The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 76

Although the ladybug flew, it seemed to be joking with Chechen and kept circling in front of Chechen and Pedro, neither to the left nor to the right.

"Go to the left," Chechen shouted in his heart.

Finally, the ladybug may be tired of beating in circles. It flapped its wings and made a dash up, then flew to the left.

Chechen smiled triumphantly.

"Not this time. Let\'s come again."

But Pedro saw that the ladybug flew to the left against his will, jumped up anxiously, wanted to catch the ladybug, and shouted while jumping. But ladybugs fly higher and farther, where can they be caught.


Chechen grabbed the futile uncle Pedro and said seriously: "This is God\'s will. No one can disobey him. Even if you let this Ladybug fly a hundred times, it will still go to the left. And think about it. Since God allows me to avenge with you, he won\'t let us die so easily. The Almighty God won\'t do useless work. He will certainly punish Yakov and Gregory for their evil deeds 。”

Pedro was also a superstitious man. When he saw that Cherchen had moved out of the name of God and made a good point, he couldn\'t help thinking and stopped acting.

"We don\'t have weapons," Pedro said to Chechen. He didn\'t mention that Chechen should return to Spain. He was obviously persuaded by him. But he still raised a problem.

"We have no weapons, but we have money. We have nearly two thousand Taylor. This money is enough to arm us into a large team," Chechen said.

"I don\'t know if the money is still there." Pedro said with some annoyance. When he went to Smolensk city yesterday, Pedro put his own money and Cherchen\'s money in several leather bags, and then dug a small hole in the tent and buried it. The gangsters searched and scraped it for so long, but they didn\'t know if they found the money.

"Even if it\'s gone, we\'ll need these 600 Taylor." Chechen patted Pedro\'s money bag hanging on his belt.

"Only five hundred. You forgot you gave Ehrlich one hundred."

"That\'s a loan, just for the time being. We can go back to Mr. Everich and buy weapons for us through him. He\'s a businessman and no one will doubt him."

"It\'s really a way. We need pistols, swords and daggers. We also need lock armor to protect our body. It\'s light and won\'t affect our action." Pedro began to plan the necessary equipment.

"Let\'s wait until we get back to the city. Now let\'s go back and find out if the bag of money is still there. God bless the robbers not to dig three feet."

So Chechen and Pedro returned to the village.

The tent they used to live in was a piece of ash, leaving only half a charred pole on the ground.

"Damn it, they didn\'t leave us anything." Pedro cursed. The rattan that originally contained Pedro and Chechen\'s clothes was gone, and the pots and pans were gone. In short, the gang swallowed everything like transit locusts.

Pedro and Chechen picked up the dust on the ground and dug in the tent with their memory. They had no tools and dug purely by hand, so the speed was very slow.

"Found it!"

Finally, Pedro\'s finger touched a leather object. He grabbed it and lifted it. A money bag full of Taylor broke through the ground. There were two such leather bags full, none less.

"Obviously, it was so dark last night that they didn\'t have the energy and didn\'t expect to dig," said Pedro happily.

These are all their possessions and the basis for revenge.

Pedro put away the leather bags one by one. Then Pedro said, "well, let\'s hurry. We\'ve been here too long. The fire was so big last night that all the nearby villages must have seen it. When someone comes, we\'ll be in trouble."

This is true in troubled times. A single defeated soldier will be killed by the villagers he meets, not for hatred, but for his armor and weapons; and a lone businessman may also die in the stables of the lodging people, because he has Taylor in his pocket. Every man is innocent and vindicated his crime.

Pedro and Chechen hung the money bag on their belt, and then left rudnia quickly. When they reached the hill, Chechen stopped.

"Chechen, why don\'t you go."

Pedro, who was walking in front of him, looked back quickly when he heard that there was no movement behind for a long time. He asked strangely when he saw Cherchen looking at rudnia in the distance.

"Uncle." Chechen shouted.

"Alas." Pedro thought that Chechen had something to say to him and hurried back to Chechen. At this time, Pedro found that Chechen\'s eyes were full of tears.

"Uncle, look here again."

Pedro knows what Chechen thinks. He wants to keep the tragedy here in mind and remember the innocent friends and comrades in arms here.

"The child\'s heart for revenge is firm."

Pedro looked at Cherchen again and thought to himself. Only now did he really understand how useless it was to persuade Cherchen to go back to Spain. Even if Cherchen listened to his words, he would still come back in the future, as long as the enemies still lived in this world.

"Uncle, I won\'t cry anymore." Chechen wiped away his tears and said.

Then he fell to his knees, and Pedro followed him on one knee.

"I, Cherchen of the aleval family, swear in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit: before I kill all my enemies and destroy the army of Czar Russia, I will never put down my sword. God, bless me."

"God! If you want to sacrifice your life and blood for revenge, take mine. Chechen is my heir and the hope of my team. I am an old man and can\'t live for a few years. If the Almighty God meets my insignificant wish, I will use my half to continue to make a grand mass to celebrate your kindness."

While Cherchen vowed, Pedro also made a promise to God.

After the oath, Chechen stood up. If Chechen was a 14-year-old child before taking the oath, he has become an adult after taking the oath. Because he made an oath and will fight for it.

"Uncle, let\'s go." Chechen stood up and said.

So uncle and nephew went to the forest. Their horses tied to the trunk were still shivering in the cold wind all night.

Pedro looked around in the woods. He chose a place and buried most of the coins, leaving only the 600 Taylor with Chechen. After all, with nearly two thousand Taylor\'s huge money, it\'s really eye-catching.

When the coins are buried, after all traces are eliminated. They got on the horse. They went out of the woods and ran again in the direction of Smolensk.

Behind them, the black smoke of rudnia became thinner and thinner until it was invisible.