The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 625

Cherchen escorted Stanislaw pototsky from Warsaw in the middle of July.

The whole mission was composed of 20 Polish officials and nobles. Cherchen personally chose a guard force of 60 people composed of 20 Hessian cavalry, 20 Polish dragon cavalry and polish Cossack cavalry.

Although the ratio of the number of missions to the number of escorts is exaggerated to 1; 3, but this is very necessary. Because in addition to the personnel, there are five carts in the mission, which are loaded with 50000 tales. This is the money used by the Republic to buy vikovsky and support his rise. In particular, the money was not paid by the king or the Treasury. In fact, the king\'s pocket and the Republic\'s Treasury have long become the existence of starving mice. The 50000 tales were taken out by Marshal lubaumatsky from his private library. After receiving the letter from King Jan kachmidge about Bogdan khmelinitsky\'s illness and his coping strategies, the Grand Marshal was very supportive and immediately replied to the letter. In the letter, lubaumatsky thanked the king for his trust in him. He expressed that a peaceful solution to the Ukrainian problem was indeed the best policy, and in order to promote this, He has ordered his steward in Warsaw to set aside 50000 tales for the activities.

In this matter, marshal lubaomatsky rarely thought of the same with the king, and really started from the interests of the Republic.

Thus, the contradiction between the king and the marshal seemed to ease to a certain extent.

When starting from Warsaw, Chechen was surrounded by only armored Cossacks and polish dragoons. Although uncle Pedro brought several Hessian cavalry, the number was far less than Chechen\'s requirements. So Chechen asked for a coincidence. Four days ago, he asked Uncle Pedro and Natalie, who returned to vidava, to bring back a letter to Xie Miao, asking them not to come to Warsaw, but to go directly to Lvov.

At the time of parting, Natalie handed Cherchen a shoulder made by herself. In Poland, a girl gives a man a shawl to express her love and missing.

Che Chen held the shoulder in his hand. He kissed it gently with his lips: "I must put it on my body all the time."

"I\'ll wait for you back in vidava," Natalie said affectionately.

Cherchen\'s uncle Pedro hugged his nephew.

"I should have gone with you," said Pedro.

"Uncle, I can rest assured that you are in vidava."

"You can rest assured that I will be the peacemaker between Fatima and Natalie," Pedro whispered to Cherchen.

Before, Cherchen and Natalie had decided to go back to vidava, but Cherchen couldn\'t make the trip because of his mission to Ukraine. He wanted Natalie to stay in Warsaw and let uncle Pedro go back first. We\'ll go back to vidava when we get back. But Natalie said that the mission could not return to Ukraine for three months. Although Chechen can write to Fatima and explain the reason, it is not enough.

After being a woman, Natalie thought more and organized. She compares heart to heart. A woman, especially a woman who has given birth, is very sensitive. After his man and other women are together, a letter explains that he wants to travel and can\'t come back, so the woman\'s heart will certainly have doubts about whether the man has changed his heart.

Therefore, the so-called person who has to tie the bell to solve the bell must go back. Only when she goes back, Fatima will believe that what Chechen wrote in her letter is true and will be relieved.

Although Chechen felt that Fatima might not be like what Natalie said, because Fatima trusted herself 100%, he couldn\'t help Natalie\'s persistence. When Natalie said this again, he had doubts in his heart, so he agreed to go back with Natalie and uncle Pedro.

Originally, Chechen also hoped to wait until yelishei and fedot came back before starting. Because they are the most effective generals in the mercenary regiment, with them, the combat effectiveness of the guard can definitely be improved to a higher level. However, time does not wait. The news about Bogdan hemelinitsky\'s condition from Ukraine is getting more and more urgent day by day, and sometimes even contradictory. Just yesterday, Kazimierz palace received three secret letters from Kiev in one day. The first letter said that Bogdan hemelinitsky\'s condition had improved and he could even get up and drink; In less than two hours, in the second secret letter, Bogdan hemelinitsky was dying. The Archbishop of Kiev entered the chief\'s residence and made the final confession for Bogdan hemelinitsky on his deathbed; Another hour later, in the third secret letter, Bogdan hemelinitsky was safe and sound again. The secret agent who wrote the letter repeated in the words of the Archbishop of Kiev: "the Lord has blessed Moses, Savior, Redeemer and liberator of our oppressed people in Poland... The outstanding ruler of Ross has a long life."

