The Law God - Artic

222 Artic - Chapter - 222 - The Ares Watching -

With Artic's words, snakes made of two glass had begun to appear in his hands.

Only three or four seconds had passed that both of the snakes that had come out of Artic's hands had become creatures 100 meters long and 10 meters wide.

The type of snakes was quite plain. The biggest thing about these snakes, which looked like a normal cobra snake, was that they had two large wings in the middle of their body. These wings weren't made of glass.

It was the special Mirror Wings created by Artic's other law, mystic mirror.

After the Twin Winged Serpents appeared, they began to float through the air and swirl around Artic. The strangest thing is that they both had at least an Energy Level 7.

Artic smiled slightly and began to reread the information the system had already given him. He created this technique by combining the Glass Law with the Mystical Mirror Law within 3 years. That's why he was happy.

"Twin Mystic Mirror Winged Serpent"

"Level = Origin Level 7"

"Description -

"This creature was created by Artic. My creature's entire body was created by the "Glass" Act, which has a very strong defensive capability. Its wings are made up of Mystic Mirror law, which has abilities such as "irresponsible". The two large teeth in front of the mouth are teeth that can damage even Origin Level 9, which is a combination of Glass and Mystical Mirror."


"Teleportation To Person" (Same as Artic)

"Strong Mystic Bite"

"Glass Defense"

Artic couldn't help but feel happy when he saw the characteristics of the Twin Winged Serpents. This talent was perhaps the greatest talent he'd ever worked on in his life, and he made himself happy.

Although Artic was very happy, Lancel, his enemy, was not so happy.

After looking at two winged snakes flying around Artic, Lancel knew directly that the situation was not good for him.

Each of the snakes, at least, blood slave fate was strong. It had become more dangerous because of the body they had.

Lancel knew that the situation was really serious and that he couldn't harm his mystical without using his other abilities.

after two seconds of floating 100-meter long snakes just as Lancel was about to use his talent, they disappeared as if they never existed.

Lancel noticed that for about a tenth of a second. But by the time he realized, it was one that he was hit hard.

The Twin Winged Serpents were entities that moved according to Artic's commands. After Artic gave orders from his mind, they looked at Lancel only once with his eyes that looked like diamonds. Then they beamed back and next to him, and with their strong teeth, they dealt him a big blow.

With the impact of the impact, Lancel fell directly into the ocean and the waters in much of the ocean were thrown into the air.

In the waters, different creatures had died in the same way. Due to the impact of the collision, the continent closest to Artic and Lancel, the Continent of Lien, was directly destroyed. Because of the destruction of this continent, nearly 100,000 people and different beings lost their lives.

Lancel, on the other hand, suffered a great deal of damage.

If it wasn't for Blood Knight Armor, which was as valuable as it was on him, maybe he would have died because of this attack. But now he's lost his armor.

An attack like this couldn't take it again.

Lancel took a deep breath and after throwing the ax in his hand, he whispered inside after removing the hanging "Katana" of his back.

"Blood God Blessing"

With Lancel's words, his whole body began to glow with red blood energy.

Artic continues to look at Lancel after taking a slight deep breath. He had a simple ability to create just one more. If he got into a dangerous situation, he'd use that ability.

That's how Lancel began to attack Artic directly. Artic responded with swords made of glass.

With each blow, a sword was destroyed. Because the katana in Lancel's hand wasn't a normal sword. For this reason, the glass swords created by Artic's law could not respond to the power of the katana.


It wasn't a few seconds past that Artic and Lancel had at least 10 attacks. Meanwhile, Katana's blow managed to hit Artic over the shoulder.

Artic didn't take the blow deeply because he was lucky. However, he could not prevent a deep cut in his shoulder. Just as Lancel was about to strike another blow, the Twin Winged Serpents suddenly appeared next to Lancel and launched another major attack.

If Lancel didn't distract him from the Twin Winged Serpents, he didn't have to be afraid of the attack. Because he could have defended himself.

But fighting Artic and resisting the Twin Winged Serpents was not an easy move for him. Therefore, he had re-emitted the coup.

After Lancel ate the blow, he began to fall back into the ocean. This time, he ate the whole blow because he didn't have any armor on him, and his entire body was bruised and bruised.

If he took another blow like that, he could have died.

Lancel, because he was a Blood Law Knight, he couldn't bleed out of anywhere like a human being, or just like beings with blood. Every blow he took was damaging the Law Core in him.

When the damage reached its final level, its core exploded and naturally died as a Law Being.

Lancel certainly didn't want that to happen. There was someone else watching artic and Lancel's war.



This entity, which had no form, was watching the war in a slightly bored manner. The being who started talking to himself had a strange tone.

"They both don't have much experience with the war. Oh, how bad!"

This life-form wasn't a human being. Or the Existence of a Law,

The life form that's talking is the one who knows the best of the wars and loves to fight.

It was "Ares, the god of war."