The Lost Clan of Naruto

Chapter 327

"I really shouldn\'t go to eat Ramen with Cheng. Unexpectedly, Qingquan was taken away."

When he woke up, Zhishu was still brooding about what happened yesterday.

He looked at his bedside table. In addition to his clothes, there were only swords in his hand, no pain, and several blasting symbols.

As for Qingquan, it has been taken away by ITO Chengyi.

Zhishu picked up his clothes, a gray coat and a pair of dark trousers from the bed.

After wearing it, Zhishu went to the mirror, turned his back to the mirror and looked over his head. The red vortex still exists.

There is a family logo on the clothes, which is almost the rule of all families.

But now, the vortex family no longer exists. Whirlpool wisdom tree defines itself as the owner of the house.

Since you are the owner of your home, you should naturally keep these signs on your clothes.

Of course

This also needs to be customized in a clothing store.

But fortunately, as a ninja, Zhishu is still economically rich. I don\'t know how many clothes with the logo of the whirlpool family have been customized.

He even ordered some women\'s clothes for Xianghuan.

Although he said he never wanted to interfere with his choice of a few ethnic groups.

But it is also a kind of psychological comfort.

"Brother, I\'m waiting for you to have breakfast again!"

Youzhen tooted his mouth and waited outside the door with an unhappy face. Xingye qiannai has gone to Muye hospital because of his work.

In the year of Zhishu\'s absence, Youzhen has become a Zhongren.

After all, the Chinese forbearance test of the top 12 in Muye is almost the strongest.

Relatively speaking, after taking the tolerance test, the probability of passing is much simpler than this time.

However, Muye and shayin have re aligned, and now the location of the twice-a-year Zhongren examination is basically selected from the two big tolerance villages.

As for those small allies, they naturally do not have such strength.

"Hey, brother, if you have become the assistant of Master Kong, won\'t you be able to perform tasks with us in the future?"

While biting wooden chopsticks, Youzhen looked at the wisdom tree sitting opposite her.

Zhishu swallowed the porridge in his mouth, then nodded and said,

"It should be like this. I\'m so sorry. "

When he was assigned to class 9, Zhishu never thought he would leave the team so early.

However, it\'s time to leave this team. After all, there is a team leading class tolerance, which generally guides potential newcomers.

Zhishu now has the strength of tolerance on the elite. To sum up, now the windy teacher must be able to defeat him.

How time flies.

"But teacher feifeng didn\'t die for his own sake. Maybe he will be stronger than the strength in the original book. And the master teacher also promised to help him recuperate. "

I\'m afraid this is my only wish to protect some people when I came to this world.

"Sure enough..." Youzhen looked depressed. "You\'re so strong now, brother. You thought you could have one more coolie in the execution of the task... It seems that it\'s no use now!"

"... I knew you didn\'t want me or something." Make complaints about trees.

Then, Zhishu picked up the bowl on the table and drank the last bit of porridge.


The dishes and chopsticks were put on the table again. "Then come on."

Zhishu\'s standing voice sounded in the room.

Youzhen could not help but dignify himself and stared at Zhishu, as if facing the great enemy of life and death.

Shui Lingling\'s eyes widened, but they were almost indescribable and lovely. Then, Youzhen nodded and said, "OK."

Zhishu clenched his fist and moved his right hand back two points. The same is true of Youzhen.

Then between the electric light and flint, they shot at the same time!

"Ha ha, I won. So today is your day to do the dishes. I\'ll go first. "

With that, Zhishu dodged and disappeared in place.

Only Youzhen stood in place, looked at his pink little hand for a long time and spread out his palm. She made "cloth"

"Lost again... My brother must be cheating."

Youzhen skimmed his mouth, but a smile hung on his face. Life seems to be back on track again.

At least now the people who attach importance to them are all around them.


Half an hour later, the fire shadow office.

"I\'ve had a good time these days..." the master stared at the whirlpool wisdom tree, like the eyes of an eagle preying on its prey.

If ordinary people stand here, they will be forced to turn their heads by such eyes. For example, Sakura, she is now extremely afraid of masters.

I don\'t know what the master did to her.

But now standing in front of the master of the compendium is the wisdom tree... Followed by the wisdom tree, and then completely restored his "free" nature.

"It\'s ok... I don\'t sleep well these two days." With that, Zhishu stretched out and yawned.

"You are more and more like Zilai..." the master crossed his hands and his eyes became sharper and sharper. "But as my disciple, I won\'t let you continue to be so lazy."

"Eh? Is this necessary? " Zhishu suddenly showed a surprised look. In fact, his lifestyle is just more natural than before because of the practice of immortal mode.

But it doesn\'t mean that he has nothing to do... For example, developing ninja, for example, studying the bodies of four of the five Yinren people

"Of course it\'s necessary! Yesterday, the elders of the Japanese clan came here to impeach me. Do you know? "

"Oh... I didn\'t expect them to do so." Zhishu smiled bitterly and shook his head... He thought that those Japanese people really felt too superior.

Or people in large families have this problem.

They started first, but now it\'s their own, isn\'t it?

"Don\'t say they did it first, I did it first... Just let me reflect? Isn\'t it normal for ninjas to fight? I remember Sasuke had a fight with Naruto before he left... "

"Shut up! I\'m not holding you accountable now. Mute has told me what happened. It\'s absolutely impossible to bully my master\'s disciples! "

Pa pa

Zhishu clapped his hand quickly, "teacher, you are powerful. What do you want to say..."

"First, I don\'t allow you to relax like this."

"What about the second?"

After a little meditation, the master looked into Zhishu\'s eyes and said slowly, "the people of wochao village have come..."