The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 538

"Talk? What\'s there to talk about? "

Ji Fu was furious and said that in these two days, he could naturally see what the whirlpool wisdom tree was doing.

I also know that he ignored him these two days and only cared about his recovery.

(for the sake of the plot, here is a reminder for those who have been vague about the original work. Three of the original works are very kind tailed animals with a sense of humor, although they are more ferocious. When it was violent, only three generations of water shadow were controlled by the wheel eye. Of course, the protagonist doesn\'t know this.)

It also knows that as long as the whirlpool wisdom tree recovers from his injury, he probably has no hope of escaping from the whirlpool wisdom tree.

So in the past two days, it has been struggling with chakra in whirlpool wisdom tree.

But after all, it is not its body, even if the whirlpool wisdom tree has a way to repel it. But after the fight back, I won\'t do anything else. It seems that he really wants to concentrate on his recovery.

These two days have passed, and the injury of whirlpool Zhishu has improved. Now it\'s talking. I\'m afraid it\'s chakra who wants to possess it?

Jifu was in a mood like overturning a five flavor bottle for a while. He thought it was kind-hearted. He was just a little cruel, so he was forced to use it as a weapon.

Want to be a good tailed beast, but those humans are always greedy for its chakra.

It\'s not easy to meet Zhu Li, a good man like Shuiying Yancang of the third generation. He gets along well with Yancang. But it happened that the man with writing wheel eyes.

Finally, he managed to escape control and become a wild... Oh, no, free tail.

But he was caught by the old bastard hiding in Zhicun group.

But the last red haired man, Zhu Li, was also a good man. He was just controlled by the hateful Tuan Zang, which made it lose its freedom.

Of course, it\'s good to chat with that woman every day.

What she talked about most was her son and her dead husband.

After listening more, Jifu felt that he had a lot of good feelings for whirlpool wisdom tree, at least curious.

At the root, Jifu also witnessed the whole process.

Although it was a little unhappy about whirlpool Zhishu\'s disregard for his mother\'s life at that time... It also learned from that remark that this strange family seems to have such a tradition.

Moreover, Jifu was obviously more unhappy with Tuan Zang at that time.

So at that time, it decided to give the whirlpool wisdom tree chakra to help him hide the ball to Gan fan.

After all, the chakra of the tail beast is different. Although the chakra output power of the nine tail boy is higher, it can burn the human column force.

But when it is stable, Nine Tailed chakra can also make people recover quickly.

What\'s more, my chakra is water. Although water can\'t cure human column force, it\'s much softer than the chakra with nine tails. Can the recovery effect of its tail beast chakra be brought into play more easily?

Who knows that the boy doesn\'t care after pulling it into the body. He wants to pull it into the spiritual space to talk to it, but the boy just suppresses it with chakra

He tried to resist his anger and wanted to send some chakra to him, but the boy refused to say... He also collided with his chakra and its chakra, trying to forcibly suppress its chakra.

"Your uncle, what happened to you?"

Even though Sanwei\'s temper was still very good, he couldn\'t help but burst out a rude remark.

Finally, when Zhishu was forced to evacuate, Jifu was in a cool mood.

These two days, Jifu also wanted to find a chance to talk to whirlpool Zhishu, but he didn\'t expect that the boy was struggling to suppress it.

Jifu finally couldn\'t help his temper. If he had nothing to do, he hit the whirlpool wisdom tree with chakra.

And the boy almost recovered from his injury. He felt confident, so he said it was time to talk.

I\'m afraid you\'re sure to beat me?

I\'m afraid you can take my chakra from me?

"I\'m afraid this boy is not the same character as his mother. Maybe he is no different from those people. He just wants my chakra. "

Ji Fu sighed. Humans always resent the pain caused by the tail beast.

But what is really complicated is human beings.

What really brings pain to humans is their own disputes.

Tailrace is just a tool used in this process. However, after being used up, they have to bear those curses.

"Think more, think more." Ji Fu shook his head, but his heart was also firm.

"Since whirlpool wisdom tree is such a person, it\'s not so easy to deprive my chakra!"

Unconsciously, Jifu has made up his mind to fight whirlpool Zhishu to the end.

However, the whirlpool wisdom tree who has entered the spiritual world and is ready to have a dialogue with Jifu

Is also a face of helplessness.

He didn\'t know much about each tailed beast, only knew that nine tails were cold outside and hot inside. And I love Luo\'s shouhe. After they can live in peace, their kind nature is also exposed.


The one in front of me doesn\'t look like a good stubble?

But among all the tailed beasts, the most ferocious one is definitely the one in front of us.

Zhishu also muttered, and from what he said just now, it can be seen that the man in front of him absolutely didn\'t like him.

I don\'t know the relationship between my mother and him, and Jifu should know that he is the son of whirlpool seven grass.

"It seems that the relationship should not be very good? Or is this the angry Lord? "

Whirlpool wisdom tree has complicated thoughts. In short, it feels that this thing should not be easy to do.

I had to say,

"Jifu, it\'s actually a last resort to seal you in my body. After all, you can\'t fall into the hands of Tuan Zang. "

As a last resort? Can\'t it fall into someone else\'s hands? Is that your hand?

"Get out of here!"

Ji Fu roared loudly.

Hearing the roar of Jifu, Zhishu said in secret. It seems that this tailed beast is really a difficult master. Although because of the original book, Zhishu knows that all tailed animals are not bad in nature.

But it\'s very difficult for them to show their nature

Now it seems that the Lord is very difficult.

Thinking of this, Zhishu had no choice but to say, "Jifu, don\'t you understand? I\'m a member of the whirlpool family. I\'m proficient in all kinds of sealing. Oh, you may not know much. For example, Jiuwei is sealed in Naruto\'s body by gossip. The reason why I didn\'t do this is to talk to you peacefully. "

(if you look at the shadow of fire carefully, you will find that corpses and ghosts seal the soul in the belly of death. The seal of nine tails, which can be seen from the pattern on Naruto\'s belly, is a double four elephant seal, that is, the eight trigrams seal.)