The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 684

The young sir has been pretending to ask this and that in good faith since just now. In fact, he is inquiring about them.

Although Anatole was a noble, his family was not rich. And as Chechen saw, his aristocratic family, who was neither rich nor prominent, could only gather up three or five servants to serve him to join the army. This made Anatole feel extremely shabby, but there was nothing he could do.

Although his father was the steward of the Czar\'s grange, he was actually only one of the stewards, and he still had little power.

So the head of his Tsar\'s family coaxed rural nobles such as buvega. If he claimed so when he reported his identity in teville, he would be laughed off by those who knew the root and the bottom.

As soon as he saw the excellent equipment of the Cossack sailors just now, an idea came into his mind: if he could take these people for his own use, it would be more than enough to take this team of Cossacks to Pskov. Although Prince Alexei may not look at himself differently, it would be more than enough to be a middle-level officer directly.

At this moment, Anatole had a bottom in his heart when he heard that Cherchen said that they also went to Pskov to join the army.

"If you go there, they will accept it, because Prince Alexei needs people. But it will come to an end, because you are all outsiders after all. But I think you are very suitable for me. I would like to be your protector. With my protection, you will be sure of promotion." Anatole said with an old look.

At this point, Anatole raised his chubby face, stretched out a hand, stroked the beardless upper lip with great dignity for a while, and finally said, "would you like to be my personal follower? Hang a knife around my waist, follow me around and take charge of my servant. Believe me, follow me, and you will be successful."

Yelishei couldn\'t help laughing at this. He almost took a mouthful of wine.

But in the end, he couldn\'t bear it. A burst of sincere and happy laughter broke out, and his white teeth were shining.

"What\'s so funny about you?" Anatole asked, frowning.

"Because I\'m happy to take the job," yelishei said.

Of course, this is irony.

When he had finished speaking to the young sir, elixie turned to the drunken Cossacks.

"Hi, everybody. The young sir wants alvar to be his follower with us."

The Cossack sailors burst into laughter. Which of them doesn\'t know Che Chen\'s identity? It\'s a big mistake to be brother to a hero like Bao Hong. This little aristocrat who doesn\'t know the greatness of heaven and earth wants Che Chen to be his follower.

Anatole was really angry at this laugh at himself. He said angrily: "Your Highness yelishei, if you don\'t understand, don\'t delay, alvar. Do you think Prince Alexei really wants cats and dogs to take refuge? If you don\'t have the introduction documents of dignitaries and dignitaries, even if you come from the ancient Boye family, you can\'t even see the prince\'s adjutants. Especially alvar, they are Cossacks from Ukraine. Maybe he was killed by the patrol as a Cossack robber halfway. "

Yelishei certainly understood that he was introduced by his father to be the adjutant of Prince Alexei. However, they are not really going to take refuge in Prince Alexei. What do they want to do.

But Che Chen had an idea when he heard this, because he remembered that he would meet no less than seven or eight checkpoints later.

He asked, "so you have a referral document? Is this really so useful?"

"Of course," Anatole said proudly, "besides, the reason why I have been unimpeded all the way is that I have brought the letter of recommendation written to me by the Lord of teville. When those checkpoints and patrols see me, as long as I light up the letter of recommendation, no one dares to check me, because there is someone on me."

Chechen\'s mouth opened into an "O" shape.

When he closed his mouth and raised his glass, he said to Anatole, "the future of me and yelishei will depend on you, sir."

The fat boy smiled proudly when he heard this.

"Of course, of course."

Of course, there are exceptions.

At the last checkpoint, Chechen and his team met stubborn guards. They had to search the carriage and ask Anatole to show everyone\'s identification. No matter how Anatole shouted, he declared his noble identity and recommendation. The officer of the checkpoint, a new army team leader in red uniform and boat helmet, was still a business Son.

Of course, although it seems to be business, Anatole\'s old servants are sophisticated and know that the captain is just taking the opportunity to ask for bribes.

But they didn\'t dare to tell Anatole, because their young sir would never lose face by offering bribes to a soldier.

So Chechen had to go out on his own. He comforted Anatole first, and then came to the leader of the new army and showed a friendly smile.

The team leader took off his hat and held it on his chest.

With a "Ding", a taller fell into the hat.

"Sir, our young sir hasn\'t been far away. He\'s young. Don\'t be wise to him."

"Ten," said the captain.


"You have more than 50 people, one for five, and I\'ll give you the rest for nothing."

According to the words, Che Chen found nine tales.

The captain put on his hat and let it go.

Walking through the checkpoint, Anatole asked Cherchen how to negotiate.

"I just told him that if he didn\'t let him go, you would apply for his company when you saw Prince Alexei, and he would call his father and mother when he was cured." Chechen said nonsense.

After a long walk, the team finally reached Pskov.

After entering the city gate of Pskov, Anatole said to Cherchen and yelisher in a commanding tone, "well, my followers. I\'ll see the Prince later. Wait at the door. Remember to take care of your men and tell them not to make trouble."

Chechen and yelishei looked at each other, and they nodded to Anatole for the last time.

In front of Pskov\'s city master\'s house, Anatole respectfully handed the letter of recommendation to the guards at the door - these are prince Alexei\'s soldiers, and Anatole dare not shout like the guards and patrols along the way.

A guard with a long gun took the letter arrogantly. He was about to turn around and hand it to the porter inside, but someone shouted behind him, "wait a minute!"

Anatole was in a cold sweat because he heard that the voice came from yelishei, who had told him so much.

The guard turned his head and looked at yelishei fiercely.

But immediately, he recognized the face.

"You, you are..." the guard stammered.

Elishey ignored Anatole. He went up and said loudly, "I\'m elishey. Please tell Prince Alexey and Yakov cherkaski that aleval Chechen should come by appointment."