The king and queen, as well as Stanislaw pototsky, decided that Bogdan hemelinitsky was actually in a state of reflection and could die at any time. Once Bogdan hemelinitsky dies, the powerful factions of Cossacks will inevitably fight for the position of chief, and all forces will inevitably move. The Republic must hurry up and reach Kiev as soon as possible to get in touch with vikovski.

Therefore, on July 16, the mission set out from kachimi Sun Palace to Kiev, Ukraine.

After receiving the blessing of the king and queen, Stanislaw pototsky got into the carriage, and the mission headed for Kiev under the escort of Cherchen and cavalry.

The team arrived in Lublin the next day, and Stanislaw was entertained by Jan zamois. On the fourth day, the team reached Lvov. After Lvov joined the Hessian cavalry brought by Xie Miao, the mission took a day to arrive at zbragh.

"This is zbragh," Stanislaw pototsky said to Cherchen, pointing to the fortress in the distance: "Zbalage fortress was built in 1605 by Henrik von Pina, a Dutch engineer. It uses the most advanced fortifications of that era and has a moat arch. Because of its small size, it reduces the attack area, which is very beneficial to the defenders. You see, there, ladders are also built beside the gnezna River and two small lakes according to Western European technology Because of the cover of castles, small lakes and rivers, the enemy can only attack from the front. But in this way, once the enemy attacks, it will fall into the attack of three defensive arrays that are horns with each other. Eight years ago, I remember that almost at this time, 10000 garrisons composed of armed citizens, volunteers and a small number of regular Polish troops and mercenaries resisted for several years The attack of 100000 Cossack Tatar coalition forces (in fact, the enemy troops attacking the zbalari fortress at that time included 70000 zaporoze Cossacks and nearly 50000 Tatar cavalry, a total of 12000 people). "

"It must have been a soul stirring war," exclaimed Chechen. Looking from afar, he seemed to be able to see the bullet holes left by the fierce battle on the wall of zbalari.

At this time, the gate of zbalari fortress was opened. A group of majestic winged cavalry, led by a commander, rushed towards the mission.

The winged cavalry is the pride of the Republic of Poland. These most elite Polish men shouted loudly. Their military flags fluttered in the wind, their feathers rustled, their armor made a clang of steel collision, and their sharp sabres pounded the knight\'s thighs with the galloping of their horses, raising nearly three meters of red spears and spears to pierce the sky.

The commander wearing a winged cavalry helmet and a leopard skin winged cavalry armor stopped his horse five steps in front of Stanislaw pototsky. He raised his scepter, and the winged cavalry behind him stood in a straight line behind the commander.

"Colonel Jan skzedusky says hello to Lord Stanislaw pototsky," the caller announced his name.

It was the commander in chief of the zbalari fortress, Colonel Jan skzedusky.

Cherchen is an old acquaintance of Colonel Jan skzedusky. He is not only a friend of Cherchen\'s good friend Mikhail vorodyavsky, but also saved him and his wife in the first Warsaw war.

The careful Stanislaw pototsky knew that the colonel was demonstrating to himself rather than welcoming him when he heard that he called his full name and brought a whole wing cavalry in order to welcome him.

However, Stanislaw pototsky can understand the impolite behavior of Jan skzedusky.

