The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 741

On September 16, 1658, the Kazakh treaty was finally signed between the Republic of Poland and the Kazakh emirate, based on the conditions put forward by vikovski.

When the news of the signing of the contract came, Cherchen, who was recuperating in Bratslav, rode excitedly for three laps on the grassland.

Nothing is happier than this.

In Chechen\'s mind, there is real peace in Ukraine, and Bao Hong\'s children can enjoy peace and tranquility that his parents never had.

Everything went well, but there was one thing that made Chechen very dissatisfied all the time - the reward given to him by King Jan kachmidge.

Although Chechen fought in konotop as the leader of the Cossack team, his other identity was a Polish aristocrat, and his assistance to vikovsky was also due to a secret order from King Jan kazimiz. But in the postwar reward for merit, King Jan kachmidge only gave Chechen the title of an earl and a reward of 5000 tales.

You know, even vikovsky gave a one-time reward of 100000 tales to Bratslav\'s Cossacks after the war. King Jan kazimiz\'s poverty is in sharp contrast to vikovsky\'s generosity.

What is more infuriating is that even if Bratslav\'s Cossacks were seriously injured on the battlefield, King Jan kachmidge\'s special envoy did not reduce the tax burden promised by Cherchen that year. As a last resort, Cherchen had to pay out of her own pocket and let Ingrid take out most of the grain income exported to Italy to offset those taxes.

Of course, in Natalie\'s mouth, King Jan kachmidge also had a variety of compelling reasons. The king wants to strengthen his kingship and establish his own royal army. These are all spending projects. Once he starts spending money, it will be like running water. As supporters of the king and queen, their husband and wife will certainly support him with their teeth. Moreover, their family doesn\'t need to bite their teeth. It\'s enough to take out part of the spoils and taxes.

Seeing his wife like this, Cherchen certainly can\'t say anything.

But once Pedro murmured like Cherchen: "of course we support the king and queen, and we also support reform, but it\'s best not to spend our money."

Chechen rarely had any refutation, but poured himself a cup of yellow soup. After hearing the elegance of string, Pedro asked Ingrid to secretly make two false accounts, one for Natalie and one for recording the real income. When Cherchen knew it, he didn\'t stop it, but let it go.

At night, Chechen returned to Bratslav, where the lights were already bright, because a wedding was about to be held.

On both sides of the wedding, the man is yelishei, the first general of the mercenary regiment, and the woman is Oksana.

Yes, it\'s the gypsy woman oxana. Even Chechen didn\'t expect that the serious yelishei and the frivolous and charming Oksana would look right and have feelings.

The wedding was presided over by father sparsokukotsky, who fulfilled his promise to yelishei in konotop.

Originally, the wedding was to be held soon after the battle of konotop. But oaksana, who has never paid attention to etiquette, is surprisingly stubborn this time. She must wait for several of her relatives to come before she is willing to hold the ceremony.

Everyone knows that Gypsies have no fixed place to live, and it is more difficult to find people than to go to heaven. However, in order to fulfill Oksana\'s intention, yelishei took the initiative to delay the wedding date indefinitely, and personally took people to find it.

Finally, after more than three months, he invited several living relatives of Oksana one by one.

That\'s when the wedding can be held in Bratslav.

When Chechen returned to Bratslav, what he heard was that the people who came to the wedding burst into a loud cheer. The huge sound shook the walls of the house, the residual leaves on the trees fell one after another, and people\'s ears were almost deafened. The Cossacks began to raise their muskets and fire into the sky, and their hats flew into the air. Looking around, there were happy and smiling faces everywhere, excited eyes and big mouth. Everywhere they heard: "long live the new man!", "long live yelishei" and "long live okosana!"

Among them, Chechen\'s uncle Pedro roared very hard, but his voice was drowned in people\'s stormy cheers.

At this time, blatzlav became an ocean of joy. Hundreds of cattle and sheep were slaughtered, and barrels of honey wine and beer dug from the ground exceeded the roof of the military camp.

When Chechen came back, all the people took part in the banquet.

The officers of the mercenary regiment, okosana and yelishei\'s relatives are in the hall. Other older and high-ranking people are sitting in each room. The younger people have the same banquets and fun with ordinary people around the raging bonfire in the square and playground.

At the main table, everyone drank happily, passed on cups and lanterns, told each other their feelings, and kept toasting for the two happy newlyweds.

When people\'s interest reached the climax, Che Chen stood up as the highest person and said, "bless the new people."

Everyone raised their glasses to say yes, but just then Pedro interrupted:

"Hey, my nephew, that\'s not what the toast says."

Then Pedro stood up, raised his glass, cleared his throat and said: "Your Excellency, Ms. okosana, on behalf of my dumb nephew, I would like to propose a toast to you! I wish you a happy couple, grow old together for a hundred years, and have many children and grandchildren. Oksana, although ye lishai is a hero in fighting the enemy bravely, he is still a young bird in that respect, and his face is very tender! But I believe he will soon mature, because he is, after all A man - although I don\'t know if those who don\'t drink among the Cossacks are men (someone shouted: No, of course not) Well, the joke is over. What I want to say is, yelishei, I treat you like my nephew. I\'m really happy to see you get married. I already have a granddaughter, but I still want a grandson. It depends on who you and Cherchen let me get what I want first. But I believe you won\'t lack the courage of a big husband or lack the courage of a big husband in this matter Look! Then, dear all of you, please raise your glasses! Let\'s toast the future generations to be born in the near future! May God bless them! "

"Long live!" everyone should say.

Natalie blushed. She leaned quietly on Cherchen\'s shoulder, looked at the new couple and whispered, "Cherchen, we should try our best to give birth to our offspring."