The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 638

After midnight, Chechen woke up from his sleep vaguely, because he seemed to hear bursts of wailing from a distance. It sounded like a ghost and a wolf.

As a child, the valley was often mentioned in the stories told by grandma at home. In the story, it is the place where ghosts roam, the place where wolves patrol, or the home of vampires. When he grew up, especially when he arrived in Poland, he slept in the open air for countless nights, many of which were in the valley, but the legendary ghosts and vampires did not appear once. Chechen naturally knew that these were the stories of adults scaring children. Only about the wolves, Chechen knew it was true. In the remote countryside, virgin forest and valley of Poland, there are large and small wolves. When Natalie came to find herself, her mount was bitten to death by wolves.

At this time, Chechen worried that they also met wolves. He climbed out of the blanket and put on a chain armour sleeve (a kind of armor with only two sleeves and a torso sewn with cloth and cotton). Che Chen took the torch and saber, then woke up two Hessian cavalry, and the three walked in the direction of the sound.

After about one or two hundred meters, they saw that in an open space in a valley, the armored Cossacks and polish dragon cavalry under their command were wantonly committing atrocities against the Cossacks captured today.

Cherchen himself and the mercenary regiment also imposed punishment on some prisoners of war after the war, but those people were either criminals like Alan and zepesh, or they were holding important information or secrets related to the life and death of the mercenary regiment, such as Bati, the son of keayan.

But now those who are willing to cut their own swords can\'t see the necessary purpose. They are more like making fun of people\'s lives.

Chechen saw two soldiers: a armored Cossack and a dragon cavalry. They rode on two horses in opposite directions. In the middle of the two horses, a stripped Cossack was tied with a rope, and one end of the rope was connected to a saddle.

The Cossack\'s eyes showed fear, but his mouth was full of horse dung and he couldn\'t speak. The armored Cossack and the Dragon cavalry laughed and urged the horse forward, and the rope suddenly collapsed straight... The Cossack struggled painfully. After a while, he was torn into two sections by his waist, and his colorful intestines were like earthworms in a pool of blood.

Everyone was indifferent and even shouted good.

In another place, a civilian member of the mission was holding a saw and applying saw punishment to a Cossack tied to a tree trunk. The Cossack had his eyes shaved off before his execution, leaving only two blood holes. At this time, the sharp serrations cut the Cossack\'s soft abdomen, and the blood continued to flow to the ground along his thighs. The Cossack shook his head in pain. He tried to howl, but his mouth was blocked and could only make a whine.

The two Hessian cavalry who came with Chechen obviously had never seen such a terrible scene. They bent down with Chechen and vomited loudly, spitting up the food they ate in the evening.

The noise made by the three people finally attracted the attention of the group. When they found that it was Chechen, the group said hello to Chechen with a smile: "my Lord, I didn\'t expect it was you."

Cherchen pushed a armored Cossack closest to him. He asked angrily, "what are you doing!"

Chechen was more angry than ever. Because of the atrocities of his subordinates, Chechen couldn\'t help thinking of the comrades in arms of the mercenary regiment who died under Yakov.

They were so tortured and killed.

The armored Cossack who was pushed back two or three steps didn\'t expect that Cherchen\'s reaction was so huge. He was a little stunned for a moment. But he soon reacted. He smiled and apologized to Chechen: "Sir, we didn\'t expect to disturb you when we went so far."

Obviously, he thought Chechen was so angry because he was awakened.

"You bastards!"

Che Chen grabbed the collar of the armored Cossack. He didn\'t know where his strength came from. He pulled a man much taller than him to the scene of the massacre.

The closer to the Shura field, the more intense the bloody and fishy smell in the air. On the land of less than 50 square meters, there are 13 brutally murdered Cossack bodies lying everywhere, and two are tied to the trees; On the other side, 21 prisoners were tied hands and feet and squatted on the ground. If it weren\'t for Cherchen\'s appearance, I\'m afraid they would also be the victims of tonight\'s atrocities.

"My Lord, these Cossacks killed so many of our comrades in arms today, and we are avenging them!" the armored Cossack finally realized that Cherchen was so angry because they tortured and killed these Cossacks. He explained loudly.

On the other side, others said the same.

"Are you taking revenge!"

Hearing that these people not only did not regret, but were making unreasonable arguments, Chechen pointed to the corpse of the Cossack divided by two horses on the ground and shouted, "you are committing violence and killing prisoners!"

As soon as Chechen\'s voice fell, he only listened to a voice not far away: "who did I think it was? It was alvar Chechen, the Deputy envoy of our mission. What? These soldiers lived and died with you during the day, but you helped the enemy at night."

These words are heartbreaking. Those armored Cossacks and polish dragon cavalry look at Cherchen differently.

Chechen looked in the direction of the sound and saw Duke konitsky in a white shirt coming over with a whip on his trouser leg.

When Duke konitsky approached, Cherchen shouted, "Duke, you and I know I didn\'t mean that. I\'d like to ask you, did you order the torture of these prisoners?"

In fact, Duke konitsky did not give such an order. Everything was the spontaneous behavior of the soldiers - the war between the Republic of Poland and the Cossacks had already buried deep hatred between the soldiers and the people on both sides, and the flesh and blood relationship that used to fight against the Ottoman Turks and Tatars no longer existed. However, being questioned by Chechen in full view, the Duke felt challenged by Chechen. He simply admitted: "in fact, it\'s me! It\'s just some ho ho children."

Duke konitsky\'s move virtually made the armored Cossacks and polish dragon cavalry present grateful to him. They stood behind the Duke one after another to show their support.

Mistakenly thinking that Duke konitsky was indeed the culprit, Chechen immediately became angry. He punched the Duke in the left face with an angry punch.