The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 751

In order to make her words more convincing, Christine broke away from the Swedish guard who held her hand. She ran to a horse and led it to Baron Carl Gustav franger.

At the sight of the horse, the Baron and Huo song\'s eyes lit up. They are both standard soldiers and have high appreciation for horses. They saw at a glance that Christine had a rare good horse.

The fine stallion was as smooth as satin, black as a crow, with a pinch of white hair on its forehead, shaped like a triangular arrow, and white spur hair on its furry legs near the hoof.

"Good horse, good horse," cried Baron Carl Gustav franger. He couldn\'t help stroking the mane around the horse\'s neck.

"Baron, I\'d like to dedicate this horse to you. Just give me another chance to work for his majesty." Christine asked again.

Baron Carl Gustav franger did not say good or bad. He ordered his men to take a saddle and get on the horse.


Look at a piece of skin from a distance and four limbs and hoofs from a distance.

The chest is wide in front and the butt is flush in back.

Pinch at the waist and squeeze your nose.

Shake your eyes and look carefully.

You\'d better ride when you get up and go.

Baron Carl Gustav franger was trying to see if the horse was as good-looking and useful as its appearance.

As soon as he got on his horse, Baron Carl Gustav franger circled in the narrow street. Under the master\'s control, the good horse made a noise, and then galloped with his hoof. His eyes were shining and his nose was blowing two to straight like a pillar of smoke. In a twinkling of an eye, the Baron and the horse disappeared into people\'s vision. After a while, the Baron came back on his horse.

Less than a step from hosson\'s face, Baron Carl Gustav franger shouted, "Whoa!"

The horse dropped its four legs and stuck firmly to the ground like a steel drill.

The Baron jumped off his horse happily. Christine came closer and whispered, "Baron, this horse was once one of Archduke kolachi\'s stables and Archduke\'s favorite."

It dawned on Baron Carl Gustav franger. No wonder this horse is so excellent. It turned out to be the mount of Dagong.

"Christine," said Baron Carl Gustav franger, "I have seen your loyalty to your majesty and the kingdom."

As he said this, the Baron looked at Princess Louise Henriette, as if afraid that the princess would laugh at him. Seeing that the princess didn\'t show any sign, he continued, "well, you\'ll stay in devonsburg first."

With that, the Baron said to huosong, "huosong, Christine will be your Quartermaster in the future."

Christine, thank you very much.

Just then Princess Louise Henriette came up to a white pony. The princess stroked the lovely creature with a smile, and the foal seemed to be human and kept rubbing her mouth against Princess Louise Henriette\'s hand and face. With the rise of Princess playing with horses, she said to Baron Carl Gustav franger, "Baron, can I ride this horse?"

The princess\'s request embarrassed Baron Carl Gustav franger.

I\'m not worried that Princess Louise Henriette will take the opportunity to escape. Whether Baron Carl Gustav franger\'s new foal or his heavily armored pistol cavalry, his horse is thousands of times better than this foal. If the princess really wants to run away on such a horse, I\'m afraid she will be caught by herself before she runs a hundred steps away.

The Baron was worried that Princess Louise Henriette could not afford to ride on a horse she was not familiar with.

Looking at the Baron\'s embarrassed expression, Princess Louise Henriette showed her dissatisfaction for the first time. She said, "if the Baron is not at ease, you can ride with me. Can I run? Since the Baron is so careful, I think we should go back to the castle now. It\'s the safest there."

With that, Princess Louise Henriette made her way to the carriage.

Now Baron Carl Gustav franger is worried. Shilly Shally apologized to the princess and swore to God that he had no idea. He hesitated just now because he was worried about the safety of his highness.

The Baron said and gestured to Christine, who hurriedly led the horse and handed the reins to the princess.

"I was going to sell this horse to women and children. Thinking that they might try to ride, I bought a saddle at the harness store." Christine explained why only this horse has a saddle.

Princess Louise Henriette naturally handed the prince over to Christine. Although the Baron said that Christine\'s horse dung smell was not suitable for embracing the noble prince, Princess Louise Henriette said that Christine was the only woman here. She was even more worried about giving her little prince to a group of big men.

The princess got on the horse, and the Baron immediately got on the good colt he had just got. As the streets of the town were not suitable for people with ordinary riding skills like Princess Louise Henriette, she was surrounded by people to walk to an open space outside the town.

This piece of open space is about ten mu, its area is very large, and there is a forest on the left.

As soon as she came to the open space, Princess Louise Henriette, who was riding on her horse, bent down on the pony\'s neck and whispered a conversation with the pony. Then the princess clamped the horse\'s belly and the pony jogged.

The foal first moved forward and then began to circle in the open space. Princess Louise Henriette\'s body shook constantly with the mount, but it was basically kept at the same frequency as the horse. Obviously, Princess Louise Henriette\'s statement that she could ride a horse was not an empty statement.

The Baron also admired Princess Louise Henriette\'s vigorous posture. Who would have thought it was a mother who had just given birth to a child.

While everyone\'s attention was attracted by the princess, Christine quietly pinched Prince Frederick sleeping in her arms.

The little prince was sleeping soundly. When Christine twisted him, he woke up immediately, and then cried loudly.

Hearing the little prince\'s cry, Princess Louise Henriette stopped her horse.

"What\'s the matter?" the princess asked anxiously.

Christine also looked anxious: "I don\'t know. Maybe the child wants to be held by his mother."

With that, Christine ran to Princess Louise Henriette with the little prince in her arms.

