The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 739

Prince Alexei kept his promise. At night, the defenders of konotopu Fort enjoyed a rare calm.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, in addition to the necessary night watchmen, Cherchen convened all the living people in konotop fort to meet in the playground full of rubble and craters.

There was only one topic at the meeting - whether to accept Prince Alexei\'s conditions and surrender with dignity.

After being the team leader of Cossacks, Cherchen has practiced Cossack etiquette well. He took off his cap, saluted the officers and soldiers around skillfully, and then opened his mouth under the attention of everyone.

"Brothers Cossacks, we have held on to konotopu fort for more than a month, repulsed countless attacks by the Russian invaders and caused huge casualties to them - even yesterday, we still buried more than a thousand invaders under their own blown up gap. You are worthy of yourself and the title of hero. But we all know that that is our last absolute victory We have consumed almost all our ammunition, and our military strength has been sharply reduced from more than 4000 to less than 1000. I thought it was time for the Russians to break their hearts and lose their fighting spirit in such an arduous battle, but God did not bless us - of course it was my fault. "

"Captain, I don\'t blame you, I don\'t blame you. You\'ve done well enough." people kept saying in the crowd around.

Che Chen motioned for everyone to be quiet. He continued: "If we want to continue to resist, all we can rely on is our fists and teeth. Although I believe you will fight the aggressors without a knife and gun, it will not have a better result except increasing casualties. Now, the enemy chieftain has proposed to let us open the city and surrender on the condition of saving all our lives. I\'m too smart to make a rash attempt I want to listen to all of you. If you accept the terms of surrender, I will accept it and bear all the humiliation by myself; if you choose to stick to it, I will live and die with you. "

When Che Chen finished, there was silence on the playground.

Although Chechen gave everyone two choices, no matter who heard it, Chechen was inclined to surrender, because his tone was so pessimistic and mentioned death many times.

For the people of the original mercenary corps, surrender is not an unacceptable thing. After all, they do things according to the contract. As long as Cherchen agrees, they will carry out it without hesitation.

For blazlav\'s Cossacks, Cherchen was the captain of their regiment, and fully demonstrated his bravery and talent no less than Bao Hong in this tragic konotop defense war. He had already been respected from their heart. As long as Cherchen gave an order, they would have no reason to object.

All of them shouted in unison, "we listen to you, regiment leader."

Amid the shouts, casyan boff, the oldest Cossack in konotop, stood up.

The old brother Sark is in his seventies, and even among ordinary people, he is old. At this time, the old man said: "Cossack brothers, the captain of the Cherchen regiment has said so much, let me also say a few words. Although the old man\'s words are pedantic, there may be some useful ones. I want to say that you should surrender, because now even God can see that we have no hope. But I\'m talking about you, including the mercenaries from Germany, the brothers from Bratslav, and konotop cosa The young man in the gram. And an old man like me, I want to stay, because I\'m too old to walk. I\'ve been a Cossack all my life. I don\'t know who to be obedient to. I\'m alone and just want to die in glory. "

With that, Kasiyan boff raised his feet and walked over the dense crowd in front of him to Chechen. He took one of Chechen\'s hands with his bony hands and kissed it warmly and piously: "your team leader, please don\'t take this as my disobedience to you. But commander hwadeki died and most people I know died. I really don\'t want to live."

With that, the old man burst into tears.

Casyan Baugh\'s words moved many people. Immediately, more than a dozen Cossacks stood up and said they would die with casyan Baugh.

For a moment, Chechen was also infected. His face flushed and his hands clenched into fists, as if he wanted to live and die with others.

As soon as Pedro saw that Cherchen was going to be emotional, he secretly shouted bad. Immediately, Pedro stood up, walked to Cherchen and grabbed his hand and held it high: "then it\'s so decided: those who are willing to surrender with dignity stand with us; those who are unwilling and want to stay stand with Cassian boff."

More than a thousand people stood up and the Cossacks said goodbye one after another.

Finally, 891 people chose to surrender, while 24 people chose and died in konotop. Most of them were the Cossacks and locals of the former konotop - the total of 400 before the war, which was no more than one in ten.

As the sky gradually became clear, Chechen ordered the white flag representing surrender to be raised in the tower.

He himself, accompanied by Pedro, yelishei and Fatima, came to the gap of the north gate.

At this time, Che Chen took off his helmet from his head. He looked at the ruins, his glorious battlefield, the rubble piles, bones, trenches, the broken wall and the survivors behind him for a while. Then he looked up at the sky and began to pray devoutly

On the other tower of konotopu fort, Kasiyan boff and 24 comrades sat together. They surrounded a powder keg, which was the last barrel of powder of the whole army. Immediately, he was going to light this barrel of powder and ascend to heaven with his comrades.

"May the Cossack defeat his enemies forever, may the Ukrainian mother prosper forever, and may the glory of the Orthodox Church shine on this land forever." Kasiyan boff prayed silently in his heart.

On the triangle castle, the Russian soldiers who saw the white flag symbolizing surrender raised in konotop Castle reported the situation to Prince Alexei long ago. Prince and Prince Simon pozalski smiled victoriously.

