The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 352

Behind the prison was a bare muddy clearing. Maybe it\'s because it\'s too remote and there\'s a lot of construction nearby.

However, such bare muddy land is a good environment for whirlpool Zhishu and Akimoto Yuzhen to observe and experiment the effect of mantra on living bodies.

After all, it must be very difficult for ghost child pill to enter [state 2] without any damage.

"Brother, is this too reckless?"

Akimoto Youzhen holds a pink medicine in his hand, but frowns and asks Zhishu.

Zhishu shook his head, and the orange paint appeared on Zhishu\'s eyelids.

He has entered immortal mode.

Then he said that his hand was again pressed on the spell seal on the left side of ghost child pill\'s neck.

"Hurry up, it\'s all right."

"What on earth is this doing?" Harada looked at whirlpool Zhishu and Akimoto Youzhen and asked strangely.

Getting rid of the prisoner\'s seal and injecting him with stimulants... It doesn\'t seem like an experiment.

Is it the effectiveness of doping detection?

It\'s not like that. Harada shook his head and continued to watch.

He also wanted to know what role it would play in making the carp village treat prisoners for two years so carefully?

Moreover, Zhishu should not do meaningless things, right?

Seeing this scene, Youzhen had to shake his head reluctantly, walked to Zhishu and handed the medicine to Zhishu.

"The upper limit that a normal person can bear is one tenth of the dose, but he is a ninja, so the dose will increase. Considering that he is not in good condition, it is most appropriate to use half a bottle... "

Zhishu took the bottle and poured it directly into the mouth of Guitong pill. He turned his head and marveled at the real progress,

"Well, your analysis is becoming more and more professional."

"... but brother, you poured it all in!"

Youzhen pointed to Zhishu\'s hand and the ghost child pill filled with stimulants.

At this moment, the transparent medicine bottle is empty. Only a few drops of pink medicine remained at the bottom of the bottle.

"Sorry, I accidentally missed..."

Zhishu scratched his head and said with a smile.

It\'s strange that you really complain in your heart! Brother, if you would miss it, you would be stupid.

Harada and his two guards watched such a farce. They didn\'t know whether whirlpool Zhishu really missed.

But each of them wondered what would happen next?

But at this time, Harada looked at the ghost child pill with his eyes suddenly staring, and roughly knew what Zhishu wanted to do.

"Taiyi, all your life, prepare and test the prisoner for Lord Zhishu."

Hearing Harada\'s order, the two guards shouted together,


"Well... I\'m afraid they can\'t stop this man."

Zhishu scratched his head and said with a slight reminder.

But in that case, he didn\'t mean to do it immediately. Only those who observe can see everything more easily.

Harada waved his hand, "it\'s all right, if they are in danger. I\'ll do it myself. So Zhishu, you just need to look around. "

Zhishu smiled and said nothing, but he turned his magic chakra to the curse on the ghost child pill\'s neck.

No, not much, just a trace.

In an instant, the spell seal was like seeing a red bullfight and lived.

It spread on the neck of ghost child pill in an instant! A fierce and evil chakra is generated in this environment.

If there is no wisdom tree with immortal mode before, this chakra is only powerful and threatening.

But the wisdom tree under the immortal mode has found more things. Through his perception, he has determined that this is the breath of big snake pill.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with what you really found and your vague memory. It really belongs to the magic chakra of big snake pill."

Zhishu sighed secretly, then turned and walked slowly to the real position.

Now, he is a spectator.

As for those who fought with ghost child pill, it was the two guards, Taiyi and all his life.

At this time, the two guards also walked up. But vaguely, they were surprised at the prisoner\'s evil chakra.

Took back all the contempt just now and was too cautious.

Darkness... Endless darkness

Who am I?

Where am I?

Who are they?

I want to... I want to... Kill them!


Several strong spider threads like steel shot around, like the most terrible sword!

For the first time, the two guards mentioned the second generation of standard Taidao in their hands, [wind cuts the air]!

Buzzing... The blade is constantly shaking!

A strong force passed to their hands, even though their reaction ability was very fast, blocking the sword body in front of them in time.

Block the spider silk! But the great strength from them made their hands a little sour.

Boom! Boom! Boom

In Harada, Zhishu, and where Youzhen stood just now, steel like spider silk has been deeply embedded.


It\'s not over yet!

Ghost child pill changes at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin becomes gray and produces strange edges and corners.

"Status two? I didn\'t expect it to be so fast? "

Zhishu thought that ghost child pill would fight for a while before entering state 2 mode. But I didn\'t expect that he entered state 2 so quickly.

Is it because I just used magic chakra to stimulate?

"But that\'s good. At least keep the consciousness of the experimental samples... Dead, it\'s boring."

Zhishu said, and his eyes were brighter.

Standing next to you Zhen closed his eyes and didn\'t speak.

Renfa chakra\'s art of exploration!

At this moment, all Youzhen\'s attention was on the spell seal on the ghost child pill\'s neck.

After studying the spell seal that hasn\'t changed for two years, or now, the spell seal that is constantly running is more interesting.

"But... It seems that I should do it right away?"

Zhishu looked at the situation in front of him. Just at the beginning, the two guards had fallen into full passivity. This stimulant made ghost child pill even burst out with more powerful power.

Although Harada said he wanted to fight, it was obvious that he was reluctant to deal with ghost child pill.

Only their own shot, perhaps is the best choice.

Thinking of this, Zhishu was relieved.

Immortal mode, there are about three and a half minutes left now. Should be enough!

"I hope you can bring me some surprises during the research these days."