of doubts about this absolute thing.

Zhishu also knew that after he said this, he was bound to get such an inquiry.

So he thought about what to say next, and his black eyes seemed to have insight into everything.

"It\'s not the level of Muye\'s investigation of Ninja at all. I can guarantee it. Muye\'s level of investigation Ninja is absolutely excellent. In fact, not only these ninjas, but also myself and Zilai among the three ninjas can\'t be distinguished from the master. Because these white jues are made of primary cells. Both breath and chakra can be simulated seamlessly. " Zhishu went to his seat and sat down, "but there is no way at all. Ninja can\'t be investigated. You can use other methods. Although Bai Jue can completely imitate these, their own chakra amount is very small. If they imitate ninjas with extremely large chakra amount, such as everyone sitting, I\'m afraid they will be found in an instant? However, in view of the fact that most of the Ninjas of the Ninja coalition army are different from white Jue\'s chakra, this method can only identify a few people. Another way is to use the special ability of nine tails. This powerful tailed beast can detect malice. These are things Bai Jue cannot abandon. "

"Is that so? But I\'m afraid creatures like Jiuwei won\'t choose to help us? " Zhao Meiming frowned.

The smell in the room was a little solidified, and everyone fell into thinking.

Tu Ying suddenly snorted, "since you can\'t distinguish these baijue, let them all be killed before they come into contact with our team!"

In fact, as the oldest person in this conference room, Tu Ying should not say such reckless words.

But compared with being reckless, Tu Ying is more reluctant to admit that the powerful five shadows have nothing to do with these creatures like maggots.

The people in the room were stunned at first, but then calmed down again.

Tu Ying\'s words sound reckless, but if they are operated well, they are definitely an excellent way.

Zhishu was also thoughtful. In the original world line, the main reason why baijue\'s troops were deadlocked with the Ninja coalition army was a surprise.

The Ninja coalition did not expect such an enemy to appear.

In the current world line, Xiao organization attacked Muye for the tail beast. Baijue\'s strange army was completely exposed in front of the Ninja coalition army.

If the Ninja allied forces organize a surprise attack, they may be able to completely destroy this army with powerful ninja skills.

After all, the present baijue troops are still in the production and manufacturing stage, and 100000 baijue troops take an extremely dense attitude.

"Yes! Why can we only wait for Xiao\'s attack to defend passively! Our five great powers unite, but they are the most powerful force in the world of tolerance! Now that we know the core position of Xiao, why don\'t we organize a surprise attack on Xiao! " Lei Ying was a little excited. He felt that in the war against Xiao, the position of the five powers had always been very oppressive.

Obviously, each of the five powers can shake the whole tolerance world. The alliance formed by the five powers can be said to be the most powerful force in the tolerance world, but it is still offended by Xiao\'s actions again and again!

Even the tail beast, a strategic weapon protected by the five powers, was easily taken away by Xiao.

This has had a great impact on the reputation of the five major countries. Some ambitious countries like the grass country are even ready to move. The position of the five great powers does not seem so insurmountable.

surprise attacks?

When hearing these two words, no matter these highly qualified shadows or the guards in charge of guarding, a glimmer of brilliance flashed in everyone\'s eyes.

In fact, one thing after another, Xiao has seriously stimulated the self-esteem of these excellent ninjas.

Zhao Meiming even slides through her lips again and again with the tip of her tongue. Zhishu sees it in her eyes and knows that she is full of interest in this matter.

In fact, I\'m afraid there is no one here who hates Xiao more than Shui Ying.

There is no more tolerant village than the humiliation Wuyin village gets from Xiao.

The former Shuiying was controlled by Xiaoxiao organization, and Wuyin village was closed to the outside world. The chaos and killing in the village were once called bloody fog.

In the bloody fog, people are in danger. Countless excellent Wuyin village ninjas died in this chaos. The seven Ninja swords were also disbanded, and the seven big swords were scattered everywhere.

"Yes! Xiao gives us pain! shame! We\'re going to give it all back! Double! "

Although Zhao Meiming is full of the smell of the superior, he is a gentle superior, if you don\'t mention the "wedding date".

But at the moment, her tone of voice was so resolute that there was even fighting in the sentence. People suddenly seem to feel a bloody feeling. Even as if he had been in a magic trick, he was in a bloody fog hidden village full of corpses!

The pupils of everyone were slightly enlarged. At this time, people suddenly realized that the water shadow in front of them was definitely not just a little girl in her twenties.

She is a woman who came out of the bloody fog era, and with the fragmented fog hidden village, she resisted the controlled predecessor Shui Ying and returned the fog hidden village to a regular woman.

Although they are all shadows, although they have experienced a lot of battles, even like I love Luo, they have an extremely painful experience.

But the shadows present were sure that they would never have such bloody murderous spirit as Zhao Meiming.

"The mountain cemetery is not a safe place. In addition to dawn, there are many powerful monsters, just like the dead forest of wood leaves... No, it is a more dangerous place than the dead forest. If we want to organize a surprise attack, we must be dragged down a lot. " When the crowd was angry, the three ships still chose to pour a basin of cold water.

Although his heart also tends to launch a surprise attack on Xiao, he must tell all the circumstances clearly.

I love Luo kept silent and thought.

In fact, why doesn\'t he want to launch a retaliatory battle against Xiao?

However, he was not in a hurry to express his position. There must be calm people at the meeting to avoid the wrong direction of the meeting because of a temporary impulse.