The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 599

On June 22, 1657, because Cherchen had already sent and wrote to vidava to inform him of the time of his return, bakhte sent back again after he went to Silesia, and sent back to vidava\'s people who were uneasy waiting for news that "Cherchen dismissed kiajan\'s management position and reduced the time for farmers to work free for the Lord to one day a week", This made the vidava farmers rejoice. They spontaneously began to decorate vidava and slightly renovate the burned manor to welcome their kind Lord back.

Among the welcoming crowd, some were aristocrats from nearby estates. They just came to join the fun. Due to the great achievements of Chechen and his mercenary regiment in Crimea, King Jan kazimiz has not announced to the whole country for the time being, so they don\'t know what kind of hero they are going to return. Most of these people are curious about what kind of person the successor of the largest Lord of vidava is (vidava is nominally the territory of Pedro).

Of course, Cherchen\'s good friends, such as Anjie kemitz and Mikhail vorodyavsky, although they were unable to welcome their friends separately because of fighting on all fronts of the Republic, they still sent people to bring gifts.

Among them, Anjie kemitz gave Cherchen a throat protector made of gold, silver and jewelry.

The so-called throat protector, as the name suggests, is a kind of armor component on the armor used to protect the human throat.

The history of throat protection as military equipment can be traced back to the 14th century. At this time, the Knights\' armor is no longer a simple combination of lock armor and robe. The emergence of plate armor, the prototype of plate armor, has further improved the protection ability of European knights. However, the throat guard is different from other plate armor parts. It is not evolved from previous armor or armor. Its predecessor is actually the shapruo headscarf worn by male nobles in medieval Europe. The material of this headscarf is basically made of linen. When wearing it, in order to be fixed on the head, nobles will wrap a part of the headscarf around their neck, and over time, a specific decoration is formed.

By the 17th century, due to the development of firearms, throat protection had a very important change. In the 17th century, the throat guard reduced the upper barrel structure to about the height of the collar, and at the same time, the protective area for the shoulder, front chest and rear shoulder increased.

In Poland, since the late 16th century, because the power of firearms can easily break through all armor except plate armor, many Knights gradually took off their heavy armor and wore throat protectors as ornaments. Most of the throat protectors in this period were small and hung around their necks through rope chains. As the knights in Poland are of noble origin, this accessory has gradually become a fashion among nobles. Later, it was even established that only the nobility had the right to wear it.

The throat protector given to Chechen by Anjie kemitz is even more unusual. Because the gold, silver and jewelry used to make it are all the booty of Anjie, which he got from the Swedish and Prussian soldiers and officers he killed and captured.

This throat protector actually places the expectation of Anjie kemitz. He hopes to fight side by side with Cherchen again in the battlefield against the Swedish devils in the future.

It was the most loyal and reliable servant of Anjie kemitz, oshka, who brought this gift. On his horse, with a golden throat guard in his hand, he kept looking at the road from Silesia to vidava.

Perhaps he was anxious to wait. Oshka kept asking the people around him, "why hasn\'t it arrived yet? Miss Natalie, is it today?"

Natalie is the only "important person" in Cherchen\'s life who came in person. She was also fighting on the battlefield against the Swedish invaders. Thanks to the careful instruction of the commander in chief of charnietsky, Natalie\'s tactical literacy has been continuously improved, and her guerrilla warfare level has reached a very high level. The Polish cavalry led by her was the first to force the enemy out of the occupied area and recover their hometown by relying on their own guerrilla tactics.

Originally, after recovering her hometown, Natalie stayed in the ancestral territory of the kishka family to rectify her family business. The war that lasted for several years also caused heavy losses in this area. As an heir, she has unshirkable responsibility for her people who lack food and clothing. But when she heard that Chechen returned from Crimea and would arrive at vidava in a few days, the female Lord did not hesitate to put down everything in her hand and arrived at vidava alone.

At the moment, Natalie turned a deaf ear to oshka\'s inquiry. She rode valiantly on her horse and was trying to brew and think about what to say to Chechen when she saw him.

"Then congratulations?" Natalie felt the long thin sword around her waist at the thought.

This long and thin sword is a gift that Natalie is going to give to Chechen. Natalie made it according to Chechen\'s "hummingbird". The difference is that, unlike the "rough and shoddy" hummingbird, Natalie\'s long and thin sword is made by a famous swordsman in Germany.

"Should I say sorry first?" Natalie thought of congratulating her as soon as she went up. It\'s too official and formal. She and he shouldn\'t be like this. At the thought that I haven\'t apologized to Chechen since I hurt him that time. Natalie thought of apologizing. But soon, Natalie felt that although she hurt Chechen, after all, Chechen himself was wrong first. Who made him tangle with Queen Christina of Sweden!

"It\'s only clear," Natalie thought stubbornly, gritting her teeth.

She decided to forgive Chechen just for what he had done for the Republic in Crimea, so she, Natalie kishka, would forget his fault.

But immediately, Natalie was worried about Chechen\'s injury. Because according to victor who came back early, in the months after he left, Cherchen has been fighting between cherkesk and Yasu castle. Natalie knows how deep his sword is. Such an injury should have been well rested for half a year.

"I\'d better ask him about his injury first, so it\'s more peaceful," Natalie decided.

Yes, that\'s it!

When oshka saw that Miss Natalie not only didn\'t answer her questions, but also turned more and more red, he asked anxiously, "Miss Natalie, why is your face red? Is it a cold or a fever?"

Because of oshka\'s natural big mouth, everyone around his voice looked at Natalie.

"You\'ve just got a fever and a cold. You\'ve burned your brain!" although Natalie is no more generous and unrestrained than those delicate noble ladies, she can\'t help being annoyed by oshka\'s big mouth when she is watched by his leaders and neighbors in Chechen\'s territory.

Suddenly, two fireworks suddenly rose in front of the road.

This was put by the front welcome team. Obviously, the mercenary regiment is back!