The Law God - Artic

4 Artic - Chapter Four

Our hero took his flight in his Fog form and proceeded directly on top of the forest, the only thing he saw was a massive ocean of trees, nothing more as far as his vision could reach.

He kept searching for an animal to hunt, then suddenly he heard some voices, it wasn't an animal's noise but a human's voice or to be more precise, a woman's voice and she had a very frightened tone.

Artic quickly went to where the voice was coming from. When he arrived at the area where the sound came from, the forest had become very sparse. At least thirty meters' radius around, there was not a single tree in the area.

When Artic got there, he saw a woman trying to fight against a white tiger with blue sparkling eyes. After some time, he figured out that it wasn't a fight, but the woman was desperately trying to escape from there instead, however the tiger wasn't willing to let her go.

Artic started to come near the woman, after failing to escape from the tiger, she began attacking the tiger with a fireball the size of a watermelon, but the tiger with its quick reflexes, managed to dodge the fireball and reduced the distance between them even more.

Artic somehow came directly in front of the tiger and looked at tiger from his Fog form, and he activated his burning fog ability, the tiger ignored the fog in front of it and jumped directly into the burning fog of 250 Celsius.

Tiger started to scream in pain from within the burning fog and it came out of the fog with a jump and one could instantly see the massive burned mark on its body.

"This talent is not enough to kill him!"

Artic, with seriousness on his face activated the ability "Burning Fog" once again and he threw it toward the tiger from all sides. The tiger started to scream in pain again within the fog which surrounded it by all sides, it tried to escape the fog, but its eyes evaporated even before it could come out of the burning fog, and its whole body also got burned.

In the end, the former white tiger that became a crispy black burned meat directly collapsed on the ground. The image was very gore and terrific to see.

After witnessing all this happening in front of her, the women in the white dress became baffled and she started examining the person in front of her who had just transformed himself from fog into a human.

The person she was facing had no clothes on his body beside a ragged underwear but she quickly thanked him rather than examining him more.

"Sir, thank you so much for helping me."

Artic looked at her and started talking. When he came to this world, the general language of this world got integrated into him by the system so he had no issues talking to her.

"What are you doing here in this forest? I can see that you are a mystic expert."

While was slightly bowing, the young women replied with a smile on her face. "Sir, I came to this forest to get insights on the law of fire and with some meditation, but I didn't know that a level 3 Blue Devil Tiger would be here too."

Artic looked at the women and asked her "Can you tell me about the rank of mystic here?"

The young woman was quite surprised by the question he asked. But she still answered his question very respectfully with a smile on her face. "My lord according to what I know, the person who had obtained his first talent is known as an Expert. Other than that, if the first law is fully mastered and had earned another ability, those people call themselves Lord."

Artic began to speak after nodding "Do you have any man's clothes with you?"

The young woman nodded her head and proceeded to her backpack, which fell off when she was doing the battle. She gave him a set of clothes. It was a set of basic gray clothes, one shirt and one pant.

"It is my brother's clothes that I bought, I'm sure it will fit you perfectly."

He put on the clothes with a happy expression and asked the young women with a smile on his face "You chose Fire as your first law?"

The young women, with a shocked face answered hurriedly while thinking of not missing this opportunity "Yes my lord, it's the fire element I chose, according to Stone of Points, I have fifty-two points."

Artic smiled and started talking "I'm going to give you some knowledge related to the fire element and you should repeat it after me."

The young woman got very excited hearing this, because only very rich noble families would be able to afford to have Lords to become teacher, the possibility of a normal noble family could get them to be their teacher is almost zero, much less to mention this young woman who was born in a commoner family. This could be regarded as once in a life's time opportunity.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.