The Law God - Artic

230 Artic - Chapter - 230 - The Real Life Creation -

After artic placed his thoughts in a certain way, he began to prepare to test his last remaining talent, "Real Life Creation".

This ability, both conceptually and inherently, made a significant difference from other abilities. If Artic could use this ability strongly and correctly, he could declare himself "God."

At least he could have made himself believe it. But Artic also naturally knew that being a god was not something that existed with the powers that existed.

Being a God was an event of thought and character. Even if Artic had very strong abilities, as long as he behaved like a human being, he would never know literally what it meant to be a god.

At least, as long as his mind and mind didn't change differently, that's how it was going to be. Artic didn't want to change how his own will and mind would think to become a god.

That's why he had a little dilemma. After thinking he should think about these issues later, he told the system to show the information about the talent again.

"Can I see the information of the system, the ability to "Real Life Creation"."

Along with Artic's words, the system showed itself the knowledge of the ability in a window.

"5th Talent"

"Real Life Creation"

"The user can create different life forms using the law of reality. How life forms look, how much power they have depends on the user's will. Created life forms cannot be stronger than the user itself and must be at least below 3 levels. The more life forms created, the weaker they must be. The user can give willpower to life forms or use them as robots or puppets if they wish."

Artic swallowed the talent after reading it. He knew he swallowed a lot in general, but this time the reason he swallowed was different. Artic wasn't a stranger to these matters. After all, he had snakes and he also had a glass puppet of his own volition that was currently thinking.

However, this situation was radically different from other situations in a general way. It wasn't like creating a puppet. After all, even someone as weak as Cahrum, who wasn't on the Origin Level, was capable of forming a dummy with normal human intelligence.

The current situation was to create a truly fleshy and vibrant being with pure will and power. In short, Artic was really about to create a life and a human being. That's why he was so excited about it. It was also strengthening.

Artic had to go back in time. Perhaps what people believed to be "God" was a smarter being stronger than they were. He was a person like himself.

If Artic were in his old world right now, he could control the whole world with his powers without any difficulty.people would adore himself and create religion even if he did nothing. It seemed strange to him. He was also entertaining himself.

Artic soon got rid of all his thoughts and looked at the 5-foot ground in front of him to try out the ability.

And then he thought about his "Real Life Creation" talent. With his thinking, he just began to imagine.

Artic imagined a man who was 10 feet tall, white skin and blue eyes, but also black hair. The human form he was going to create didn't have any genitalia. In short, it was a genderless life form. He kept thinking, adding his ears and mouth. But he didn't add a nose. This life-form would live in a way that wouldn't need to breathe.

He didn't just stop here, and he didn't add human organs to this life-form that looked like the human being he had kept alive. He only added two different things. He called them blue cores and red cores.

The red core would perform reproduction, digestion and other kinds of human bodily movements. The Blue Core was a point that represented the capacity to think and willpower.

Naturally, he put the blue kernel inside this man's head, and the red nucleus right inside where the belly button should be but isn't.

There was no evacuation system in this life form. They also didn't have to eat. In general, how this life form would live was simply determined by Artic.

"They will be able to draw energy from all kinds of energy sources and strengthen themselves. It will be the "wizards" who strengthen the Red Core, the physical warriors, and the ones who strengthen the Blue Core."

Artic wanted to facilitate the whole new life form he was creating. But he didn't want to overdo it.

Artic, after he's done everything he needs, he's set a different point for the sexuality part.

He thought the Red Core would be responsible for reproduction and sexuality. Because he didn't want to deprive the life-form he created of something as fun as sexuality, two people from the same entity could experience sexuality and feel the same way as normal people through their red nuclei when they got together.

The birth wouldn't be as primitive as humans. More simply, a new being would be born within a month of the end of sexuality.

The name of the race of the entity he created was Artesian. Each Artesian had a 350-year life span, and if they continued to gather energy, it would become stronger and then move on to different paths.

Artic created Artesian's female models and extra male models, created after adjusting everything.

The first artesian he created gave the name Markar. Markar would be known as the first of the Articians and would have kept the Artesians word throughout history.

Artic, after creating an average of 1,000 Articians, gave them human intelligence. Afterward, he equipped them all with a knowledge of technology and life at the medieval level. He did everything he needed to do.

All he had to do now was place these people on a different planet. He was going to give them a couple of magic books, so the Articians wouldn't have much trouble growing up.

What he referred to as magic here was techniques created by his thought and power. These abilities, and rather spells, that the Articians could use would protect them against other different races.

Artic took a deep breath after he set it all up.