The Law of Transmigration: The Black-Hearted God's Domineering Love

Chapter 370

Watching the red dot on the satellite display flash twice, suddenly disappeared on the screen.

Gu tingjun's dark eyes suddenly glared like copper bells, flashing full of disbelief.

No way!

This is absolutely impossible!

His little lion is so smart, how can he break into the airspace line of Z country?!

Gu tingjun's hand trembled slightly. "Telephone! Get me the person in charge of country Z right away! "

The subordinates who had never seen Gu tingjun look like this were all weak, but they insisted on connecting to the phone in Z country, and then handed the mobile phone to Gu tingjun.

"You dare to shoot down my people because you don't think you need to buy weapons from organization D, so I can't threaten you, can I?" Gu tingjun's voice is full of bloodthirsty madness.

It seems that the other party said something, Gu tingjun suddenly laughed, gloomy, like a devil from hell, can't help but make people feel creepy.

"Yes? Good one is not under threat! I don't guarantee what I will do in Z country, but don't forget, how many citizens of Z country are there outside, and how many can you keep

The person on the other end of the phone seems to be nervous. Gu tingjun's breath is so cold that it can condense frost.

Not willing to listen to more nonsense, he cut off the phone and hit the console heavily.

With a bang, the expensive mobile phone was smashed in two. Gu tingjun felt that his head was covered with a plastic bag.

The whole person is gloomy, and everything outside is isolated.

"To inform all responsible persons, mobilize all forces that can be mobilized, including cooperative relations, and arrest all citizens of state Z overseas at all costs." Gu tingjun bit his teeth and said word by word.


Gu tingjun's decision startled everyone.

Such a decision is too crazy. If it really angers country Z, I'm afraid organization D will also hurt its original spirit.

Now that they are at the top of the world, there are too many organizations looking for opportunities in the dark, trying to tear down their organizations, so as to snatch huge benefits from their organizations.

Mr. Wang has been in power for 10 years. He has never been so irrational.

They seem to see the old man of that year.

If so The meaning of the woman who was released by her husband today to her husband is not

We dare not go on thinking.

"What are you still doing here? Don't you hear me?" Gu tingjun's sword eyebrows closed tightly into two hills.

"I'll go right now." Michael, who has been trained with Gu tingjun as a left-right hand since he was a child, replied quickly.

But just then, his cell phone rang.

The one who didn't want to answer stopped when he saw the calling number.

"Sir, it's from Z country..."

Gu tingjun nodded. Michael picked it up, but the person on the other end of the phone didn't know what to say, and his expression became more dignified.

"I can't guarantee your request now, but if you don't hand over this video screen, what will happen? I think you don't want to see it."

When the other party said something, Michael quietly hung up the phone, hurriedly went to the control console and handed the mobile phone to Gu tingjun, "Sir, they said that now they would send us the image of the helicopter being shot down." , the fastest update of the webnovel!