The Law God - Artic

120 Artic - Chapter 120 - The President Alkatra

Artic left the room with Master Brion. They were walking side by side. the hall had a very simple design. The classic gray stones seemed to be illuminated by technological light bulbs.

The most important thing Artic noticed was that, although It had a simple design.The hall was huge. There were students and teachers of all ages around. After talking to Brion, he said the teachers wore stars on their shoulders based on the levels they had.

This was the important detail that separated the teachers from the students. Where they walked, there was a mole carpet. Artic saw some classes too.

That's when Brion started talking.

"This is The Education Classes. You can see what time the classes start and pay on the black screens right next to them. But of course, you came here with a medallion. You don't have to pay any OG Credits for taking the classes.»

Artic knew that. But he was happy to hear it. In the end, he could get a free course education. After walking for an average of 10 minutes, they came to a large door, the symbol of the Void Center.

The door was black and had three purple star symbols on it. This symbol was the symbol used by the Void Center to introduce itself in and around space.

Brion started talking to Artic before they went in.

«Release your Origin Energy and don't use it. At the same time, when answering the questions keep it short and don't talk too much»

Artic was a little surprised to see Brion giving him this kind of advice. When someone as strong as Brion was around, he started wondering why he should be afraid.

A few seconds later, Brion knocked on the door and walked in. And right after that, Artic came in.

After Artic entered the room, he began to look directly into the area. It was a very simple room. There were a big table and a seat right across the street.

There was a closet on the right and a different room. On the left was a place like a library. The man sitting on the couch started looking at themselves.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.novelhall.comfor visiting.

Brion talked at the time.

«Artic, this is Alkatra, President of Education in this Void Center, »

Artic came forward slightly and bowed his head and saluted.

«Hello, President Alkatra, I am Artic»

At that moment, the silent man sitting on the sofa stood up with a smile on his face and began to get close to Artic.

After wandering near him for a while, he sat down again with a slight laugh.

Artic was looking at Alkatra at the time and trying to figure out what he was like. Alkatra was a middle-aged man.

He had a slightly dirty beard on his face and a burn wound to his left eye. The color of his eyes purple and It suited him. His long hair was up to his shoulders. The color of these hairs was black.

Artic's first impressions of this man had been Noble and Powerful. He wasn't getting any energy from the guy in front of him. But he was sure he was pretty strong.

Alkatra started talking with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Artic, I understand you're an expert in the Glass Law. Apart from that, you entered here with the medallion of one of the Ancient Bird Races and you had just met them.»

It was a summary of what Artic did before he came to Void Center. Artic only approved it with his head. Alkatra took a deep breath and started talking.

«First of all, every course you take here will be free of charge. Brion's Sand Law and Your Glass Law are prone to each other.

That's why I want you two to work harder. Other than that, I'm going to offer you three different courses. If you take these lessons, you'll improve. After a month, you can start practicing martial arts»

Artic said only "okay" this time. But that's when Brion started talking.

"President Alkatra, can you tell me what classes he will take except me."

Alkatra smiled at Brion's question and began to speak.

"It's pretty well-known lessons.first of all, I want him to take the law construction course. In this way, with his Glass Law, he can create different types of buildings, symbols, and structures.»

Alkatra stopped for a while and kept talking.

"And then I want him to learn the illusion of law. The Glass Law he possesses can be useful in illusion techniques. It will also increase its ability to survive in the future.»

When Brion heard that, he frowned slightly. But he didn't say anything. Artic, on the other hand, was generally silent because he could only make a simple meaning out of the names of the courses.

Alkatra explained the last lesson.

"And if possible, it would be good for him to take the Battlefield Psychology course."

When Brion heard that, his face was turned pretty ugly. Artic didn't normally notice anything. But when he saw Brion's face, he began to feel that something was wrong. Alkatra smiled slightly and began to speak as she saw Brion's face.

"Brion, you know the instructor who's going to teach battleground psychology. I know the problems you have with this instructor. I'm going to put a man I knew with Artic during training so that your problems don't affect student Artic. To examine the training. Would that be appropriate for you ?»

Brion got a little bit softer after Alkatra said him he will put a man to watch to course. He had a good reason for his anger. There was a vendetta between Brion and the instructor who taught Battlefield Psychology. They were trying to kill each other at the earliest opportunity. For this reason, this blood defendant, the trainer, which name is Limib, can attack to Artic because of vendetta between him and Brion

For that reason, Brion was angry when Alkatra mentioned it.

But if one of Alkatra's men was going to watch the training, it wouldn't be a problem. Oddly enough, Alkatra said it directly to Brion's ear. So Artic certainly wouldn't have noticed that someone on the outside was watching him when he took this class.

This was done to get a definitive yield from the course. Brion didn't have any comment on that.

After the normal conversations continued, Artic and Brion left Alkatra's room and went back to Brion's room. There, Brion told him about some things. He also talked about what the classes were going to be like.

In a few hours, he was going to show him where his room was.