The Law God - Artic

218 Artic - Chapter - 217 - The Law Creatures / Beings -

After Vihn and Marvi killed people who tried to treat them like Black Hand members who taunted them, the atmosphere was back to normal. People in the environment would react to this under normal circumstances. But it was a fact that vihn and Marvi were known to the people around them to be mystical and strong together.

Anyone who could kill this trio so quickly without anyone else noticing must have been mystical. And they must have been very important, not just normal mystics.

Vihn and Marvi left the inn after spending a few more minutes in the inn.

After thinking about it for a while, Vihn answered Marvi walking next to him.

"Black Hand has been a prime enemy to the Blue Light we once built. If we can get the other band members together, this could be the best opportunity for us."

When Marvi saw that his friend thought the same way, he had a smile on her face. Marvi and Vihn were previously in a friendship relationship with other group members.

they both grew up in the same village and their families were very close. It could be said that he was his childhood friend. Therefore, after the strange mystic (Artic) gave them power, others in the group went their own way. At least for a while, but Vihn and he stayed together to clean up the evil around here.



There was a strange thing, there were two men inside the structure. The structure they were in was not like any other shape. It was a complicated structure with weird look. The building had the color the red. The two men in this structure looked strange with glowing eyes.

"Will we send the necessary help, or rather the desired being?"

Young man asked the old man with a boring looking face , he look liked that he was bored. The young man's face was quite beautiful. It was so beautiful, there was a certain structure on it. The old man, despite being old, continued to spread an authoritarian and charismatic atmosphere.

The old man answered the young man's question after he confirmed it with his head.

"They did what was necessary. Therefore, although their planet is in a low plane, we must do what they want."

After the young man nodded his head, he gently waved his hand and opened a large portal with explosions in red with his hand shaken. A few seconds after this portal was opened, an entity within it approached them.

The young man cleaned his breath and started talking.

"Blood Law Knight, the lord on a planet, has donated us, 1.00,000 human souls, for killing Origin Level Human and all he wants is to destroy his enemy. For someone of your power, it'll take an hour at the most."

The entity that came out of the portal listened to the young man's words. The name of this being was as the young man said.

Blood Law Knight, this being was a Being of Law, unlike other people and races. they were not mystics like other people or not like the monster-beings who use law to get stronger.Law Beings born originally from a law.

They were not like the humans or other mystic beings.Normal peoples and other mystic beings

After taking steps, they would slowly strengthen themselves by gathering information or developing philosophically. Then they were given power by the law they had chosen. It was to use the law of their choice,

But the Law Beings were completely different. Other beings were born normally, developing themselves and advancing in the law they chose.

The Law Entities(Or Beings) were the physicalized life forms of the Law. The Beings of Law were born from birth by law within them.

At the same time, they were mytic from the moment they were born, they had the characteristics of the law, and they were quickly strengthened. Because instead of choosing law, they used the knowledge of the law they were born to be directly empowered.

Blood Law Knight was, in fact, a completely normal warrior. Except he was born with Blood Law. So he started to move fast by living, and all he had to do was get to know himself better.

Blood Law Knight was an extremely powerful warrior who used blood-law-based abilities. His level was Origin Level 9. This being was the same power as Artic, even stronger than him at some right time.



Blood Law Knight responded only by confirming it with his head. That way, he'd have a lot of benefits for a trivial business. So, he was quite happy.

Certain laws could be raised with other people's souls. There was a name given to such laws. Blood Law Knight was going to ask a question about it, and that's when the old man started talking.

"In general, you know the details.20 percent of the souls of humans belong to us as your employers and contractors. if you're ready, we should send you."

Blood Law Knight, naturally, knew the deal. He was making deals with the people he was dealing with. He was getting stronger at time being. If he just work little bit hard, then he would have the power to be called the Starium Level for humans.

Blood Law Knight smiled slightly. For Law Beings like himself, leveling was different.

"Born" 1 - 2 - 3" - Before - Origin Level

"Wingin " 1 - 2 - 3" - Origin Level 1 , 4 , 9 -

"Limen - 1 - 2 - 3 - Starium Level 1 , 4 , 9 -

it was like that.

If Blood Law Knight not stopped. he would go for to The Limen Level, so he didn't wait any longer, and quickly, he logged into the portal that opened for him and went to the person who had called him.


Artic later killed high-level personnel who were accompanying him. Because he got all the information from them. He didn't need it anymore. Besides, it was very close to the ground, black hand, which was called the Black Hand House.

At that moment, he was starting to feel very strange things. After a few more minutes, he saw his target, and he swallowed slightly.

"This creature is on the same level as me!"

Artic looked at the creature waiting at the top of the mountain at the far end and said.