The Law God - Artic

216 Artic - Chapter - 216 - The Emperor - Black Hand House

Soon, Artic had been informed of where is he was supposed to go. That's how he knew where the Black Hand was based on, which was the area where it was run.

The main location of the Black Hand, black hand island was on an island. It was called the Black Hand House, which was built on a large mountain on the island. The entire Black Hand organization depended on the administration on this island.

Although Black Hand House was built on a mountain inside the island, the entire island's resources and lands belonged to the Black Hand.

The size of the island was the same as artic's former habitat, earth. Of course, in the world where the mystics live, such an area could be described as the most "island".

Even from here alone, you could see what kind of power the Black Hand had. Going to the island has been a long journey. But it wasn't a big trip to Artic. My maxi would have given it to the island in a few hours.

For normal mystics, it was a 20-30-day journey. But artic didn't have to care about these things because of the laws he had.

Vermond, Vilen, and Livene were placed in a glass box by Artic. Artic was also sitting on the couch in a glass box. With the information they received from Vermond and others, they began to move rapidly towards the area where the island was located.

Vermond was not affected in any way by the speed because it was in the glass box. But it was very strange to him. He knew how fast they were moving. If it wasn't for the Glass Box that was protecting him. Just because of the speed, he would completely dismember his entire body. Even if he used mystical energy to protect himself, the result wouldn't have changed.

Without the protection of the Glass Box, where he made such a journey, only the 7th Level Star Mystics and others above could be folded. It would have been a very frustrating and disturbing journey, even for them.

For Vermond, Livene, and Velin, this journey would be fatal without protection.

Liven shared the same thoughts as de Vermond. The information the spies brought in didn't match the power this man had. This was the strongest man he'd ever seen. Not only that but now he was sure that the level of the man opposite him was Divine Realm.

Although Liven didn't admit it exactly, he probably knew the Black Hand was coming to an end.


Livene, on the other hand, was completely silent. He's been thinking a lot. But he wasn't putting them into action in general. what he was going through was simple.

Livene, thanks to his overall beautiful appearance, would win the hearts of his enemies and then attack them when they were not expected, ending their lives. In this way, she was able to kill mystics who were far more powerful than her. But she knew that her fascinating beauty and also her mystical abilities would not work for the man in front of her.

Therefore, she knew that she had to use different techniques to get the man in front of her. But in general, she couldn't think of anything. The guy in front of her was so strong, she somehow felt like he wasn't interested in women.

She talked to herself from within.

"Maybe he's not interested in such relationships, love, and women because he's as strong as the gods."

What Livene didn't know was this. The beings of the kind of personality that Artic hated the most were like himself.

Artic has always proved that what he didn't like most in his life was "betrayal." He did the worst torture when he was betrayed. He had achieved all his power through betrayal, and he had suffered his worst pain because of treason.

So, like Livene, he was generally disgusted by people who gained the trust and then shot them in the back. Artic knew she was this type from the moment he saw Livene. But now he did not kill her because he didn't want to kill her right  now.

Although he was also confident, he didn't want to fall into the wrong trap on a black hand island. If a weak mystical act like Garin could threaten someone in Origin Level 5, someone stronger than him could have endangered himself with the right law.

For this reason, he brought some of the former members with him, and he had some protection of himself. Besides, he wasn't going to do the direct attack, so he had a different plan.


In a big city, the news was starting to be heard. This city was the largest city of Belem, the largest city of the Balem empire, an empire that controlled many cities, such as Gebin City, where the largest of the cities of the Bealm empire came together.

Many of the people who lived in this city were wealthy merchants and nobles. At the same time, many mystical schools, and mystical powers of the city and the empire had a serious level of power.

Meanwhile, in the city's most prominent great castle, a middle-aged, light white-haired man sat in a throne room. The man's eyes were like eagles, and his face had a strong temperament. This man, who seemed generally dangerous, had vast knowledge in his eyes.

, looking at his servant and listening to his words.

"His Majesty Ludicrus we have been informed that the Black Hand has attacked Lord Altic with using his disciples. For this reason, Lord Altic, in a short period, firs destroyed located in the Black Hand Place cave, then the tower, and the latest news that Black Hand Main Center 2, destroyed by Lord Altic to. Now, black hand house, Black Hand on the island of the island and orad a is also in pursuit of war."

Ludicrus put his hand on his chin and entered into deep thought.

"This person called Altic undoubtedly has a mystical power in the Divine Realm. If I can get him with me, I'll be very strong. But I'm sure a strong man like him might have considered such a possibility. If betrayal is what he doesn't like the most, one of his favorite things must be friendship and friendship. In short, if I want this man's support, I have to be close friends with him."

After ludicrus thought, he looked at his servant and started talking.

"When things calm down, Lord Altic, send a messenger and invite him to our palace and tell him I want to see him. If he doesn't want to come, I can go."

The messenger shook his head in a manner that confirmed it.