The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 725

Because of this, Ivan hilko had to speak out for himself and said, "Cossack brothers, I unite the Russians for the sake of our orthodox faith and Cossack freedom."

"The Cossacks here are free." Chechen stood up from his chair. As he walked to Ivan hilko, he said, "whether it\'s brazlav or konotop, the town and countryside are the spires of the Orthodox Church. And everyone lives and works in peace and contentment. After you and the Russians came, the town turned into rubble and the good fields into wasteland."

Cherchen\'s words are just, solemn and resounding. In particular, the atrocities of Vasili selemedev a few days ago aroused the common hatred of the Cossacks in the city.

A group of konotop Cossacks whose homes were destroyed rushed out of the city wall and the tower.

They all looked ferocious and angry. They waved their hands, gnashed their teeth and shouted wildly.

"Execute Ivan hilko! Execute Ivan hilko!"

"Give us Ivan hilko! We\'ll stake him!" cried the Cossacks. "Fight! Kill!"

In an instant, hundreds of hands reached Ivan hilko.

Ivan hilko\'s face turned white with fear. He stopped talking about brotherhood at this time, but shouted, "I am an envoy, an envoy!"

Chechen stretched out his arms to stop the Cossacks from rushing to Ivan hilko. He said, "as your messenger, Ivan hilko, you won\'t be hurt. Because we are not barbarians. Go back and tell Prince Alexei trubzkoy that as long as I and konotopu are here, he won\'t want to cross the thunder pool."

With that, Chechen asked yelishei to escort Ivan hilko out of the castle.

The dejected Ivan hilko returned to the Russian camp. Here, Prince Alexei and a group of tsarist Russian generals are waiting for his good news.

However, seeing Ivan hilko\'s disheartened and dejected face, everyone knew that the Cossack failed to persuade him to surrender - not only did he not let konotopu open the city to surrender, but even a Cossack did not persuade him to surrender.

Seeing Ivan hilko\'s embarrassed face, Vasily selemedev, the defeated general, finally found someone to laugh at.

"Oh, our legendary Cossack, where are the troops you promised in advance? Where is alvar Chechen\'s head? Where is the victory?" he asked mockingly in his hoarse voice.

Ivan hilko\'s shoulders shook with anger.

Once, in the Cossack emirate, as the regiment leader, he had never been questioned like this!

He jumped up, pointed in the direction of konotopu fort, raised his voice and replied, "there! You\'ve been there! It\'s a pity to hit your head and bleed."

Vasili selemedev was exposed by Ivan hilko. He jumped up like a cat with its tail stepped on.

"I was cheated by you hateful Cossacks! You are also with them. You are deceiving the prince and the most Almighty Tsar!"

"Who is a liar and who is incompetent? His Majesty the Czar and the prince can see clearly." Ivan hilko said, "I came back empty handed, but it\'s not my fault. Some people lose their soldiers and lose their generals, which is completely caused by his own stupidity!"

"You dog!" barked Vasily selemedev. "Who do you say is stupid?!"

They stood face to face for a while, like two wild boars, with their nostrils open and hissing at each other. The other czars and Russian generals watched the scene with great interest.

If Prince Alexei had not spoken, the actors and audience might still be in this state.

"Ivan hilko,"

Prince Alexei didn\'t think it was the failure of Ivan hilko. It seemed that he knew it was the result. He said, "tell me what you heard and saw in konotopu fort."

With that, the prince looked at Vasily selemedev with sharp eyes.

"My general Vasili, Ivan hilko, is the most loyal and reliable friend of our czar Russia. I don\'t want to hear anyone slander his loyalty, and I don\'t like to hear any more quarrels and dirty between you two. Do you hear me?"

Prince Alexei\'s words were harsh. Although Vasili selemedev was unwilling, he did not dare to disobey the prince\'s orders.

"Yes, your highness," he said in a rough voice.

Ivan hilko lowered his head over his belt according to Cossack etiquette.

When he looked up, Ivan hilko said: "Your Highness, what I saw and heard in konotop castle was the fear of you and your army. More than one person shouted in fear: \'Prince Alexei trubzkoy is coming, Prince Alexei trubzkoy is coming\'. The people in the city were terrified. The only calm and determined people in the city were aleval Chechen and his hard core confidants, but this was not true There are very few people in the castle. Most of the defenders salute me respectfully as soon as they see me. "

Of course, Ivan hilko is putting gold on his face. But of course he can\'t and dare not say that he was almost killed by the Cossacks in the castle, because Ivan hilko knows very well that he can still be an "old friend" of the Russians, because the Russians believe that he still has appeal to the Cossacks.

Such untrue words are not unheard of. Prince Alexei\'s eyes were full of doubts, while Prince Simon pozalski, the supervisor sent by the Czar, directly questioned, "then why didn\'t the Cossacks surrender?"

The reason why a wise man is a wise man is that he can think of most possibilities and deal with them well.

Ivan hilko had already made up his mind about Prince Simon pozalski\'s question.

Ivan hilko saluted Prince Simon pozarsky, and he explained with a calm look: "Prince pozalski, because the Cossacks were afraid. Because some people burned, killed and looted in konotop, the Cossacks in the city felt cold. You must know how kind the people here were to us before the violent grain collection by the grain collection team. I also suggested more than once that they should be gentle and friendly to the Cossacks and Ukrainians Good, but some people just can\'t listen. "

With these words, Ivan hilko easily put the responsibility for his failure in persuading the surrender on Vasily selemedev, who failed to refute it.

Prince Alexei looked at Ivan hilko. After a while, he asked, "so, hilko, what do you suggest for taking konotopu?"

Ivan hilko hesitated. He said, "Your Highness, there is no second way to win konotopu Fort unless you use that giant gun."