The Law God - Artic

209 Artic - Chapter - 209 - The Origin Level Attacker ?

"I think we should wait and fight him. Black Hand has always done so throughout history."

After the wild man spoke, another woman started talking. The woman who spoke resembled a snake and had a unique beauty.

"No, you muscular-Malheadeden, our research on Altic shows that he's much stronger than we are and capable of destroying us. That's why we need to understand that we're in crisis and keep Black Hand alive in any case."

a wild man named Malen, with his sneaky eyes began to look at every like a snake.

"Viole, you're still acting like a coward. It is not for us to run away."

At the time, there was a supporter of a woman named Viole. This person was a man and he had a very weak looking body. with a mask on his face.

"Black Hand has been an assassin organization from the very beginning. An assassin will not attack if he knows he will not get any definitive results."


Cahrum and Amerni collected the garbage after the celebration, which was made in the garden of the shop as Black Hand continued to argue among themselves. That's when Cahrum started talking.

"Amerni really, I was scared the first time I saw him. It was a terrible thing to see Lord Altic bowing before that woman."

Amerni picked up the trash from the ground and put it in a bag and started talking. He had a smile on his face.

"Lord Altic is a powerful being beyond our minds. He created me after all."

Cahrum continued to collect the trash and started talking.

"Ever really is, One day I wonder. I wonder if I'll be able to reach his level."

At that moment, Amerni began to speak with a little laughter.

"It's not the level that matters. It's your law and experience. The reason those betrayers attacked Lord Altic is that they trusted the law they posses. Maybe if It was me and not Lord Altic, I might have to be their slave now."

Jahrum couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was good friends because he and Amerni lived together. Every once in awhile, Amerni helped him gain experience. The Cahrum could not force Amerni in any way. Amerni was cutting through the golems he created, just shaking her hand. He couldn't make sense of it.

That's why he thought The Amernin was of serious power. That's why he was surprised. If someone as powerful as Amerni said something like that, it was pretty serious. The attack on Lord Altic may have been bigger than he might think.

"I'm surprised when a powerful person like you says that."

Amerni smiled slightly and after the garbage waved her hand, he just destroyed it. The ability he used to destroy was not a skill he possessed because he was on the planet. Because Amerni worked on the Law of Sharpness, he cut the garbage bags into so small pieces that it was completely unseen.

When Cahrum noticed this, he was watching with his mouth open. He couldn't help but be surprised every time. Meanwhile, an old man came into the garden. This old man's name was Miha. Miha was a mystical in her 50s who was at the 1st Star Level. This very powerless man was a butler at the home of Einsi and the Steel Chain.

Cahrum and Amerni began to look at Miha. As far as his face is concerned, he was quite uncomfortable. He even had a few tears in his eye.

Miha came in lightly and started talking after he bowed her head.

"Lord Cahrum, Lord Amerni, My Lords Einsi, and the Steel Chain were killed in the Black Hand attack."

Cahrum and Amerni were furious right after they heard about it. The real reason they were angry wasn't that they were close to Einsi and the Steel Chain. That's because Lord Altic, the master of both of them, said he would protect these two people.

It was a great disrespect to their master. Quickly, they learned from Miha where the attack took place and began to fly forward. Amerni was helping Jahrum fly. But that's not what mattered right now.

As they began to fly, Amerni smiled slightly and began to speak.

"I get the point. This Sensia and Elonia have been in business with the Black Hand from the very beginning.The Sensia sent the message that The Lord Altic is under control. Black Hand, who no longer thought they were in danger, killed these two people, Einsi and Steel Chain, who had betrayed they to regain their honor."

Cahrum was having trouble flying, but he could still listen. He fully agreed with what Amerni said. Lord Altic said three years ago he would protect Einsi and the Steel Chain.

Under normal circumstances, the Black Hand would kill the betrayers immediately, but they couldn't do anything because of Lord Altic's words.

That's why they were disgraced. After Sensia told them that Lord Altic was in his contra, they quickly moved and killed them. Because they didn't think they were something they should be afraid of anymore.

Cahrum had a slight laugh and started talking.

"If Lord Altic hears this news, the Black Hand will be destroyed."

That's when Amerni smiled and started talking.

"I think Lord Altic already knows that The Black Hand was involved in Sensia and Elonia's plot against him, and now he's gone to destroy them."


Within minutes, they were directed at the site of the explosion, or rather the attack. After Jahrum and Amerni examined the area, they looked at each other and started talking.

"Isn't that weird?"

Cahrum shook his head with approval. The energy that was around was not like a normal mystical energy. As strange as Amerni said, he understood the situation. He didn't realize it before, but now he could see it directly.

The attacker should have been Origin Level 1. Because there was origin energy around. Lord Altic says there wasn't much of an Origin Level on this planet. Who could have made this attack?