The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 681

In cherkaser, due to Bao Hong\'s relationship, Cherchen was warmly received by Colonel Vasili zolotalenko.

After listening to Chechen\'s request, the Colonel generously lent Chechen fifty Cossacks. The fifty men were all famous Cossack sailors. They once drove small boats on the Black Sea to fight with Ottoman Turks\' paddle sailboats, with great combat experience and combat effectiveness.

Chechen was worried that the captain of the Cossack regiment would only lend himself some old, weak and disabled soldiers. Unexpectedly, the Cossack colonel was so cool. With great joy, Cherchen and Vasili zolotalenko had a good drink.

After a few cups of yellow soup, the atmosphere became more warm. In particular, Vasili zolotalenko knew that Cherchen was the remnant of the mercenary regiment that fought fiercely with him in Smolensk. He loudly praised the commander Franco\'s command and the bravery of his soldiers.

"Little brother Chechen, you should know that our Cossacks fight in the trench is first-class, and attacking the city is also our specialty. Even in the field, as long as there are 300 Cossack infantry and trenches, we can fight back and forth with 2000 Polish cavalry. But in Smolensk, old brother, I really suffered a loss. We tried all kinds of means, but we just couldn\'t get into SMO Lensk. Although it is an enemy, I sincerely admire your commander Franco. "

With that, Colonel Vasili zolotalenko drank another bowl of wine.

"Captain Franco praised the bravery and tenacity of the soldiers under the colonel." Chechen complimented.

Colonel Vassily zolotalenko was relieved at this, and he laughed, sweeter than any honey he had eaten.

Then Colonel Vasili zolotalenko spoke of Yakov. He told Cherchen that he had long been unhappy with that guy. This time Cherchen went to Pskov, he must beat Yakov. He didn\'t know his mother.

"He doesn\'t even know his mother. I\'ll send him to hell. He can\'t even recognize Satan," said Che Chenxin.

Early the next morning, Cherchen said goodbye to Colonel Vasili zolotalenko. He put on the Cossack\'s uniform, and then headed for Pskov with yelisi and the 50 Cossack sailors.

Originally, Vasili zolotalenko wanted to equip each Cossack sailor with a horse, but Chechen refused and only wanted a few pack horses - he is now pretending to be an unknown Cossack company commander. As we all know, Ukrainian Cossacks are mainly infantry. Not everyone is qualified for a full riding Cossack company. The presence of such a team in the territory of Czar Russia is extremely easy to arouse the suspicion of others.

In September, the grass was still very lush, and the grassland was full of vitality.

Early in the morning, the gentle wind blew the fragrant grass, bringing waves of green waves mixed with yellow waves. Chechen took this team of Cossack infantry, just like riding the waves on the sea.

From time to time, they can hear the sound of rustling wild horses, howling cranes, and wild geese flapping their wings.

Once, they met a group of wild horses. These creatures on the grassland galloped like wind and rain. They saw their belly rubbing grass and approaching quickly, but as soon as they met Cherchen\'s men and horses, the wild horses were nailed to the ground like magic and stood in a semicircle.

The leading horse\'s mane fluttered in the wind, its big nose played back with its breath, and a pair of surprised big eyes stared at Chechen.

"It\'s really a good horse for thousands of miles!" Chechen looked at its vigorous shape and oily skin like brocade, and couldn\'t help but praise it loudly.

The praise seemed to frighten the vigorous creature.

In an instant, the horse turned its head and galloped towards the left wing. Other wild horses followed.

At this time, Che Chen was interested for some reason. He whipped the horse under his crotch. The horse raised its front hooves and then chased after the wild horses.

"Let\'s catch up too!" yelishei dared to order the Cossacks under his command when he saw that Chechen was the first.

These savage and tough Cossacks have long been eyeing the wild horses. They smell the words and shout. No matter how two legs run over four legs, they still shoot while running to scare the wild horses.

Although the horse was vigorous, it could not be compared with the trained army horse after all. It was soon caught up by Chechen.

Chechen slowly manipulated the mount to approach the head horse. He saw an opportunity and quickly jumped on the back of the head horse.

The horse was startled. It shook its neck hard, fluttered its back, and tried to throw Cherchen down, but Cherchen tightly hugged the horse\'s neck.

The head horse couldn\'t get rid of it. It turned a corner and ran back to the Cossack behind him.

Now the wild horses fell into the siege. The Cossacks surrounded the wild horse. They rushed towards a wild horse in groups, hugging its neck and climbing its back.

The head horse under Chechen\'s crotch is the most intense struggle. Chechen was knocked by seven meat and eight vegetables. Several times, Chechen almost fell down. But he grabbed the horse\'s mane with one hand and held the head horse.

Gradually, the first horse was tired. It gasped heavily, and the frequency of struggle was not as good as before.

Chechen tried to let go of his tightly held mane, and his hand gently rubbed the head horse\'s neck.

This is the trick that Chechen learned from the Tatar shepherd when he was in Crimea.

Sure enough, the first horse gradually calmed down and seemed not to resist Chechen.

At this time, Chechen jumped off his horse. He took a bag of oats, held it in his hand and handed it to the head horse\'s mouth.

The horse began to chew.

When the Cossacks saw that Cherchen was so proficient in horse riding at a young age, they all shouted good.

At noon, the party simply ate and then continued on their way.

Chechen left the first horse and two of them, and released the other wild horses to the grassland.

The team moved on.

At noon on the tenth day, they passed through a narrow forest belt and saw the wind mill scattered on the hills and plains from a distance.

"Yelishei, where have we been?" Chechen asked.

Yelishei looked around. He took out the map again, and then told Cherchen that it was already locknia. Two days further, it\'s Pskov.

Cherchen nodded. He shouted to the Cossacks, "everyone, cheer up. When we get to Pskov, I\'ll buy you vodka."

There was nothing more exciting than vodka, and the Cossacks in the team cheered.