The Law God - Artic

130 Artic - Chapter 130 - Void Center Gaves Items

With the identification of the sides and the revelation of who would be the enemy with whom, all the entities were very confused.

In general, all intelligent beings began to think. A lot of people knew why this war was going on. But no one knew exactly why the parties were so focused on the Void Center.

No one knew that a young man named Artic, who had arrived a few days ago, was an important part of this war. Those who knew were the ones who would be in the middle of the war. Not knowing that was supposed to be a little weird.

Even in ancient times, normal civilian people and beings couldn't have known about the political moves between countries in general.

It seemed like a normal thing for them.


With the official establishment of the parties to the war, the civilizations and corporations that had chosen sides began to send their military power to the main headquarters of the side they had.

After the outbreak of the war, the Peak Level  Origin Satellite, which normally belonged to the hidden Silver Human Race, was also revealed.

Those on the Silver Human Race's side were starting to move towards this satellite.

The first civilization to enter the Silver Human Race Satellite was the Green Meteor United Civilization.

The military power they had was not bad. They sent exactly five Green Meteor-shaped Tier 6 Space Warrior Ships.

There were also 2 - Level 7 Warrior Green people among them.

Exactly two days later, the Worm Trading Alliance sent its army. This army consisted of 10 Tier 7 Worm-like warrior spaceships.

The Worm Trading Alliance was not a company that was too powerful compared to other powers. But the real power of this company came from the pure resources they had. Thanks to these pure resources, even many powerful companies wanted to make deals with themselves.

That's why the companies and civilizations on the Void Center side are afraid.

Law Tech and the Worm Trading Company meant serious power. For this reason, LawTech was told that he was on the Silver Human Race Side, and the Void Center and its side were a little uncomfortable.

But now that the Ancient White Bird Race is from the Void Center, things have changed.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Although it seems that the Silver Human Race and its supporters were preparing for war right now, they were trying to end the war before it started.

He knew they were in a war they couldn't win.

Exactly three days later, LawTech arrived on the Silver Human Race Satellite.

LawTech's army of battles was a serious adored. Exactly 20 LawTech Space Warships arrived. These spaceships, each with Level 7 Origin Power, was very powerful.


Artic was back in his room while all this was going on. He knew he had to make preparations. When the war started, he didn't even have enough power to watch the war. He had to get it to level three. And to do that, he had to develop the Glass Law.

He came back out of his room to talk to Brion about it. If there were valuable objects related to Cam in the Void Center, he could assimilate them and raise the level directly.

On average, a few minutes later, he found Brion and said he wanted to talk. He knew that Brion Artic's situation was very different. So he listened to Artic and responded positively after he understood his wishes.

Artic and I went to a very secret area where the Void Center kept the treasures. From there, Brion gave Artic exactly three different types of items related to the Glass Law.

After Artic took the stuff, he and Brion went back to his room. After a few minutes of Brion's information about the stuff, Artic started examining the stuff.

The first item was screeve. This bowl was made entirely of glass and had different drawings on it. The system began to define this bowl simply.

Ancient Glass Bowl

«Origin Level 2»

«System Points = 200»

After Artic approved it with his head, he started looking at the other two items before he absorbed the bowl directly.and the second item was a stick.

Unlike other sticks, this stick had two pieces of glass at the ends. Although the look and posture of the stick were very thin, Artic could feel the mysterious power coming from the stick.

A few minutes later, the system began to examine this stick.

«Priem Glass Stick»

«Origin Level 5»

«System Points = 700»

Artic began to look at the stick with different eyes with the value of the system. This stick was not a normal stick at all. It was a pretty valuable stick.


And then Artic started looking at the last item. That's the weirdest thing about things.

It was a clock sculpture made of glass. He had a different style and was only the size of a fist.

This item, which had been examined by the system for exactly 4 minutes, had begun to make Artic wonder.

«Glass Clock Of The Lord»

«Origin Level - 9»

«System Points = 2000»

When Artic saw this, he took a deep breath.

All he had in mind at the time was that this could be one of the most important things he'd ever seen.

In fact, in general, this is perhaps the most important item he's ever seen, except for the flute he found and used in the world. He's never really seen anything better than this stuff, especially in terms of the law.

He began to think, "The reason he's got these things right now is because of the decisions he made." If he hadn't taken Winvig e Feather Crown back when he first went into space. He would never have met the Ancient White Bird Race and would never have their coin.

Even if he managed to enter the Void Center in the future, he would not have been attacked because he would not be able to enter in a black suit, and people and other life forms would not have known about him. Naturally, at the end of the war, the Void Center would probably have suffered a great deal of damage.

It all came to mind, like something different was going on around.

But right now, he didn't have the time or the will to think about it.