The Law God - Artic

226 Artic - Chapter - 226 - Reality ! Reality ! Reality !

It was no coincidence that Artic knew this. rekindling and trying to re-refresh the knowledge he had in the cave for 100 years.

All of this had moved on to a different place, both in terms of personality and power.

He was growing up trying to get his knowledge and his thoughts on the law. and now Artic was a 123-year-old man.

Although there wasn't much age for him. Because those on origin level or high-level beings would not die easily for natural causes. They had a way to die, but it would take a billion years.

Artic could also use direct information in his world for Gate Law. However, he used mythological and symbolic information to create the law differently.

In short, it created a bridge between Philosophy and Real Knowledge, allowing the event to take a different form.

After explaining a lot of other things about Artic Gate, the level of law was opened and artic's energy became directly To Origin Level Peak.

Artic was now only going to combine all the laws he had and create a new law to enter Starium Level.


He'd done a lot of experiments with his mind and simulate. But he didn't like a lot of them. It didn't take him long to figure out what kind of power he wanted after he came up with the door idea and what power worked.

Artic began to focus his energy after collecting his information. Gate Law gave him different skills. But that wasn't artic's goal. That's why he didn't even care what those abilities were.

Artic would accept the outcome of his experiment as his law by conducting a simple experiment. What was the result of the experiment was going to be the law he had when he entered the Starium Level.

If everything went like experiments, Artic could have the power he'd never see in his life. He knew that. He could think that way.

After focusing his energy for a while, he strengthened the new law, Gate Law. After realizing that he had reached a sufficient level, he stood up and smiled slightly and began to prepare himself.

Artic, after gently radiating his energy, began to create his experiment.first, creating a simple 5 meters long and wide glass. There was nothing different about this glass. It was a very simple glass.

No one knew what to do with this glass with no details to come to mind.

Artic continued the process with a smile on his face. He breathed slightly deeply and formed a mirror of the same size behind the glass he had created.

The mirror artic created was not a simple mirror-like glass. This mirror, created from its law, naturally transitioned as a Mystical Mirror.

After artic created the mystical mirror, he put himself behind the glass and began to look at the mystical mirror from behind the glass and look at himself.

After Artic smiled lightly, he created a door right behind him. The door was about 10 feet in size and it had only one arm.

In general, the color of the door was black and there was no detail on it. A lot of people couldn't say anything but that the door was too big.

After artic appeared behind him, he took a great deep breath and created it through the same door, this time behind the Mystic Mirror.

Artic was looking at the glass and seeing himself in the mirror. He also saw the door behind him. But in a different situation, there was a door behind the mirror.

Artic was more or less prepared for everything.


"Let's go."

Artic whispered lightly and the door behind him began to open with Artic's whisper. At that time, Artic thought the door behind the mirror had been opened. Naturally, he didn't open it to give orders in some form.So the door behind the mirror was not going to open.But because Artic have the Gate Law , and door is not going to open It will create a different situtation.

In short, Artic thought that after ordering the door behind him to open, the door behind the mirror was opened, just like a man praying without using his power.

With Artic thinking about it, the door behind the mirror was slightly opened.

Having felt this, Artic noticed that after careful focusing around, an energy similar to smoke color had appeared.

After Artic noticed the energy, he gritted his teeth and began to focus on the energy with all his strength. By doing everything he could, he was trying to draw the energy that had come out of him, and he was using all his power to make his energy accept him.

At that time, he spoke lightly with the system.

"The system, after inhaling the energy, accept that energy as the law."

Artic was starting to look pretty tired when he said those words. He was using all his power to draw energy to himself.

The energy looked like smoke, and it had a circular shape, big the size of a fist on a ball. But for Artic, this energy meant a new law. That's why he started doing his best.

Soon after, the smoke-like energy, the size of a fist, began to come slightly towards Artic.

Artic's words were answered by the system at the time.


Artic, naturally, wanted that answer. When he took it, he couldn't stop smiling, and he was close to laughing, but now he couldn't break his constant.

So he calmed himself down and focused solely on the energy coming in.

The reason Artic was happy was simple. Because all his experiments happened when the system accepted the promise he had said. If Artic does not accept energy as law after absorbing it, what he did would mean nothing.So If system said that It is not going to absorb the energy as a law.All of his experiment meant nothing.

After an average of 25 minutes, the energy, like the fist, continued to come in slowly, and after a while, it went straight through Artic's head.

That's when Artic screamed and screamed.

"The system is now!"

With Artic screaming, the system began to speak constantly.

"Foreign energy has entered the user's body.

"Energy is defined"







"Energy has been defined and accepted as law."

"The user is switching to Starium Level."






"The user has switched."

"The user is now at Starium Level with a new law"

"User status updated."

"The name of the New Law"

"Reality Law - Reality Warping" !!!!