The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 666

All the people who were qualified to participate in the election flocked to Xie Qi. The three foreign missions in Kiev were also unwilling to be outdone. They followed the flow of people to Sheqi one after another towards the fortress on the stone beach in the Dnieper River.

Che Chen walks with Bao Hong. This was specially arranged by Stanislaw pototsky. The old man did so for two reasons: first, the relationship between Cherchen and Duke konitsky was not good, and it was difficult to ensure that they would not produce new filth together. Although the old man basically gave up the Duke after the drunkenness incident, he didn\'t want to cause more trouble in this troubled time after all. Duke konitsky was still the Deputy envoy of the mission. Second, the old man also hopes that Chechen can win over Bao Hong through his personal relationship. Although there is little hope, Chechen has always been good at creating miracles. This time, the old man also hoped that Chechen could create a miracle and draw Bao Hong to the side of the Republic.

Of course, Chechen knew it was impossible. Bao Hong will not take refuge in Poland... Unless.

Although he knew it was impossible, Chechen was happy to accept the task. Because walking with Bao Hong and Blair, listening to their legendary experience is a rare pleasure for Chechen on his journey.

Once, Chechen asked about Xie Qi and what kind of city it was.

Blair told Cherchen that Shechem is a free city.

Cossack freedom.

Although Xie Qi\'s most important function is military, there, Xie Qi\'s people don\'t like to use military training to add trouble and waste their time; When young people arrive there, they have no instructors and teachers. They can only rely on experience to educate and cultivate themselves in a fierce battle, because there is no day without war. If not, go to the land of Tatars. There are many Tatar gangs and Raiders on the grassland.

The Cossacks thought that apart from shooting targets, horse racing and hunting wild animals in the wild, it was very annoying to study military regulations - just line up in two lines when marching and rush forward when fighting. This is military regulations.

In addition to these, the rest of the time is devoted to entertainment. This is a sign of the broad development of the spirit of freedom. The whole Sheffield is a continuous feast, and after the noisy start, it is an endless dance. This universal feast contains a bewitching thing that makes people forget their sorrow and drink madly.

In Xie Qi, most people wander from morning to night. The money in their pockets flows into the hands of hotel owners and vendors. When they have no money, they go to credit and take the money from the Tatars as collateral.

Everyone who came to Xie Qi forgot all the things, relationships and grades in the past. They called themselves and others with a novel name called "alliance brothers" by Cossacks.

In Shechem, there were people who used to regard a tale as a great wealth, but thanks to the care of the Jewish land lessee, they now turn their pockets without fear of falling anything.

To Xie Qi, there are all students who can\'t stand the whip of the theological school and can\'t learn a Latin letter; At the same time, those who know what Horace, Cicero and the Roman Republic are here.

There were many officers who came to Shechem. Most of them later won prominent fame in the Royal Army of the king or the private army of the nobility; There are countless educated and experienced Knights here. They have a noble belief that wherever they fight, it is the same as long as they fight, because it is impolite for knights not to fight.

Many people came to thank him, and he came and went. But this is also the capital they will boast to others in the future: they have lived in Xie Qi and have been tested soldiers.

"There are all kinds of people in Xie Qi, except those who praise women. This is Xie Qi," Blair concluded.

With this sentence, Blair glanced at Bao Hong and whispered to Cherchen, "but Bao Hong is an alien. He used to respect the Polish noble lady like the virgin."

Although Blair had deliberately lowered her voice, she still shouted and heard it. Bao Hong gave his old man a hard look.

After passing a place called kudak, Cherchen saw a spectacle created by nature he had never seen before:

Seven stone beams run across the width of Dnieper River. The dark rocks stand on the water. They have been impacted by waves for many years, which is tantamount to cutting by sharp blades. Finally, they split the stone beams, open the gap and open the channel. The current hit these stone beams with all its strength and was bounced back, but it was indomitable and hit them more violently again.

Back, forward; Go back, go forward. The sound was like a hundred and ten guns firing at the same time and a thousand wolves howling at the same time.

The river is swirling here, deep and bottomless, just like a dark eye, which is dazzling.

Cherchen couldn\'t help but stand and lean out to look at the vortex, but Blair pulled him back.

"You\'re not dying."

Blair told Cherchen that there was something unknown hidden in the vortex. If anyone gazed at it for a long time, he would eventually see something he didn\'t want to see, and people would lose their reason and go crazy.

These words made Che Chen\'s hair stand on end.

"Siles stone sill waterfall, wohannai stone sill waterfall, Duke stone sill waterfall, Archer stone sill waterfall..." Blair pointed out the names of the waterfalls to Cherchen one by one.

When it comes to the last stone sill waterfall named nenasetetz, Blair proudly tells Cherchen that he would not be treated as a brother if he didn\'t go through these stone sill waterfalls alone. But for nenssetetz, he made exceptional tolerance. Because the rocks protruding from the water here are jagged and have never been submerged by the river. No ship has ever been able to pass. But one man passed the seventh waterfall.

"It\'s Bao Hong." Chechen guessed who the man was.

Blair nodded to confirm.

Che Chen looked at Bao Hong beside him, but he neither admitted nor denied it.

Che Chen wanted to go down and try to see how many waterfalls he could reach, but he looked at the river like ten thousand horses galloping. He gave up the idea that he was not good at sailing. If he went down, he might never come back.

After another two days, Chechen finally reached the shore of Shidao where Xie Qi was located.

