The Law God - Artic

198 Artic - Chapter 198 - The People Started To Coming

For a while, Artic had just struggled to be stable to the new level he had. And because he didn't understand how time went by, he came straight to the next day.

It was about 12:00 in the morning. There was going to be a celebration at the store in a few hours for the new family member. That's why he thought about going to celebrate.

In general, he didn't think much about the new law which he going to choose. He was more interested in getting used to the new energy he had.

He didn't want to rush into the new law. Because the law he going to chose was the one that determined the law that would be formed at the Starium Level. So he didn't want to go for a different situation on this issue.

He wanted to add strength to his power by choosing an accurate and appropriate law.


Artic didn't make a quick decision because of their consciousness.

After pinning himself down for a few more minutes, he was beamed straight into the shop.


For Anabel, who was just joining the family, the inside of the shop was equipped with many ornaments. A lot of people had known about it, and the reason they were interested was that they naturally knew that this child would be in Artic's care mostly.

For this reason, many people have stated that they want to participate in this celebration. However, Miga and Melisal had heard clearly from Artic that the celebration would only be held with close people. Therefore, no one would be allowed to engage in the celebration except for the people of Artic personal acquainted.

Lord Altic wanted a friendly environment for the baby and others. Everyone who was coming had already met each other in three years and became sincere. The only person who would be strange about this celebration was Einsi and Steel Chain.

Now it would be strange to go to this guy's shop and celebrate with his wife.

Einsi and the Stel Chain, who was preparing for the celebration, started thinking for a while. Gebin City was half an hour from where they were. The celebration was to begin in two hours. So they had nothing to hurry. They only had their minds on one problem.

Meanwhile, Steel Chain, with a slightly serious expression, looked at Einsi and started talking. Einsi was working with the black and beautiful dress she was wearing in front of a long mirror at the time.

"Einsi, is it okay for us to go to this celebration?"

When Einsi heard this question, she took a deep breath and spoke after turning around.

"Why wouldn't it be appropriate?"

Steel Chain shook his head negatively, smiled lightly.

"You know better than I why it's not appropriate."

Einsi then turned to the mirror again and began to think.

After she decided to marry the Steel Chain, she told him about the issue she had with Artic. Steel Chain was a little at first, but then stopped talking about it. But he's never met Lord Altic before he only saw him once.

Einsi trusted Altic on this. Because if that guy was going to be a problem with that. It would be quite comfortable for him to destroy herself and the Steel Chain. After all, she owed him the power she has now.

She also recently heard that from his old friends that girls Elonia and Sensia had the power they have because of the Altic

If a man who was strong like this was going to be jealous of herself and he wanted to do something about it, no human being could stop him. That's why Einsi was comfortable. But, of course, she was aware that it was a little troubling.

After all, it would have been strange for a man who proposed to her a few years ago to go to his celebration with his husband. But in the end, the invitation came from them. If they didn't go, they'd be the ones in a weird situation this time. So she stopped thinking about it and decided to leave.

Einsi was correcting herself when she was thinking these thoughts. After her thoughts were over, she turned around and started talking.

"If we don't go, what we're doing is more disrespectful. At the same time, I don't think Lord Altic is the kind of human who can care something like this."

Steel Chain just smiled lightly. He said a few things when he wore a suit.

"I don't think he is human actually"

After his words, he smiled slightly and then, together with Einsi, set out to go to Gebin City.

Elonia was sitting in a big room, big as a throne. She was in front of him in a red suit, and he was slightly dizzy, and he wasn't eyeing contacting Elonia.

The outfit on Elonia was beautiful. It was yellow and white, and it was quite pleasing to the eye. At the same time, combined with the beauty of Elonia, something angelic emerged.

That's when Elonia started talking.

"Amor, make preparations I'm going to Gebin City."

Amor just shook his head with understanding. Under normal circumstances, a servant would have instructed her not to go along with her princess or king. But the princess opposite him was a seventh-star-level person. If there was anyone who was thinking of attacking such a force, it probably wouldn't matter what kind of bunker was placed next to him.

That's how Elonia started on its way.


Sensia was already on his way and came with a carriage. Two people were sitting right across from her. One of them was a seriously sweet girl with young green hair. The other was a very handsome 16-year-old young man with black hair and a beautiful body.

These two young men were Sensia's students. She knew they didn't normally have an invitation, but she would meet Artic face-to-face and ask them to join the celebration. Worst of all, he'd give young people a chance to travel around the city. So she didn't think there'd be any trouble.

At the time, one of the young people spoke. the who spoke was a young man with black hair


"My teacher Sensia, is this the person you're talking about that strong?"

Sensia smiled slightly when she heard those words. She looked out the through the outside from the window of the carriage, looking sad, and he said one thing.

"Too strong for you to think of."

The two young people, who had heard these words from their teachers, looked at each other with confused expressions. After all, the person they were dealing with was Sensia, a person at the 7th Star Level. The use of such words by such a person showed how powerful this Altic person was.