Although the process was bumpy and tortuous, in the end, they laughed to the end.

At this time, Prince Alexei heard a Russian general beside him say, "look, what will I teach aleval Chechen when he falls into my hands? I will make his life worse than death."

"Ivan hilko!" Prince Alexei glanced at the captain of the Cossack regiment like a God. "Alvar Chechen is my prisoner. What to do is my business, and you don\'t need to take over."

The Russian generals around laughed when they saw Ivan hilko\'s collapse.

"Well," the prince stopped the laughter, "it\'s time for us to pick the fruits of victory."

With that, Alexei trubetzkoy was the first to walk outside the big tent, followed by Prince Simon pozalski and a crowd.

Che Chen took off the thin long sword at his waist. Soon, he will hand the sword to his opponent.

As if he felt the master\'s sorrow, the thin long sword trembled in Chechen\'s hand.

Che Chen thought it was an illusion, but it was not. The sword in his hand was indeed shaking. Not only the sword, he could even feel the whole ground trembling slightly.

This kind of tremor is unusual. There are usually only two explanations: first, it is an earthquake; Second, a huge cavalry force is approaching.

The Russian army is here. It can\'t be their army. The only impossible possibility is

"Go up the wall with me."

Che Chen hung the slender sword back to his waist, and then ran quickly to the wall.

Of course, Pedro and others also felt the tremor of the ground. At this time, seeing that Chechen was so excited, they also thought of the impossible possibility.

"Half the people stay here and the others return to the battle." Pedro left an order and immediately followed Cherchen\'s footsteps.

Climbing the south wall, Chechen saw countless cavalry appear on the distant horizon.

But different from what he expected, what the visitor held high was not the war flag, but the horsetail signal.

Not Cossacks, Tatars.

One, three, six... This is the Tatar army personally led by Muhammad gley!

More and more Tatars came out. Soon there appeared a dense crowd of them on the grassland, which merged into a dark one; Then the army of the Republic of Poland came out of the dense Tatars.

To ask how Chechen recognized the Polish army from a group of Tatar cavalry, it can only be said that the characteristics of this army are too obvious... The trump card of the Republic of Poland, the invincible wing cavalry team.

The winged cavalry formed a battle formation in the middle of the Tatar cavalry.

The battlefield is so far away that Chechen can only vaguely distinguish the flag emblem and horsetail by his sharp eyes. Even though he can recognize some of our flags, he still can\'t see who they represent.

Chechen\'s heart began to jump wildly, and his pale cheeks flushed. Because behind the winged cavalry, I saw the figure of zaporoze Cossack cavalry.

There is no doubt that this is the reinforcements to rescue konotop, an unprecedented coalition composed of poles, Cossacks and Tatars.

The unexpected appearance of the enemy made the Russian army like a great enemy. Prince Alexei was ready to accept Cherchen\'s surrender. At this time, he went down the triangle fort with all the generals and quickly returned to the battle position, ready to meet the enemy.

But the Tatar Polish Cossack allied forces would not give the Russians the opportunity to form a whole team. With one of the leading winged cavalry\'s super long lances straight, all the winged cavalry\'s guns pointed forward.

The winged cavalry set out. The cloud like wings above their heads swayed in the wind. The forest like spears and spears were decorated with golden tassels, and the long green and black flags on the spears fluttered in the air. Although this group of winged cavalry has only 200 people, despite the great difference between the enemy and ourselves, and despite the overwhelming Russian army facing the only two winged cavalry teams, at this moment, everyone seems to believe that the winged cavalry will win.

Cherchen\'s face showed laughter. His eyes staring at the field burst out flames. Especially, he recognized that the figure leading the winged cavalry charged was his wife Natalie. He wanted to grow wings and fly to each other.

"The winged cavalry charged!" cried father spasokukotsky excitedly.

But when he saw these cavalry from heaven, they rode forward, followed by zaporoze Cossack cavalry as fast as lightning, and the two wings were the whole line of Tatars.

The attack of the winged cavalry was fierce, and the first charge broke through three Russian infantry regiments. And destroy them in an instant. The Russians and horses fell to the ground under the weight of the winged cavalry, like a storm sweeping the crops. It\'s like a dragon swallowing three goats in one bite.

Frightened by the screams of the winged cavalry\'s wings, the Russian cavalry\'s horses were in disorder, swarming away, spreading the panic to the Russian regiments in the rear. The defeated soldiers who fled in all directions squeezed and collided with each other, retreated back in panic, and there was no order.

At this time, zaporoze\'s Cossack cavalry came and defeated the enemy with the help of the wing cavalry. The Russian army\'s position became more and more unstable like layers of peeled onions. They were disrupted, driven and chased, turned into a mob and cut down by swords and knives; Some soldiers tried to resist and win time for the soldiers behind them, but they won so little time that they couldn\'t win enough time for their companions to regroup, and finally beat the birds and animals apart.

Before the reinforcements led by Prince Simon pozalski arrived, the winged cavalry had clashed under the city of konotopu, and it was not their enemy but the walls of friendly forces that prevented them from moving forward.

