The Law God - Artic

248 Artic - Chapter - 248 - System Warns Artic -

The boy didn't have a lot of OG Credits on his ring. For this reason, Artic just took the what he has and left the ring on the floor from where he was found without taking any other items.

Artic kept coming down slowly. Although the Red Fire Moon was classified as a moon, it was larger than most planets. The reason it was classified as the moon was the Red Fire Organization's own will.


Artic had gone down a little bit, and he saw another battle ongoing with a human and monster. This time, a young woman was fighting against a flying creature with a green sword in her hand.

The creature had four tails. The front of each tail was covered with a pointed den. At the same time, this creature, which had a body like a black snake, had two large black wings and a little snake's mouth with menacing red eyes.

Artic focused slightly on the creature and began to watch the war.

"Four Needle Tail Winged Snake"

"Level - Origin Level 5"

"Tail Control Law"

Artic saw a creature that was slightly intrigued this time. The reason for this was simple. In general, the laws of creatures were always understood at first sight. Creatures with their laws were extremely rare.

This snake-like winged creature he saw had its law. It law was pretty simple, something called "Tail Control." He was more or less curious about what it was for when he saw the needles coming directly from four places of the young woman fighting the creature.

Each of the needles entered the young woman in four places, and a few seconds later, the young woman was slightly exploded. It was a symbol of the young woman's death.

Artic shook his head. There was a feeling on his face that he was looking at a poor creature more than a sad feeling. Every mystical who came here came here with certain knowledge. Therefore Artic knew that he had no responsibility to save them or help them.

But he was just dont understand why people do not take any safety measures when coming in this world.Most likely people are who first to die , are people like him because , again most likely they have no knowledge what waits them here.

The snake creature in front of him had a simple technique. As it continued to attack from different places, he used the law to use his tail unexpectedly and catch his opponent at the wrong time.

Artic also understood that his understanding needed to change a little bit when he watched them. A few seconds later, he stopped watching shook his hand and killed the snake, then took the woman's falling ring, and after taking the money and the sword she had used, he left the ring directly and began to land.

"she gave me a little more money than the previous young man. The Green Sword was requested by the system."

"Green Leaf Sword"

"Origin Level 2"

"System Score - 1.0"

Artic, without much thought, gave the green 60 cm long sword to the system. And then, as he landed, he began to look around carefully and thought of his new thoughts.

"Indeed, origin levels have no meaning as a clear force in space."

Artic had a certain understanding of that. After artic gave him some thought about these issues, the system began to give him free information.


"The system will inform the user because he or she notices certain things."

"Origin Level mystics, the space community, in general, the lowest level of warriors, perhaps the security team and beings doing certain errands are seen there.

"A very normal creature, and the creature found in space, is at least an Origin Level entity."

"The Starium Level mystics are the ones who are in charge of the 1-Level space formations. Also, they can have a career in missions requiring management in Level 2 Space communities.

"Galaxium Level mystics are the ones who are in charge of Level 2 Space formations. Also, they may have a career in tasks requiring management in Level 3 Space communities, or they may be members of the board of directors of these communities.

"???????? level mystics are the ones who are in charge of level 3 space formations and may also have a career in tasks requiring management in the Level 4 Space Communities, or they can become members of the Star Boards of these communities."

The system continued a little after giving information about the levels. Artic was going to ask questions, but right now he didn't want to stop the system.

"Level 0 OrganizationsRequire Origin Level Leader"

"Level 1 OrganizationsRequire Starium Level Leader"

"Level 2 Organizations, Require Galaxium Level Leader""

"Level 3 Organizations, ???????? They require a Level Leader."

Artic took a deep breath. He didn't need to know this much more. At the time, he wanted to ask.

"What is the name of the level after the system, Galaxium Level."

Artic had waited a few seconds, and the system had an answer.

"The user does not have the power or authority to know the full information. However, a specific clue can be given"

"Sp , Wr - Mg".

Artic had a slight laugh when he saw this. The system was nice to him. Even a child could understand that these writings mean Space Warrior / Mage. But, naturally, Artic didn't say anything about it. And even if he didn't, he knew the system knew what he thinking. That's why he couldn't hide anything from it.

Artic put those thoughts aside at the time and focused on his surroundings.where he landed, like the upper levels of a mountain. He gave me red trees around, and the grass was so red that Artic couldn't stop thinking he was in a pool of blood.

Artic was going to start flying lightly and wandering around, and he heard a big scream. That scream didn't come from a person. It came from a creature.

Artic turned slightly around and looked at the big mountain far away from where the sound came from. With he looking at the mountain, he swallowed one.

At least 100 meters long and wide, a crimson snake wrapped around a mountain, destroying the mystics flying around one by one. The snake's whole body was red, her eyes were yellow, and there was nothing on it.

But every scream he screamed was destroying an origin-level mystic. the snake standing on this huge mountain, 100 meters long and 30 meters wide, looked scary.

After Artic focused lightly, he understood why this snake could wipe out anyone so comfortably.

"Red Scream Mystical Boa"

"Level - Stairum Level 1"

"Law - Red Scream"

"System Advice = Do not engage fight with this creature/reason/user not have experience ("