The Law God - Artic

214 Artic - Chapter - 214 - The Escape Tunnel -

Artic did a little thinking where he was going. This so-called Black Hand Main Center 2 was a long way from here.

Although that distance didn't apply to Artic. Because the speed artic could have was far from a concept that people on the planet would understand.

Artic knew at full speed that he could go to this place in 10 minutes. But for some reason, he thought that having a lot of confidence in him might have had a bad effect.

If he's very confident and gets into boosting this time, it could be a problem. However, according to the information he learned, this is not exactly the last place. In short, there wouldn't be much power to go.

So he started to move comfortably.


Black Hand Main Center 2 was a large place in the Vigen Forest. This place included schools, training areas, mission, and management information and a lot of things. Some members understood that a man named Altic was coming towards them and that there would be an attack. Or rather, the information had reached their hands quickly.

The way they got this information quickly was because they had mystics who were interested in "communication" jobs in this way.

A young black-haired man was walking slowly. Its location was black hand street 2, which was the streets of Black Hand Main Center 2. This place was in the main center and had a normal street view.

Some of the Black Hand mystics lived here.

The young man's name was Vermond. Vermond was a young man. This young man, which was only 20 years old, had risen rapidly thanks to his law of "Fear", and he became mystical at The 4th Star Level. At such a young age.

He got in the black hand's eye because he was moving so fast. Shortly after, they were offered a job. Vermond was a "neutral" mystical who ignored people's feelings. So he accepted this offer, which would give him an advantage, without much thought.

Vermond, who had just crossed the stairs, was currently in charge of Black Hand Main Center 2, the Information Collection and Interrogation Agency.

Because his law was "Fear," he could directly scare the mystics who were at a lower level and get the information he wanted from them.that's why he was in the position he's in now.

A lot of mystics thought the most important thing was the level of the person. They weren't thinking about a. But in some jobs, more than the level, it was even more important what the law was.

If Garin didn't have the "Curse" law, they wouldn't have tried to attack Artic. Sensia and Elonia wouldn't have made such an attempt or a plan. If Artic Origin were lower than Level 5, he would be in their hands now serving as a puppet or a slave.

This alone sometimes showed how important the law is.

Garin's level was Level 6 Star. But he had a law that could enslave a man who was almost 13 or 14 levels above him. Even though it was a condition, even that possibility showed how important a person's law was.

Vermond, who was in charge of the Information Collection and Interrogation agency, had learned before anyone that their location would be attacked. So he knew he had to do something to secure himself.

The power of this mystic called Altic was extremely powerful. He knew this because he had been constantly getting information about this guy in the last 3 to 4 years in general. The mystics at the highest levels were constantly pressuring him about it.

Any new information about a man named Altic was extremely valuable. That's why Vermond could understand how much power this man had. This man, probably altic, was at least at the level of

Divine Realm 1. (Divine Realm = Origin Level)

Vermond began to make preparations to secure himself based on this information. After walking down the street for a while, he entered a secret area.

This area was called the Emergency Tunnel. Although this area had not been used for years, it would be used now.

Like Vermond, this tunnel, which allows people at high levels and who are in charge of institutions to quickly leave their positions, was divided into people at high levels like himself.

Vermond was stopped by two people after entering the Emergency Tunnel.both wearing black masks. They were unknown.

"Introduce yourself, and show your hand"

Vermond gave me a slightly deep breath. And then he started talking.

"My name is Vermond, director and leader of the Information Collection and Interrogation Agency."

After Vermond's words, he gently raised his hand and showed his palm. Like Vermond, those in the administration had signs placed by special mystics in the palms of their hands. These markings were identities of individuals because they were uncopyable.

Two masked men who had stopped Vermond looked at each other after a remote examination of the sign on hand and made an affirmation mark with their heads. Then one of the guys started talking.

"Here you can pass Lord Vermond."

With the words of the masked men, Vermond calmly passed through them and opened the metal door and went inside. What he saw next was a completely long tunnel. There were a few like him, and he knew them all.

There was a pretty woman with blonde hair. She was wearing black clothes and some ornaments. This woman, the woman in charge of the Control Agency, her name was Livene. The law he had was perverse.

The other was a man who looked quite short and young. But this guy wasn't young. He was just using a different method to look young. This person was the head of the Spy one knew his name. If they already knew, no one would have given him the job of being head of the Spy Agency.

Two people who saw Vermond shook their heads with approval, and then they started to move through the tunnel.

Black Hand Central Government had a rule that there must be at least three mystics to proceed through the Emergency Tunnel. No one knew why this rule existed. But Vermond, the short man, and Livene, it wasn't far from having an opinion on this.