"Open the gate, open the gate!" Chechen shouted excitedly.

Shouting, he ran to the gate.

The gate opened wide, and Chechen ran out first.

Under the leadership of their regiment leaders, the wing cavalry of the two teams went left and right, and continued to cooperate with the Cossack cavalry and Tatar cavalry to pursue and kill the enemy, while Natalie, riding a white war horse, took off her helmet and came to Chechen.

"It\'s not too late," Natalie said to her husband with a smile.

Chechen hugged Natalie\'s slender waist, then jumped and rode on Natalie\'s mount.

Deeply sucking the fragrance of his wife\'s hair, Chechen said with an expression: "it\'s not too late, it\'s not too late at all."

Natalie was about to stop Cherchen from making such an intimate move in public. Suddenly, an earth shaking thunder sounded in the sky - something exploded.

"It\'s terrible!" Chechen woke up with a sudden start. He regretted: "I forgot casyan boff and them! Damn it! Damn it!"

Then Chechen tells the story of an old brother named Kasiyan boff who sacrificed his life for justice.

Natalie was also very moved. However, she comforted Cherchen that Cassian bauf died for his faith, and his soul must be led by an angel.

They had a lot to say, but at this time, a winged cavalry with broken wings rode over and shouted, "the enemy\'s brigade cavalry is coming, and we are in a hard battle!"

Before his voice fell, a Tatar cavalry rode up: "Prince Simon pozalski led the Russian Boye cavalry to disperse our queue, and Khan had to retire."

Immediately, a zaporoze Cossack cavalry also came to report: "our charge was blocked by the square array of the Russian new army and had to withdraw from the occupied position."

After listening to the reports from the three, Natalie said, "well, now the Cossacks and winged cavalry retreat to konotop. In addition, thank Khan for his support, ask him to stay outside the city and form a corner with us. Tell him that the prisoners and booty won in today\'s battle will be his."

Each of the three went to convey the order.

Hearing Natalie\'s order, Chechen asked strangely, "why? Hasn\'t vikovsky\'s army arrived yet?"

Natalie shook her head and said, "vikovsky\'s army is still more than ten days away from here. Because I\'m afraid you can\'t support yourself, I led the cavalry to arrive first."

As the three armies separated from the Russian army, the battlefield returned to calm, and suspected that the Cossack army had arrived on the battlefield, Prince Alexei narrowed the line of defense, withdrew the siege of konotopu fort, and gathered the army to the north of the city.

Natalie, who entered the city of konotop, explained why she led a coalition of three countries to appear on the battlefield of konotop.

It turned out that after vikovski knew that konotop had started fighting with 60000 troops led by Prince Alexei, the great chief did not worry about the development of the war every day. Worried, he went to Bratslav and found Natalie, hoping that she could lead all Bratslav\'s Cossacks to konotop for support.

Vergov J Ki\'s move is not bad, or he wants to kill the power of the brother of the brother of the bluff, what is the essence of the only trooper in the Cossack Emirates, and the power of the cavalry is much higher than that of the infantry.

Natalie was also very worried about her besieged husband. Now vikovsky came to ask herself, which Natalie certainly couldn\'t get. But she is also very clear that although zaporoze\'s Cossack cavalry is already the top cavalry of the Cossack emirate, the gap with the Russian cavalry is still obvious, and the military strength is also at an extreme disadvantage. To this end, she made two requests to vigovsky. The first was to ask vigovsky to agree to transfer the wing cavalry of the kishka family to konotop; The second is to borrow troops from the Crimean Khanate.

Vikovski readily agreed to these two conditions without thinking about it. He sent twenty thousand tales to Muhammad gley and promised to pay him thirty thousand more in exchange for ten thousand cavalry of the Khanate.

Then everyone understood why the Allied forces of the three countries appeared on the battlefield.

"Before I came, the 40000 troops of the Cossack emirate had assembled and could arrive at the battlefield by the end of the month," Natalie said finally.

Hearing the news, dimosev and mamei immediately glowed red. Mamei even shouted impolitely, "I\'ll go out and tell you right away."

Then he ran out.

Dimosev looked at mamei\'s back. He said with a bitter smile, "what a rash guy."

Natalie finished speaking, but everyone still has more to say, because they know nothing about what happened to the outside world after being trapped in konotop for more than a month. Now they have a lot of questions to ask.

"So," asked Pedro first, "how are the negotiations between vikovski and King Jan kazimiz going?"

This problem is also what Chechen and everyone are most concerned about. Now, everyone pricked up their ears when Pedro asked.

Natalie said: "although no final agreement has been reached, it is almost certain to reach a peace treaty between the Republic and the Cossacks."

This is another great good news. Everyone is celebrating.

Then spasokukotsky asked about the war between the Republic and Sweden.

"The elector withdrew from his alliance with Carl X and took his Majesty\'s side again," Natalie replied briefly.

Unlike the joy of answering Pedro just now, Natalie\'s heart was full of bitterness when she said this.

Because she didn\'t tell you what the Republic paid for Frederick William.

It was more bitter than eating Coptis when I thought of it.