After crossing the dangerous beach, the Dnieper River returned to calm here. The river twinkled in front of Chechen and drew a bright band. The river was originally restricted by torrents in the upper reaches, but here, it finally entered the world of freedom and began to rush and flood. The surging waves did not meet the obstacles of cliffs and highlands, so they spread to the ground.

Chechen boarded the ferry with Bao Hong and finally arrived at their destination, Xie Qi, after more than three hours of sailing.

From the moment he boarded Sheffield, Cherchen felt what Blair said was unusual and free.

As a military fortress, although countless Cossacks dressed like this came here, no one would ask you "where are you from? Who are you? What are you doing?" as if everyone had returned to their own home.

When you want to find a place to stay, when you ask where there is a hotel, people will say, "Hello, do you believe in Christ?"


"Do you also believe in the father, the son and the Holy Spirit?"


"Will you go to church?"

"I will."

"Then cross."

After making the cross, the man would casually point to an open space, "go and find a place to live by yourself."

Then someone sent you sickles and axes for cutting down trees - everything here needs your own food and clothing.

In short, as the source of zaporoze Cossacks, Sheqi has a different way of life from anywhere.

Chechen was soon attracted. He put all his attention and energy into understanding Xie Qi and into this wild and mysterious ocean.

Everything here makes him so novel. Xie Qi doesn\'t have that strict law. Everything here is simple and clear. For example, if a person commits larceny, even if he steals a trivial thing, it will be considered a disgrace to all Cossacks. People will tie this dishonorable guy to a post in the square for public display. Everyone can beat him with a wooden stick until he is killed; If a man is in debt, people will chain him next to a cannon until someone promises to redeem him.

Xie Qi\'s organizational structure is even rudimentary. Xie Qi consists of 36 battalions, each with a battalion leader. The battalion leader is in charge of everything. He is called "Dad" by his men. "Dad" has money, clothes and food. He distributes everything to his "children" as needed. When there is a conflict between the two battalions, dueling is the only way to solve the conflict. Everyone greeted each other\'s waist and eyes, and hit the nose and face. When one party won, the other party seemed to quickly forget the hatred and drink wine with the winner.

On the river bank of Xie Qi, Che Chen also accidentally found a stone tablet buried by weeds. By reading the Latin above, Che Chen knew that this stone tablet was originally built by the builders of the first generation of Xie Qi. The inscription below is Dmitry vichnevsky.

This aroused Chechen\'s interest, because the prince mihau was also surnamed vishnewitsky. Cherchen inquired about the old Stanislaw pototsky who came later. Only then did he know that dmitro vishnevitsky was the ancestor of Prince mihau.

Between 1553 and 1554, dmitro vishniewski, the representative of the then Polish king to ganev City, summoned some Cossacks, established a fortress on little holtica Island, built a large number of fortifications, and even built a special turret. It was also from that time that Dmitry vishnevsky united the Cossacks originally scattered in zaporoze and became an organized group. All zaporoze Cossack camps are located on the island. Since then, the camp has formed its own unique organizational system of military and political integration. From then on, the Cossacks here began to be called "zaporoze Cossacks".

Dmitro vishnevitsky has set up 36 sub teams in the whole zaporoze camp. They are usually stationed in their respective towns for production activities (the name of each team comes from the stationed city). When getman issues the general mobilization order, they should quickly assemble in the main camp of Saiqi for standby.

Chechen knew that the thirty-six battalions of Xie Qi corresponded to the thirty-six teams originally established.

Stanislaw pototsky, after finishing that secret, seemed to sigh with feeling: "who could have thought that the people who established zaporoze Cossacks were the people of the vishnevsky family, and the most ruthless people who suppressed the Cossack riots in 1648 were the vishnevsky people, that is, yareme vishnevsky. It can be seen that the will of God is really unpredictable."

Chechen is comfortable with Xie Qi\'s life because of novelty, but not everyone can adapt to Xie Qi\'s life.

"What the hell is this place up there? And is this a human place? It\'s not even a pig\'s nest!" konitsky said, pointing to a low wooden house.

This wooden house is about 50 square meters beside the parliament hall in Xie Qi. It has four beds made of logs. The beds are covered with thick thatch and a large roll of sheepskin on the grass.

Because they were foreign missions, Chechen and his family were treated in a special way - the steward of Xie Qi did not bring them sickles and axes, but directly arranged a house for them.

Of course, in the view of Duke konitsky, who is used to living in a big house, this so-called house is not even as good as a pig\'s nest.

Chechen doesn\'t think so. As a mercenary, sleeping in the open is a common thing. Such an environment has been very good, at least it can keep out the wind and rain. Besides, most of the Cossacks here don\'t live as well as themselves.

Chechen saw that most of the local Cossacks\' houses were wooden houses made of large oak strips. These wooden houses are surprisingly small, and the tallest is only half a person above the ground.

The windows of these houses are also very small, wide outside and narrow inside, just like gun holes in blockhouses. The black smoke of cooking and heating came out from the gap of the thatched canopy covered above.

Old Stanislaw pototsky couldn\'t stand such an environment, but he didn\'t show it.

Seeing this, a Polish dragon cavalry quickly lifted the sheepskin and thatch, brought in the bedding of the old man and Duke konitsky and paved it.

"Are the ambassadors Henrik, Magnus and tubulin staying?" Stanislaw pototsky asked his nephew as the dragoons made their beds.

Henrik replied, "uncle, both the Swedish and Russian ambassadors have stayed."

Duke konitsky closed his mouth and blushed with shame - even two foreign ambassadors could endure such conditions. What are they entitled to complain about.