Jan skzedusky was once the captain of the Armored Cavalry under Prince yareme, and the territory of the prince in those days was in the rubles on the left bank of the Dnieper River. This territory has long been reduced to ashes in the zaporoze Cossack rebellion led by Bogdan hemelinitsky. Every polish and Cossack who left rubles with Prince yareme have their homes destroyed The fortress of zbalari is the glorious place of Prince yarimi and Jan skzedusky.

Now, the fortress guarded by Jan skzedusky to resist the Cossack invasion has welcomed the peace mission of the Republic, which makes Jan skzedusky angry.

"Thank you for coming to meet us, Colonel," Stanislaw pototsky said genially to Jan skredusky with a smile.

Jan skzedusky jumped off his horse. He took off his helmet with a huge nose guard and saluted the old man.

"Don\'t be so polite."

"Old lord, the fortress has prepared a banquet for you. Please enter the city."

With that, Jan skzedusky stopped talking. He got on the horse again. He led the mission with his own wing cavalry company.

"Who are you?"

"Jan skjetusky... Captain of the wing cavalry..."

"Under whose command?"

"Governor Ross."

A burst of chirping filled the hall.

"How\'s it going there? How\'s it going?"

"Misery... Hunger... A grave..."

The king covered his eyes with his hands.

"Jesus of Nazareth! Jesus of Nazareth!"

"Can you persist for a long time?"

"Without gunpowder, the enemy has reached the barrier..."

"Is the force large?"

"Hmelinitsky... Khan who led the entire Crimean army."

"Where\'s the sweat?"


There was a dead silence in the hall. The people present looked at each other, and everyone\'s face showed hesitation and horror.

"But how can you stand it?" asked the prime minister, with a tone of doubt.

On hearing this, skjetusky raised his head, as if new strength had been injected into his body. His face flashed past his proud figure, and unexpectedly, he replied in a powerful voice:

"We fought back 20 strong attacks, won 16 battles, and made 75 attacks


"Jan skzedusky, zbalari is at the forefront of the confrontation between the Republic and the Cossack rebels. Is there anything unusual on the Cossack side these days?"

Stanislaw pototsky\'s question awakened Jan skzedusky from his memory. At this time, the mission had entered the gate of the fortress.


Jan skzedusky\'s horse took the lead out of the city gate. He waved his whip and pointed to the left and right: if that counts.

Chechen and Stanislaw pototsky looked around. They were shocked by the sight they saw.

Ten sharpened wooden stakes were inserted on both sides of the city gate of zbalari, and different numbers of heads were inserted on the stakes. There were more than ten more than one, and there were four or five less. Some heads had been weathered and only bones were left, while others could see their clean faces and hair styles. They were all Cossacks.

"Old man," said Jan skzedusky proudly, "it has been nearly ten years since the defense of zbalari. Every night, I can see those comrades in arms who died to fight against the Cossacks and Tatars in my dream. I set up stakes in the city. For every time I kill a Cossack leader, I insert his head. Now there are 68 heads."

"I can understand your mood, Colonel, but killing can\'t bring peace." Stanislaw pototsky, although he is concerned about Jan skzedusky\'s mood, he still persuasively.

"Give peace to the losers and they will be grateful; the winners will only laugh at you." Jan skzedusky gnashed his teeth and said the famous words of Prince yarimi.

"None of us are winners," sighed Stanislaw pototsky.

Then the old man said no more, because he knew it was useless to say more.

While Stanislaw pototsky and Jan skzedusky were talking, Cherchen was silent.

Looking at these dried or fresh heads, he couldn\'t help thinking of his brother Bao Hong.

Of course, Chechen knows that Bao Hong must be alive now. Because if a famous Cossack like him is really killed or captured, it must be known all over the country. Moreover, Bao Hong is now accompanying Bogdan hemelinitsky in Kiev, comforting the dying old man or competing for the great chief of the Cossack emirate Cherchen was just worried that if the war between the Republic and the Cossacks continued, Bao Hong would suffer the same fate as the owners of these heads. And would he have to fight with Bao Hong one day.