Then Baron Carl Gustav franger\'s sixth sense reminded him that something was wrong. Although the Baron\'s "unwarranted doubt" has been verified every time since today, he still insists on trusting his intuition.

"Princess, I\'ll have a look," cried Baron Karl Gustav Wrangel.

Then he rode to the princess. And late starters come first, faster than Christine.

Christine raised Frederick in her arms and handed it to Princess Louise Henriette on the horse.

Princess Louise Henriette held her son in her arms. She shook Frederick carefully. Perhaps she felt the warmth of her mother, and little Frederick stopped crying immediately.

Kristen beside him whispered, "Princess highness."

As if she had received an instruction, Princess Louise Henriette suddenly thanked the baron who was looking at her: "Baron Carl Gustav franger."

The princess called him by the Baron\'s full name: "thank you for your hospitality these days."

"Yes, yes," said Baron Carl Gustav franger, but he also clearly felt the abnormal atmosphere.

The Baron\'s hand reached for the broadsword at his waist - he wanted to control Princess Louise Henriette from any wrongdoing.

Suddenly, a whistle came from the woods. The docile foal under Baron Carl Gustav franger suddenly became restless. The horse suddenly raised its front hooves and stood with only its rear hooves. Baron Carl Gustav franger was caught off guard and fell off his horse.

Christine quickly grabbed the front of the saddle and jumped onto the horse.

"Princess, go away!"

Christine held out a hand. She took Prince Frederick from the princess. Then they turned their horses and fled into the woods.

This series of sounds and actions take place in an instant. Before hosson and others could react, Christine and Princess Louise Henriette had disappeared into the woods.

Baron Carl Gustav franger stumbled up from the ground. The Baron fell badly just now. He felt that his pelvis was about to crack.

"Baron, are you all right?" Huo song hurriedly ran to the baron.

"Fool, whatever I do! Go after it, go after it! If Louise Henriette runs away, I\'ll take care of you all!" Baron Carl Gustav franger shouted to hosson and others like a ghost.

At this time, the Baron was extremely angry because he was already ashamed. The electors not only saved the hostages, but also played with themselves again and again, the commander-in-chief of the kingdom of Sweden in Germany - a disgrace that can only be erased with blood for the baron.

In this trip, only Huo song and two Swedish heavy armor pistol cavalry had horses. Huo song rushed into the woods with two Swedish heavy armor pistol cavalry, while other Swedish guards shot into the sky - they were informing the cavalry in devonsk castle to go out of the city for support.

Seeing that his men were so stupid, Baron Carl Gustav franger warned angrily, "fool, didn\'t the Christine bring a lot of horses? Ride up and chase me!"

The people woke up like a dream.

In the woods, Christine and Princess Louise Henriette are walking hand in hand.

"Princess highness, our leader is in front of us." Kristen, no, the Ingrid of the pseudonym Kristen said to Princess Louise Henry.

Princess Louise Henriette looked at Frederick lying in Ingrid\'s arms. The people who saved themselves were thoughtful. Frederick was wrapped in a soft elk skin and lay on Christine\'s chest.

"Thank you so much. My husband will thank you very much when he returns to cornisburg," said Princess Louise Henriette.

Ingrid nodded without saying anything - she was still in danger. When she was safe, there was plenty of time to speak.

When they passed a forest, two spurs ran out obliquely. The man was wearing a light chain coat and a saber at his waist.

"Ingrid, is this Princess Louise Henriette?" one of them asked.

"Yes, deputy head of leather, this is your royal highness."

At the galloping moment, picedore took off the helmet of the chain to salute Princess Louise Henry. "Princess highness, Alvar Pedro salutes you. This is my companion, father J Paso Cu Coates Ki. I am uncle Alvar Che, uncle, who came to save you is my nephew."

Although she did not know who count aleval Chechen was in Pedro\'s mouth, Princess Louise Henriette politely replied, "thank you and may God bless you forever."

What else did Pedro want to say? Suddenly there was a gunshot behind them.

Pedro looked back and saw an officer in yellow leather (hosson) chasing up with two Swedish pistol cavalry.

"Ingrid, your highness. Wait till you see a pine tree in front of you and turn left. I have prepared some gadgets to entertain these uninvited guests." Pedro said.

Huo song, who followed him, knocked out the high-quality pistol still smoking in the hands of the Swedish heavy armor pistol cavalry.

"Fool, you can\'t hurt Princess Louise Henriette. The Baron wants Princess Louise Henriette alive and intact." hosson scolded the reckless cavalry.

Seeing the speed of the horses accelerated by the four men in front, Huo song also fiercely stabbed the Spurs into the horse\'s belly. His mount let out a painful cry and suddenly shot out like an arrow off the string.

Suddenly, the four people who had run straight turned to the left. With his eyes suddenly open, Huo song found in fear that there was a trap more than two meters wide in front of him.

Because the horse was too fast, Huo song had no time to stop. He even fell into a trap with his horse.

His horse broke his neck on the spot, and the heavy body of the horse firmly pressed huosong\'s leg.

"Help me, help me!" Huo song, who felt that his thigh bone had been broken, begged for help in the trap.

Two Swedish heavy armour pistol cavalry looked at each other. They were about to jump off their horses. Suddenly, a voice came from behind: "don\'t worry about him. Our most important task now is to catch the princess back, come with me, come with me."

Huo songru falls into an ice cellar. He recognized that it was the Baron\'s voice.