The Law God - Artic

89 Artic - Chapter 89 - Two-Headed Hunter Dog - Journey Part 2

After Artic finished his remarks, he raised both hands slightly and a glass cabin began to manifest in the middle of the stony area. The cabin slowly grew and took the form of a home. A door was also built immediately afterward.

After all, the glass began to turn slightly black and inside of the house no longer can be seen from the outside.

Lidia, who was watching all this, couldn't believe her eyes. she always heard from Winvig how powerful the Origin Levels were. But the man in front of him had a really strange power.

After the glasshouse was formed, it was cut in half and a bed appeared in each of the divided rooms.

Artic then took a deep breath and started talking.

"The beds aren't soft, but they're better than camping outside."

After Artic finished his promises, he walked in without waiting for Lidia. Lidia went after him and went in. Artic turned around and smiled after looking at Lidia.

"You're staying in the other room. I'm in this room. You don't have to worry about the creatures around here. This house is more robust than most metals.»

Lidia nodded her head without saying anything. Then she left Artic alone and went into her room. It was glass, but it didn't feel that way. It wasn't airless and it looked good. If she hadn't seen it was made of glass. He thought his place was made of wood.

With all these thoughts in mind, the fatigue engulfed her body and she lay directly into the glass bed created by Artic.

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That's when Artic went outside and started watching. A lot was going on in his head. And that was because he regained power. Artic had a goal. The law he really wanted was the Law of he comes up with an idea for himself to get it.

first, he will specialize in the Glass Law. And then he'd specialize in the Diamond Law. When all these laws were over, he would work on the Philosophy of the Mirror in the final phase of the Origin Level and use other laws to awaken the Law of Dimension through the Mirror Philosophy.

The reason he wanted to use other laws was that he wanted to have enough power when he created the Law of Dimension. In this way, he would have the possibility of creating dimensions using mirrors.

Dimension was a rather unknown law for himself. But Artic was sure It had a lot of use. That's why he chose the Glass Law, which could seem strange to a lot of people. He wanted to use the Glass and Diamond Law to make the Mirror Philosophy stronger.

And then he would combine mirror philosophy with the Law of Dimension. Of course, by then he was planning to learn more about The Dimension.

Even though the plan he was thinking about was good, it was still a plan that was a little bit of a plan for luck and effort. He couldn't imagine what he could do with the Artic Dimension Act. His whole idea and purpose had to be based on this law.

When he started to think through, he couldn't stop light from appearing in his eyes. Artic continued to sit outside for a long time. Soon it had become night and the stars in the sky began to manifest themselves. Artic wasn't thinking as he used to when he looked up at the sky.

He used to look up at the sky and wonder what was going on there.

Theoretically, even if he knew it, it was just a dream to see it with his own eyes. It's always been a curiosity about all this. Actually, it wasn't just a curiosity that was in him. Even in his own world (earth), people had always been very interested in space.

What it meant was that a normal person would go into space and travel through space after only a year with the power he had. It was a figment of their imagination.

When Artic was thinking about all this, he was distracted by the sound of a big explosion. He immediately started looking at where the explosion came from. Meanwhile, Lidia, who normally resting at that time, went out of the glasshouse and approached Artic.

Artic noticed the fire coming from where the explosion came from. He frowned and turned around and spoke to Lidia.

"You keep sitting in this house. I'm going to look it up and come back.»

Winvig ordered Lidia. He was going to do what Artic said in dangerous situations. So without saying anything, she had entered the glasshouse again with a serious expression on her face.

This time, Artic created a platform made of plain glass, and after boarding, he began to fly quickly to where the fire was coming from.10 15 seconds later, he reached the site of the explosion.

There was a large asteroid on the ground. Right next to the asteroid was a two-headed dog-like creature, It was 5 meters tall, black. That's when the system spoke to him.

«Danger - The creature in front of the user Two-headed Space Hunter Dog - Origin - Level 2»

Artic took a deep breath. What's a creature like that doing here? At that time, the Origin Level energy was concentrated around the Artic because of excitement in his body. This caused Two-Headed Space Hunter Dog to look at him.

Artic knew it was important that he remain calm right now. For this reason, he gave the dog a hard, courageous look.

When the two-headed dog saw Artic's gaze, his black eyes started to glow red. A fire in one head and a green-colored venom began to come from his other head.

Artic remained calm and created 5-layer, 2-meter-thick glass barriers to cut off the fire and toxic green smoke coming towards him.

Fire and Venom smoke melted through the first three layers. But that's the only way they managed to get through it.

Artic smiled slightly and heard a noise as he was preparing to attack.

"Sorry, my friend. I didn't know you were On Origin Level. Otherwise, I wouldn't be disrespectful.»

Artic laughed a little when he heard about it.

This dog thought he was very smart. The reason he looked at himself in the first place was because of the energy around him. Even Artic wasn't the kind of guy who could be stopped under such a ridiculous excuse. He was fully prepared to attack, and the system spoke to him.

«The space-dog attacked used only 15 percent of the mystic power against user. War is not recommended.»

When Artic heard about it, his face became like stone and he stopped his attack.