The Law God - Artic

144 Artic - Chapter 144 - The Defender Of Artic

Artic started looking at the people from Frozen World Civilization. Artic can directly see from the hatred coming from the FrosLima

This hatred probably not because of What Artic did to his granddaughter It is because. He was angry because he didn't expect Artic to be so strong.


When his daughter called him about it, Artic wasn't even on the origin level yet. And now he is in the peak origin level,

It was something that made him angry. A few minutes later, he began to speak in a full, rude tone.

Even though they were in space, there was a serious coldness spreading. That was because of Fros Lima's law.

"Artic, you killed my granddaughter on a planet owned by Levan and Mark Enterprise for no major motive. That's why I want to imprison you. What are you going to say.»

Artic just smiled and started talking.

"When we were on the planet, your granddaughter Lina was in a place beneath me. Even though she was underneath, she misjudged me and made a big deal out of it. That's why I almost lost my own life. Because she came to attack me with someone with the same power as me."

After Artic spoke, the woman next to Fros Lima began to look at her coldly. At the same time, She was looking at the Fros Lima,

It seemed like woman from the Frozen World Human Civilization didn't trust Fros Lima.


Fros Lima never responded to Artic's words. He only said one thing.

"Is there any proof of what you're saying?»

Artic only laughed after hearing that question.

"Does it matter, that I have proof? Whoever I bring you, you won't believe them, and you'll try to blame me. You don't have to be a very intelligent being to know that's your goal. Even a child can understand what you are trying to do»

Artic's words shocked both Fros Lima and the woman next to him. At the same time, the listeners from the Void Center ship were a little strange.

They knew that's the way it was. Each of them was experienced by people who were interested in these subjects for many years.

If they didn't know something like that. How they could call themselves proud mystics.

But they didn't think a kid like Artic, who was only 21, could make such a remark.

At that moment, Fros Lima was getting seriously angry. The cold air was starting to get much thicker around him. After saying a few words, he raised his hand in the air.

"You're right, whatever you say, I won't forgive you for killing my granddaughter, and I'll destroy you in the same way!"

Fros Lima was preparing to attack Artic after he said that. Meanwhile, a white light spread around, and a woman from a White Bird Race emerged.

That was exactly Lilly which she is the governor of the Ancient White Bird Academy.

Fros Lima and the woman next to her were a little surprised to see Lilly. Fros Lima stopped his attack and began speaking in a respectful tone.

"Why is a lady like you from the Ancient White Bird Race here?"

He asked.

Lilly just smiled and looked at Artic.

Artic knew in his eyes what she meant after he saw the look on the face of Lilly. Artic took off the medallion hanging behind his waist and showed it directly to Fros Lima.

Fros Lima and The Woman frowned after they noticed Artic's medallion.

they were both Starium-Level beings who spent a lot of time in space. He knew the symbol of a civilization that was a little more powerful than them, and what the most important coin meant.

Fros Lima didn't withdraw his aggression with Artic. But the woman next to him looked at him and started shaking her head.

At that moment, Fros Lima and the women began to speak internally from their minds.

"Fros Lima you have to think about this young man named Artic has the medallion of freedom Ancient White Bird Civilization in this belonging. And you don't see the woman coming to protect himself. she is a great manager at A Starium Level 3 Level. We cannot put our civilization in such danger just for your revenge."

When Fros Lima heard to what woman said him, he took a deep breath (Origin Level Mystic can breathe in space (Simulation) (They do not breathe they just feel like they breathing)


After continuing to look at Artic for a while, he turned around and continued to return to the blue spaceships with the woman. Artic could easily understand that the man in front of him wasn't going to shut it down here.

So he had to do something about it. The first idea artic came up with was simple. Fros saw Lima and the woman once with his eyes.

When he got a little stronger, especially when he got to the Starium level, all he had to do was beam them down and finish them off with a sudden attack.

He felt he had to do it. Because at a bad time and somewhere Fros didn't want to be trapped by Lima and his friends.

If he went through something like this, he could have lost his life.

Because the other person was directly superior to him. Maybe even the mystical, 100 at the Strong Origin Level Peak level, couldn't resist one Starium.

Artic wrote about it, and then he began to look at the woman from the birds breed that came to protect her.

A woman named Lilly smiled at him and started talking.

"You don't have to be surprised. We protect the owner of the Ancient White Bird Race freedom medallion at the cost of our lives.»

Artic returned to the spaceship with Lilly after he only smiled.

When they returned to the ship, they were overwhelmed by the bewildered gaze of everyone. No one was waiting for Artic to come next to someone who was at Starium Level like this.

Brion and Alkatra, who were in the room at the time, realized that Artic had passed them a lot in terms of power and friends.15 hours later, all the forces would gather at the Void Center. That's why the ship was heading straight for the Void Center.