The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 748

After hosson quit, Princess Louise Henriette apologized to the female diviner with a smile and said, "sorry, hosson just cares too much about my safety and doesn\'t know the rules of Tarot."

"That\'s all right. Then, madam, let\'s go on."

Princess Louise Henriette changed the sleeping Frederick in her arms into a comfortable position, and then picked up the Tarot again. The princess folded the tarot cards face down in her hand. Princess Louise Henriette closed her eyes. She focused, obeyed her will and didn\'t think about anything. Then draw a drop from the middle of the stack and put it at the top of the stack. Then she repeated the same action several times.

Next, Princess Louise Henriette put the Tarot face down and returned to the table. The female diviner took the cards washed by the princess. She slowly spread them out in a circle and began to shuffle them clockwise.

"Listen to your inner voice, and you will feel when you can stop." the female diviner said something to herself.

At this time, the cards slowly gathered and recovered into a stack of cards.

The female diviner placed it horizontally.

"Madam, please cut the cards," said the diviner to Princess Louise Henriette.

Princess Louise Henriette picked up a stack of cards at will from the top of the stack. She would put the stack below the original stack, that is, close to the diviner, into two stacks.

Then, the princess took another stack of cards from the top of the second stack and put it on the top of the first stack - this time away from the diviner, so that there were three stacks of cards in front of her.

Next, the female diviner folded the cards back.

She first picked up the first stack and put it above the second stack, and then put the folded cards above the original third stack to restore it to a stack of cards. Finally, turn the horizontal card to straight.

At this time, the draw really begins.

According to the rules of tarot cards, when drawing cards, place the cards selected by the inquirer in turn according to the determined card array. In the process of putting cards into position, each card should maintain the state of facing down. The cards not selected by the inquirer shall also be kept straight and face down, folded and placed aside.

Princess Louise Henriette drew a card.

The female diviner played the cards in the card array.

This card is: chariot.

This card depicts the king\'s chariot that overcomes obstacles and wins. The winner on the card stands on the chariot with a strong attitude to show his great achievements in the world. Two lions, black and white, pulling the chariot, are always ready to move on.

"This card is a symbol of the strong. It is closely related to strength and means success through persistence." never give up " It is the theme of this card. No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are in the future, you should continue to go on, and at the same time, you will control the fate of yourself and things around you. The winner in the chariot symbolizes the human soul, controls the two lions, symbolizes the human will and instinct, and runs through time. "The female diviner said.

Obviously, for the freedom that Princess Louise Henriette wants, the tarot card shows that as long as the princess never gives up, she will get it.

Seeing such a lucky card, Princess Louise Henriette couldn\'t help being comforted. Although Princess Louise Henriette has always been gentle and polite in front of outsiders, it is only an instinct she developed as a princess. For example, when she was kidnapped to the carriage to Fort Devonshire, Princess Louise Henriette accidentally stepped on a gangster\'s foot and apologized to him.

But in the princess\'s heart, she couldn\'t be without fear. Because if she was alone, it would be all right, but her son Frederick came to the world for more than a year. If his husband Frederick William elector gave up himself and his children for the great cause of the family - it would be all right, but Frederick

Louise Henriette couldn\'t even think about it.

"Thank you, diviner." Princess Louise Henriette stood up. Now that she had received comfort from the Tarot sign, Princess Louise Henriette was ready to leave.

Princess Louise Henriette, who stood up, looked down at her. Since Princess Louise Henriette did not need to pay her own money, whether she was the wife of the elector or or now a prisoner, she did not have a tale behind her.

And divination needs money.

Of course, Huo song standing outside the tent must have money. Princess Louise Henriette hesitated, but she still felt that she wanted money from hosson outside.

Just then, the beautiful female diviner stopped her.

"Just a moment, madam. You still have a little Akana card that hasn\'t been opened."

A complete set of Ancient Tarot Cards consists of 78 cards, of which 22 are big Akana cards and the remaining 56 are small Akana cards. Just now, the card drawn by Princess Louise Henriette was the big Akana card.

Like its name, the grand Akana card is used to explain the general fate of fate; In contrast, the small Akana card is used to make up for the shortcomings of the big Akana card. If a person wants to know more about the truth of fate or the other party\'s affairs, or wants to know more about the place and time of things, he must be known by the little Akana card.

Small Akana cards are divided into four types: sword, Holy Grail, coin and magic wand. They are composed of follower, knight, Queen, king and one to ten cards.

Just now, Princess Louise Henriette drew two cards, but she only opened one.

The female diviner played the second card in front of her. Princess Louise Henriette drew the scepter.

"It\'s a good card," the female divination whispered to the princess. "The Knights of the scepter indicate that you will be lucky enough to get help from your loved ones, or help from strangers. Congratulations, your royal highness, Princess Louise Henry."

Princess Louise Henriette was shocked. She never divulged her identity, but the diviner knew she was Louise Henriette. The only possibility is that she was sent by her husband to save herself.

The female diviner booed. Then, the female diviner dipped some water from the water cup in front of her, and then wrote on the table.

"Please keep quiet. We are the people sent by the king of Poland Jan kazimiz to save you." the female diviner wrote.

Princess Louise Henriette nodded.

"Long time, princess, how soon can you get out of Devonshire castle?" continued the woman divination.

Princess Louise Henriette raised a hand. She seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then made a gesture of "seven".

The female diviner nodded.

She continued, "Princess highness, can you ride a horse?"

Princess Louise Henriette nodded again. She loved riding from childhood and had good equestrian skills.

"Then next Wednesday, we will be here as a horse dealer. Come and we will try to rescue you. The boat is ready at the ferry."

After confirming that Princess Louise Henriette had read the message on the table, the female diviner wiped the water stain with her hand.

Princess Louise Henriette went to the tent. Hosson leaned aside and saluted the princess.

"Lieutenant," said Princess Louise Henriette, looking at Frederick, who was still sleeping in her arms, "give the diviner Ten Tales for me.