The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 605

With Fatima\'s consent, Chechen immediately decided to go back to Warsaw the next morning. He was worried that something would happen to Natalie after a long delay.

Worried that Fatima had just given birth to Anna, she was too weak to travel far. Cherchen wanted to leave Fatima and her children in Silesia temporarily and let Xie Miao take care of them. He would come back to pick them up after a while. But Fatima disagreed with everything and insisted on returning to Poland with Cherchen.

In the case that several persuasions failed, Cherchen had to agree. He ordered Xie Miao to prepare a carriage, which was covered with valuable fur. Even the windows were blocked with fur. Even so, Chechen was still worried. He wrapped a thick layer of cotton on the wheel. After finishing these preparations, Chechen helped Fatima into the carriage, and then set off towards vidava.

It took them seven days to return to vidava. When Pedro and others saw that Chechen and Fatima were back, they welcomed them at the gate of the slightly repaired manor early.

Chechen dismounted in front of the manor gate. He opened his hands and was ready to give his uncle a hug.

But he threw himself into the air. Although Pedro came forward with a smile, the target of his welcome was no longer his nephew.

"My good niece and granddaughter." Pedro threw himself down at the window of the carriage and looked into it. But obviously, he couldn\'t see anything because of the barrier of fur.

"Uncle, you really forget your nephew when you have your niece." Che couldn\'t help but make complaints about it.

Unexpectedly, Pedro said boldly, "of course. My nephew doesn\'t have a granddaughter."

Chechen was discouraged, while the others laughed.

Finally, Fatima got out of the carriage. Pedro looked over at Anna.

"As like as two peas, I was a lovely child," said Pedr, with a loving heart.

"No! Deputy director Pedro, I don\'t think little Anna is like a pig?" oxana joked aside.

Pedro gave Oksana a a hard look. But now he dare not retort back loudly, because little Anna is sleeping.

"Uncle, Fatima and little Anna are so far away. Let them come in and have a rest first. Let\'s talk when we come in." when Chechen saw that everyone gathered at the door and surrounded Fatima, he looked at his daughter strangely. As a father, he couldn\'t help reminding him.

Then they woke up like a dream. Everyone hurried to protect Fatima into the house.

Chechen and Fatima\'s room, Pedro had already prepared it. When designing the manor, Pedro chose the largest and most luxurious bedroom on the second floor as Chechen\'s bedroom. Of course, because of the previous fire, the room was burned and nothing was left. After Pedro came back, he quickly set up the frame, prepared the most basic bedding and other supplies, and specially invited a carpenter to make a children\'s bed.

Chechen gently put the child on the children\'s bed. He straightened up and said to Fatima, "Fatima, you are tired after driving for so many days. Now have a good rest."

"And you?" Fatima asked.

"I\'ll go down and deal with some government affairs with my uncle." Chechen said.

"Well, you won\'t go at night?" Fatima asked again.

Chechen saw Fatima\'s eyebrows locked and seemed reluctant to leave by himself. He understood that Fatima was obviously afraid that she would rush to Warsaw overnight.

At the thought of Fatima\'s compromise, Cherchen\'s heart gushed out infinite tenderness to Fatima.

"No, I\'m not going anywhere. I\'ll be at home with you and the children tonight." Chechen held Fatima in his arms and said softly.

After letting Fatima lie down and rest, Chechen went downstairs.

Downstairs, the rest of the mercenary regiment are gathering in the hall. Obviously, in addition to welcoming Fatima, the mercenary regiment has something to deal with by itself.

"What\'s the big deal?" Chechen asked as he walked down the stairs.

Elishea in the crowd stood up.

"Captain, I have something to say," yelishei said.

