The Law God - Artic

85 Artic - Chapter 85 - Punishmen

«Hey people what are you guys doing»

Artic spoke towards the group, staring from top to bottom with a big smile on his face.

All the group members were surprised after they continued to fly slightly downwards.

Liaka took a deep breath and began to think from within.

«How it can be, He was Advanced Mystics three days ago. Right now he has origin energy around him !!!»

Because Liaka was knowledgeable, he knew directly what the white energy around Artic was. At the same time, Because Artic killed the Golem in front of him. He now clearly believe he his an Origin Level Mystic. But it still didn't make sense.

Verun and Cindirel were also quite surprised. They were watching Artic with holding their breath. He was sitting in a glass chair in the Glass Box, and the energy he emitted was far, far more than they had.

One of the most surprised was Milvin. Because Milvin was a mystic who tried to specialize in Glass Law. For this reason, when she saw Artic's control over the glass, she started watching as if she had swallowed her little tongue. she never expected anything like this.

But the worst-case rafters, naturally, were Anabel and Hammir they were terrified of what they did to Artic. At the same time, because of the power he had, no one could say anything to him. If Artic wanted to hurt themselves right now. Not even the Liaka or even bigger Continental Council couldn't stop it.

After all, the person standing before them is an Origin Level Mystic.the continental council laws that were created only works on people who are weak after a person's power exceeded a certain level the continental laws became child's play in their eyes. Artic was exactly that level right now.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

The laws of the continents were of no concern to him. If they were uncomfortable, they could come and ask him for an account.

Of course, they had to have the power to do it. Artic, who saw that everyone was surprised, went down even further and started talking with a big smile on his face.

"Come on, I helped you, won't you thank me?»

He asked. Liaka was the one who answered Artic's question.

"Thank you for helping. But how did you become so powerful ..»

Artic smiled and didn't say anything. And then a look of hate appeared in his eyes and his face turned ugly. Because he turned his head and looked at Anabel and Hammir.and he was already angry when he saw the two of them side by side, and now he's even angrier.

Anabel and Hammir were waiting in fear for What Artic had to say. They knew that their abilities could not harm the person they were in front of in any way. Artic was stronger than Hammir and Anabel even when he was still an Advanced-Level mystic.

Liaka noticed Artic's gaze, so she coughed slightly and started talking.

"You're out of the group. May I ask why you're here.»

Artic turned his head and looked down at Liakaya with a low-eyed look. And then he opened both hands and started talking.

"I'm here to close very simple unclosed accounts. Are you going to get involved in this ?»

Artic used a menacing tone at the end of his sentence. Liaka understood what artic meant by his speech. If he tried to protect Hammir and Anabel, Artic would attack him, too. He had both the power and the authority.

In the Council of Continents, no one would have the right to say anything to someone on the Origin Level just because they killed a few mystics.

If he got bored and destroyed the continents that were attached to the council, no one would have said anything about it.

These issues could only be addressed to the Planetary Council, and they would not have caused such a problem with the mystics at Origin Level, such as Artic. In short, Liaka knew that his answer would determine the fate of his life.

He thought for a few seconds and answered without any difference in his eyes.

"Hammir and Anabel are yours, you can do whatever you want."

After Liaka said his words, he quickly gathered the other group members together and began to move away from the field. Only Anabel and Hammir were left in front of Artic.and when they heard that Liaka would not protect them, they seemed to have lost everything.

Artic smiled at Anabel and Hammir and began to think. How he should have punished these two people in front of him. He was thinking of torturing Hammir. Anabel was going to give a different kind of punishment. But hammir would be fine.

After continuing to think for a while, he shook his hand slightly and immersed the other two people in a glass of the frame, just like him.

Since the people opposite Artic were not at the origin level, he could use his powers any way he wanted.and he could directly attack and kill them. The reason he was able to do that was that there was no shield protecting Anal and Hammir.

After he trapped them both, he started thinking.