The Law God - Artic

291 New God Artic - Ox-Man Empire - Chapter 291

Only the people who did not attack them got hurt by them. It was a pretty normal occurrence because Artic wanted that people who do not attack his armies to not get hurt.

Yeah, he is making something bad maybe for some people but he still did not want to kill people because of one person.

There is no need for doing something like that at all.

10.000 Ox-Man army controlled by ten commanders and ten different captains, each of them created by Artic and had a good deal of intelligence.

Their goal is to kill the defenders of the Reander City and occupy it and wait for the new orders.

With the use of magic strong warriors and archers, easily destroyed many creatures and many beings without too much of a problem.

The reason for all of this was pretty easy.

Artic knew from now on then that the god improved their powers because of the faith of the people. More people and living beings believed and scared of them or had any kind of emotion towards his name, stronger and mightier the being will become.

Artic had no purpose other than working on his power, He almost has anything he needs and no enemy whatsoever.

So, If he wants to do something he needs to create a domain a religion for himself.

- In the Reander City, many people started dying all of them are soldiers, the city could not defend itself against the mighty Ox-Man army and in just one day all of the forces of the City destroyed or the ones who do not kill surrendered.

The commander of the Ox-Man Army The Rakvelna, sat on the throne and then used a magical ox-man to started talking.

"We are the envoy and army of the "God Artic", if you believe him and built temples, all of the humans and other living beings will live in harmony without any more blood, We do not force any unharmed human to believe the our "God" but if you don't, you have to leave the city or pay high-taxes."

With his words, Humans on the ground watching the balcony looked at each other with disbelief on their face, They were not expecting this new creature with intelligence to announce something like this.

Many of them thought that they are only here for the occupation of the city and not important matters, But it seems like it was not like that.


Many people in the city formed a place to talk about this new thing, The city government and soldiers were no more, only people who alive were witches who did not attack the Ox-Man army in the invade of Reader city and many of commoner families.

So all thoughts of resisting are not feasible, they have not enough people to fight against the strong army of the Ox-Man.

With these thoughts, they started talking and answering the questions, in these dire times a man showed himself.

At that time, he knew that they have no force capable of going into the battle with Ox-Man and especially their god.

He knew that the best thing is to try to convince people to believe the god of them and then start building power until they have enough to fight back.

With this suggestion, many people at first who do not want to accept the reign of Ox-man and god Artic, starting the think best way to deal with this problem is just okay with everything and built power secretly.


With this arrangement of people a new organization was forced between the commoners and witches, It was called "Origin Reander" symboling the real folk of the Reander City itself.

This organization will be in touch with the Ox-Man Government, Ox-Man attained the Aliras to it is the leader because of his smart ideas towards harmony with each other.

With all of these formed, everything started to become normal, Artic already created ox-man personal for management and other purposes and everything started going pretty well.

Five temples of Artic built in the city, their symbol was a big "A" symbol with a Triangle symboling the reality itself.

Inside of these temples, there are Ox-Man and Humans praying the Artic, After the first tries, Artic noticed that Ox-Man prayings do not work on himself because he created them and their praying does not affect his power.

10 Years Later – Ox-Era – 1"

Many things changed in the Reander City, because of the management of the "Ox-Man", because Ox-Man was created by the Artic himself for performing their duties with top quality at least to some degree, basic human mistakes were not surfaced himself, like taking money from the people, talking with other countries and betrayal.

The people of the Reander City still did not forget about the war between humans and Ox-Man but they are noticing that they have more gold in their pocket and working less than before, people noticing these changes, some of the humans do not want to acknowledge the changes but everyone knows that Ox-Man Government changed their life in a good way.

30 Years Later – Ox-Era – 40

After, 30 years later, many of the old people who remembered the battle already died. Their sons who were young people at that time become people at the ages of 30 to 40 and 50.

Many humans started believing the Artic, because of the Ox-Government, with the support of witches and humans, Ox-Man easily take the two different cities and started reforming them into the shape of what Artic wants.

Many of these humans just surrendered without a fight because of the power of Ox-Government too much, they know how rich they are and how rich their folks are too, many people settled on the Reaner City.

Alisa – First Origin Reaner Organization Leader, many of them died in these years and a woman named Lalya which is a witch took the throne of human relations.

Lalya is the small girl who Artic helped on the mountain about 40 years ago, After continues improvement she finally understood who is the "Artic" the God