What yelisi wants to say is related to the 3000 Russian compatriots. Since the Republic of Poland and czar Russia are still at war, after more than 3000 people brought by the mercenary regiment poured into vidava, they inevitably had a contradiction with the local Poles who bear family hatred and national hatred. And because the Poles believe in Catholicism and the Russians believe in the Orthodox Church, both sides regard each other as heresy and are even more hostile to each other. Just two days ago, when an Orthodox priest was giving mass for their Russian compatriots, a local Catholic priest came up and asked a question: do you think "I believe in the Holy Spirit, he is the Lord and the giver of life, issued by the Holy Father. He and the Holy Father and son are respected and honored together." and "I believe in the Holy Spirit. He is the Lord and the giver of life, issued by the father and the son. He and the father and the son are revered and glorified together." which of these two sentences is more in line with God\'s will?

Now, it poked the hornet\'s nest.

"Harmony with the son" is an important part of the dispute between Catholicism and the Orthodox Church: does the Holy Spirit come from the Holy Father, or from the Holy Father and the Holy Son? In the Nicaea creed originally believed by both orthodox and Catholic churches, it is said that the Holy Spirit comes from the Holy father, but Emperor Charles the great added "harmony with the son" in the 9th century , it became: the Holy Spirit comes from the father and son. This change was also regarded as a standard by Catholicism and became an important reason for the division between Catholicism and Orthodox Church. Now, Catholic priests openly raise this issue in front of Orthodox priests and believers, which is a naked provocation.

At first, the Orthodox priest and the Russians worried that this was in Poland and did not want to cause more trouble because of the mercenary corps, but the Catholic priest made an inch. Finally, angry Russians beat Catholic priests.

When their priest is beaten, the poles in vidava will certainly not give up. Hundreds of people gathered for revenge, and finally Pedro and Hessen mercenaries were temporarily crushed.

After hearing ye lishei\'s story, Chechen also had a headache. Once the problem involves religion, it is difficult. In Crimea, didn\'t he meet this once?

"How do you think this matter should be handled?" asked Chechen.

Everyone looked at each other. Before Chechen came back, we had actually discussed this matter and had a way to deal with it. At this moment, they are hesitating who will say it.

After a while, Pedro said on behalf of everyone: "We discussed this matter before you came back. We think the key to the problem is that there are too many Russians pouring into vidava this time. Before, in Silesia, each town had more than 100 people, and most of them were arranged near the castle. But here, the population in our territory is only more than 5000, which will come at once With more than half of the local population, more contacts between the two sides will inevitably lead to contradictions. Therefore, I, bakhte and yelishei think the best way is to let these Russians return to Russia as soon as possible. "

Originally, Pedro had planned to leave these Russians to work for his manor. But after the conflict, he gave up the idea. To let so many Russians stay in vidava is to put a powder keg at home and sleep next to him.

After hearing this, Chechen also felt that this was the best solution. At the beginning, he saved these people to release them for freedom. However, at that time, the border between Crimea and czar Russia was not peaceful. He was worried that after he released these poor people, they would be recaptured by Tatar Raiders and nogai people wandering on the grassland, which brought them to Poland.

"Let\'s do it," Chechen decided.

Hearing what Chechen said, yelisheyi immediately smiled - he was the happiest for his father and compatriots to return home.

"Oh, yes."

At this time, Cherchen charged: "yelishei, you have to go through Polish towns all the way. For the sake of insurance, you, father sparsokukotsky and fedot will lead soldiers to escort them, bring more money, and I\'ll write you another letter."

"Yes!" yelishei didn\'t expect that Che Chen thought so considerate. He accepted the order happily.


Cherchen\'s next words are for everyone. Because after two religious conflicts in Crimea and vidava, he suddenly realized that there were unstable factors hidden in his mercenary regiment, so he had to give preventive shots in advance:

"Our mercenary regiment comes from various countries and nationalities. My uncle and I are Spanish, elishey and fedot are Russian, the priest is polish, Oksana is Gypsy, Ingrid is Swedish... We have different origins and beliefs, but we get together. I hope everyone can abandon their achievements in country, nationality and religion See, treat each other and each other as their relatives. "

They looked at each other. Although some people hesitated in their eyes, everyone said in the same voice: "we will, captain."