The Law God - Artic

91 Artic - Chapter 91 - The Chase and Red Castle 3

Artic and Lidia were flying again. They had a long way to go. Artic started thinking from inside in his mind.and the glass chair he was sitting flying closely Lidia.

And he was looking around and imagining his plans. He knew he had to think all the time. If the dog had just come hunting him. He probably would have died. Even though he was confident, there was no joke about it.

Artic thought he was more likely to lose to the dog.

The reason he thought about it wasn't that the dog's level was higher than he was. It was mostly due to its origin level and probably more war than itself.

All of this made him think he was less powerful.

But when it came to his mind that the dog was going to attack Liaka, a big smile appeared on his face. As he continued to follow the forests and mountains, he was curious about Liaka's facial expression when he saw the dog.

When he was thinking about all this, he had another thing on his mind.

"I must find a better way to use my powers. Although imagination works, real techniques will allow me to better control the Glass Law with the using Origin Energy.»

Artic said that whispering. Lidia heard Artic whisper. She started talking after she heard the whisper. Because it was a bird, the sound of the surrounding air in the face did not affect her voice and comfort.

"My lord, as I heard from my Winvig master, there are places in space. Selling techniques about the laws with of course the buyer can choose the law»

Artic frowned when he heard about it. He was getting a little angry. Winvig kept a lot of things from him. He could probably have more or less guessed why.

He was afraid I'd take the Feather Crown and run away. He knew if I ran, he couldn't do anything. So he didn't put anything into my head, and he said my only goal was to bring the Feather Crown him.

Artic asked Lidia after his face calmed down.

"How can they create techniques specific to all kinds of laws."

When she heard Lidia Artic's question, she answered immediately. Artic was even more suspicious because of the speed of his answer.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

"Sir, there are billions or even uncountable beings in space. The laws of many of these beings are at odds with each other. Naturally, even the most difficult law and even unknown law techniques are sold in these places.»

This time, Artic was savvy in the room with his head and put his chin in his hand and started thinking.

"If there are techniques related to the law as he mentioned. I can use these techniques to better manipulate my law. That way I won't be at least a complete starting warrior.»

After Artic thought about it, he immediately thought of something else. He was a little mad at himself for not asking him before. But now he asked because it was okay for him to ask.

«Lidia, what is used as a currency in space ?»

Lidia thought a little bit this time. And then he started telling me.

"My lord, I don't know anything general about this. But according to the sources of information I've read, there's only one currency that goes everywhere, which is a stone that increases the mystical and origin power of beings it is called the Og Stone or OG Credits.

Artic understood, he confirmed it with his head and smiled.

"Lidia tried to hide it from me. But such a thing is a big detail that it can't escape from me.»

Artic smiled because Lidia stuttered her mouth when she answered. Which meant she was more or less lying. she wouldn't exactly try to lie. The Og stone is probably real. But there was one important detail.

"The Og Stone is set in all of space. That means there are different currencies than the Og Stone. They just don't want me to know about them, because of they afraid I'm going straight down space. and forget about them»

When Artic thought about it, he laughed a little. Lidia was intrigued by this laugh. But she didn't suspect anything because she was used to Artic being weird. So they just kept moving forward. While all this was happening, strange events were happening in a different place, just next to a forest, in a flat area.

Liaka began to run, holding his breath. And then came Verun, Cindirel, and Milvin. They didn't all know why Liaka started running like this.

But they had no choice but to try to run like him. Many relied on Liaka's knowledge and power. For this reason, Liaka's running meant they had to run to.

At the time, Liaka was thinking from within. His whole mind and soul were filled with fear, and he didn't know exactly what to do. Liaka, who had a constant laughing expression on his face, and was often calm, for the first time he was so scared and had a worried face.

"How did he find me? who complained about me.Why does something like this happen to me!»

Liaka felt the hunting dog from a distance. It wasn't an ability that made him feel it. It was an item called the danger medallion he always kept with him. Thanks to this item, he could feel it when there was a great danger within a six-mile radius.

Thanks to this medallion, he knew there is a hunting dog on his tail. The only thing he didn't understand was who was ratting himself.

Artic and Lidia stopped while all this was happening. In front of them was a red castle built on the mountain. The castle's position and design were quite beautiful.

It was also strange why such a castle was built on a mountain. Artic smiled slightly and thought from within.

"At least we can make this boring journey fun with a little discovery"

Even though he was in a hurry, he wasn't going to lose sight of something like that. He turned his head and asked Lidia.

"Lidia, do you know where this is?"

Lidia just shook her head and answered. she showed she didn't know the castle.

Artic smiled and spoke, pointed his hand.

"Come on then."

encouraged with the words coming from Artic mouth, Lidia had landed on the plain at the entrance of the great red castle with great curiosity in her eyes. Artic had already landed and inspected the castle.

The length of the castle was at least 100 meters and the width was estimated at 600 700 meters. This red castle looked like it came from a different world.

Artic began to move towards the castle gate with Lidia.

There was no one at the gate of the castle. It was amazing that there was no one at the door of a large castle-like this. He approached slightly and came to the door and called out.

«Is there anyone inside ?»